Rooaaar ……

In the face of countless shots of pale light beams, following the beasts rushing from the beast war, the open mouth spouted a huge roar, and a substantial sound wave spread out, with an unstoppable strength.


The beam of light that was shot in the past was directly shattered by that strand of sound and turned into countless spots to dissipate.

The beast battle flew directly into the ball of light, and the herd poured into it like a tide.

After entering the Lord God Land of Legacy, it is lush and lush, with a variety of beasts and a huge statue on a stone platform.

This statue is a high kilometer, and it looks like an old man with a long beard, a robes, a wooden pole, and a tiger statue next to it, which exudes an amazing momentum.

The beast war did not waste time, and rushed over to the stone statue with a huge momentum.


A huge roar sounded, the stone statues glowed with grayish white light, and the power of a beast spread out. Numerous gray and white condensed a beast, including tigers, leopards, lions, cows, and so on.

The number is very large, about 10,000, each of which exudes fierce momentum and the color is pale.

Now both sides have tens of thousands of beasts, each of which exudes terrible momentum. A pair of eyes look at each other fiercely. There is no stalemate for a while. The beasts of both sides rushed forward with a strong momentum.


A loud noise came out, a beast hitting each other, biting the other side with his mouth, attacking with his claws, and hitting with his head, very intense, the picture was very scary.

The time continues for a small meeting, the beast of the beast warns striking down other beasts, and the beast warfare also comes to the stone statue.

The stone statue did not emit pressure, and it has already been recognized for the beast war.

At this time, the stone-like eyebrows radiated silver-white light, and the power of a powerful beast spread out, accompanied by a sound of beasts, and the sound was amazing.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and the stone-like eyebrows shot a gray-white light, with a huge momentum, falling on the body of the beast, a huge beast force into the body.

Bang bang bang ……

A rumbling sound rang continuously, and the stone-like eyebrows constantly shot a grayish-white light, with the power of a powerful beast to inject into the body of the beast, and the beast warfare absorbed this strength.

The strength of this god of beasts has a great effect on the beast war, but it makes its strength return to the ancestors.

The ancestor of the beast warfare itself has a bloodline of the beast Lord God, and is the first to get the beast Lord God legacy, and is the power of ten legacy.

His ancestors relied on that bloodline, and the power of ten legacy, became a peerless powerhouse, and established the Ten Thousand Gods beast branch, so the strength of the beast Lord God is to extend the strength of the beast.

This kind of returning to the ancestors is not only to enhance the strength of the beast war, but also to enhance the rank of the beast war.


The momentum from the stone statue weakened, and the stone statue frowned, because now the stone statue only gave him seven legacy forces, and the beast warfare was not satisfied with the result.

He believes that he should be able to get the same tenacy as the ancestors, but now it is only seven, but three have not been obtained.

And some people in the secret have gained ten legacy powers. Although it is not clear who the person is, but why others can do it, he can’t, he doesn’t think it will be worse than being.

However, there is no way to be dissatisfied with the beast war, because it is impossible to snatch the power of the beast of the stone statue.

In the end, the beast warfare merged with all the legacy power, left the Land of Legacy with disappointment and anger, and slaughtered the creatures that saw everything. Now he urgently needs to vent his unhappiness in his heart.

Bang bang bang ……

A rumbling sound rang continuously, a handsome man stone statue, a white light shining from the eyebrows, falling on a cold young man, this young man is the first strongest person.

The stone statue is a world god, and now it is giving the power of God God legacy to the world.

The more I close my eyes, the more I absorb this strength, and this strength is also very helpful to Tianyue, so I will not give up.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and the stone statue shot a white light beam at a time, and shot it with a huge momentum, and a more powerful world power of God infused into the body of Tianyue.

This is already the eighth legacy, and the power of two legacy is the power of ten legacy.

Tianyue has confidence in his heart. With his strength, identity, and destiny, he is the owner of Emperor Star. In general, he will definitely get ten legal powers.


A huge rumbling sound rang at a time, the stone image shot a white light beam, and with a huge momentum to shoot Zhao Yu, a more powerful world power of God into the body of the Yue.

Tianyue continued to absorb this strength, but after a while, the more the mistakes were discovered, the strength of the stone statue was weakening, which indicated that the stone statue could only give him nine legacy.

Is this what’s the matter? According to the general situation, he will definitely get all the legacy, but why only nine.

Tianyue feels that the stone statue has been deliberately left. Otherwise, it is impossible to give him only nine. Why does the stone statue deliberately leave a legacy? And who is this legacy power?

I can’t help but have a hint of envy, so that the Lord God stone statue would leave him with a legacy, and he didn’t have any treatment.

After absorbing the power of the world Lord God, Tianyue also left the Land of Legacy and continued to strengthen his strength. This time, the pressure of the gods to test him as the first is not generally large.

Bang bang bang ……

A loud roar was ringing, and a fierce young stone-like eyebrows shot a black beam of light, with an amazing momentum falling on Zhao Fu’s body, and the Lord’s strength that ruined Lord God continued to infuse into the body.

The face of the cockroach with a smile, fully absorbed the power of this ruin, for her, this strength is also very helpful.

And annihilation is equally confident, and she can get ten legal powers. She thinks she doesn’t have to be bad, and others can get all the legacy, so she can.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and the fierce stone image shot a black beam, and with a huge momentum, it shot at Zhao, and a more powerful force to destroy Lord God was injected into the body.

The time lasted for a little while, and the expression of the mistake was embarrassing, because she also found that the strength of the stone statue was weakening, but this is the ninth legacy.

With her own strength and destiny plus Emperor Star, did she get nine legacy? It’s very unconvincing in the heart.

However, at this time, the strength of the stone statue was obviously weakened, that is, it only gave the power of the nine legacy, and the annihilation also found that the stone statue intentionally left a legacy.

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