Everyone can’t help but rush to the front, the battle between peerless Heaven’s Chosen, they can look forward to it, and now the heart is beating fast.

After everything subsided, there was a large pit of several kilometers on the ground. In the middle of the sky, the dark god and the god of light blew out the blood, and the face looked pale and pale, and the two sides were not hurt.

Light voice said, “With your strength, you can’t beat me now, you still give up!”

The dark god looked angry, “Is it? Then I will show you my true strength.”


A huge rumbling sound rang, and the dark god broke out a powerful strength. Countless black rays emerged from the body, and the dark god’s body became a huge snake.

This big snake is 10,000 meters long, with nine snake heads, a black scale, a pair of blood-red snakes, and a straight corner of a dark gold standing on the head, with a huge pressure, the body emits The darkness that comes out is like the tide.

The people just rushed here, watching the huge black snakes in the heart of the shock, in front of this big snake, they felt a small, a fear in the heart.

The dark snake turned into a dark snake, and the nine snake heads looked fiercely at the light god, opened a huge mouth, and gave off a powerful dark atmosphere, such as lightning, biting the light god.

The light gods face slightly changed, waving the long gun in their hands, bringing out a huge white arc, and attacking the nine snake heads that were bitten.


The huge arc was on the head of the snake, but it did not cause any harm to the snake head. The black scales had a powerful Dark Power, and each piece was very hard. The snake head continued to go to the light god.


At this dangerous moment, the huge light wing behind the god of light exudes a strong light, and a huge white defensive cover envelops the body of the light god, giving off a bright atmosphere.


Nine snake heads with a terrifying strength, such as lightning, hit the defensive hood, the defensive cover was crushed by force, and the light body like a ball flew out, hitting the ground and pulling out a big pit.

The dark snake showed a sly smile and quickly climbed over to the god of light. The nine snake heads continued to take a strong strength and bite into the god of light.


A huge roar sounded, only a white light from the ground, with a huge strength rushing into the sky, forming a white beam of light, Power of Heaven and Earth is constantly injected into the light column, the light column emits a strong light, the sky Dyed white.

A huge strength spread out, only the body of the god of light became tens of meters wide, wearing a white armor, holding a white pistol, exudes a strong strength, with a sacred power.


The light god that has become tens of meters wide, waving a long gun in his hand, with a terrifying strength, hit the dark snake and made a huge blast.

The dark snake was hit in the abdomen, the huge body flew hundreds of meters, landed on the ground and pulled out a huge pit, and the ground was constantly shaking.

The people on the periphery looked at a huge person and a huge snake. They also understood who was fighting. It turned out that the gods of light and the dark gods were fighting. They were old rivals. I don’t know who will win this time.


The light god held the white rifle and rushed to the dark snake. He lifted his foot and stepped on the ground. The ground collapsed and a huge footprint appeared.


The dark snake angered and climbed from the ground, making a loud humming sound, a strong black glow above the body, and a terrifying Dark Power bursting out of the body.

Bang bang bang bang…

Nine giant black snake heads, opened their mouths, and shot nine huge black beams, with the destruction of everything, shot forward, and a huge shock wave above.

The light gods reach out and form a white defensive hood, giving off a light scent.


A loud bang sounded, nine black beams hit the defensive hood with a terrible strength, the defensive hood shattered, and the black beam slammed the light into hundreds of meters.

The huge light god slammed into a mountain, and a terrible strength hit a mountain peak, and countless rocks crashed.

The light god licks a golden blood out of his mouth.

The serpent of the dark serpent looked fiercely at the light god, and opened a huge mouth at once, and countless black rays emanated, and an amazing strength spread.

Bang bang bang ……

A loud bang came out, and a black beam of light with an amazing strength shot at the light god, very fast, just across the air, with an amazing momentum, with no flying Less gravel and sand.

The light god was half-squatting on the ground, and was about to stand up and see the nine beams of light that came from it. A huge force of light emerged.

I saw a pair of huge white light wings appearing behind the god of light. The pair of white light wings slowly unfolded, emitting an endless force of light, and a white defense appeared in front of them.


A loud bang came out at once, and the nine black beams hit the defensive hood with a strong strength. The defensive hood successfully blocked the nine black beams, only slightly cracking a few cracks.

The light god looked at the dark snake with a pair of eyes, and a force of strong light was injected into the wings.

Bang bang bang ……

Countless white beams are shot with amazing strength, with a strong wind, the number is extremely large, the number is not clear.

Rooaaar ……

A white beam of light hits the dark snake, hitting a wound, black blood continually flowing out, and the dark snake makes a painful roar.

Light gods look ice-cold, the huge light wing behind him is a force, the whole body is shot like an arrow, with a huge momentum rushed to the front of the dark snake, a strong strength into the hands of a long gun.

I saw that the long shots emitted countless white radiances, and a terrible force of light came out, as if it could turn everything into nothingness.


The light god slammed the gun to the dark snake with a shot. The long gun brought out a stream of light, and there was a tragedy that runs through all the strengths. It is terrible. Make a huge burst of gas.

The dark snake exudes a strong black glow, forming a huge black energy hood that wraps around the huge body, and a huge Dark Power spreads out.


A huge sound came out, and a huge black defensive hood was directly penetrated by a white pike.


A dull voice came out, and the long gun with a strong strength pierced the belly of the dark snake, and the blood splashed.

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