Otherwise, she can use the powerful strength, take Zhao to occupy the body, and then leave this place.

She is a high-ranking, ancient god Lord God who is worshipping by Ten Thousand Gods. Now she can talk to Zhao Wei, and she has attached great importance to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei thought about it for a moment. There is really no harm in this. There are still many advantages. The first is to gain the power of the more powerful Lord God, and the second is to get a great assistant.

In the end, Zhao Wei has a feeling of faintness. When she goes to the waters, she will play a big role.

Heaven Awaken World has eight major domains, the waters are almost water-based, the area is very large, the land is very small, and there are countless Water Races in the water.

These waters are basically sea-based. The god of the sea is the most admired god of Water Race. It is spread all over the Water Race. Generally, the Water Race people may not know other gods, but they will never know the god of the sea.

Now Zhao Hao took the remnant of the ocean Lord God, and it might help a lot.

After these detailed thoughts, Zhao Xiao smiled and nodded and agreed.

The stone statue also showed a happy smile. The eyebrows radiated a strong blue light. An amazing ocean power spread out. The gods appeared in the void, and the surrounding sea water swirled to form a huge vortex.

The light beam of the stone-like eyebrows did not shine, and the light emitted from the eyebrows became stronger and stronger. The surrounding lines continued to float, and the surrounding power was dissatisfied. An amazing momentum spread.

At this time, a three-meter-high blue ball of light, with the power of the ocean, slowly emerged from the eyebrows, then slowly fell into the body of Zhao Fu’s body.


A huge rumbling sound rang, Zhao Wei only felt a huge amount of ocean power injected into the body, the whole body was oceanized, and a terrifying momentum broke out from Zhao’s body.

Zhao Wei immediately controlled the gods and tried their best to absorb this legacy. This blue ball of light contains fifteen legacy powers. Now it’s all integrated into Zhao’s body, not the previous one. .

Bang bang bang ……

Ball of light continually poured into Zhao Fu’s body, Zhao Hao’s body exudes a strong blue light, and a huge stretch of strength erupted, forming a share of the shock spread, and the water surface swelled into a fierce wave of water. .

Zhao Wei continued to absorb all of them. Fortunately, Zhao Zheng’s Constitution and strength are extremely powerful. Otherwise, anyone who integrates fifteen legacy will definitely explode.

In the end, Zhao Wei absorbed all of this strength, and a chest-sized ball of light appeared in the chest. This ball of light is the remnant of the stone statue, and is now hidden in Zhao Fu’s body.

The stone statue lost that ball of light, and the light and momentum that came out of the eyebrows disappeared quickly. The stone itself seemed to lose its soul. Without any vitality, it was like an ordinary statue.

Subsequently, the stone statue disappeared in place.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and a huge vortex at the bottom of the lake burst into an amazing strength, emitting a strong intense blue light, with an amazing vast ocean atmosphere, turning into a huge blue light wave to the sky.


A huge sound came out, and a blue ray exploded. A blue light wave spread out with the drowning of everything, and countless blue oceans flew fiercely into the square.

Heaven and Earth trembled, the sky was covered with blue light, an invisible pressure shrouded the world, and a drop of water fell from the sky, like a light rain, and the rain was salty.

I saw a huge twenty-four round formation in the sky, one of which emitted blue light, like a circle filled with blue.

Everyone was shocked to look at the blue sky. I didn’t know what was going on. I felt the breath that came out. It should be the strength of the ocean Lord God, but what happened to the ocean Lord God would make such terrible fluctuations.

They were the first to see such fluctuations, and they have never seen or heard of it.

Lookout numerous strong faintly guessed, although they can not see the picture, but they can understand that Zhao Wei is in the ocean Land of Legacy.

The only people who can cause such fluctuations now are Zhao Yi, and there is absolutely no second person.

It’s just that they understand that this is related to Zhao Wei, but they don’t understand what the matter is, and the stone that shields the Land of Legacy is a stone statue.

This makes people feel instinctive, because the stone statues of Lord God in ancient times contain terrifying strength.

Now the numerous strong man also feels some headaches, but the person has a relationship with the Lord God stone image, and he is very dangerous, and has the Saint Level blood, now it is even more taboo,

“Hint! The gods will open the 2nd Order section. The Seal of the Gods needs to be upgraded to the Silver level. If the Silver level cannot be upgraded, it will be forced to teleport out the secrets after three days and lose the qualification for trial.”

Upon hearing this reminder, the talents reacted, plus the ocean Lord God, and six Lord God gave all the legacy power, and the gods started the 2nd Order section naturally.

“His mother, how can I open the 2nd Order paragraph so quickly, it is caused by the bastard, I want to work hard with him, such people are really too odious.”

“Hey! This 2nd Order paragraph is so much faster than the 1st Order, which forces us that these ordinary people have no way to live, want to get a silver rating, but to beat more than 30 people of the same class.”

“Yeah, this is too difficult. The people who stay here are not weak. The 1st Order section will eliminate most of the weak people. I don’t want to upgrade the silver grade, or look at the treasures early!” ”

“I feel the same way. Anyway, I can’t upgrade to the silver level. It’s better to get some treasures at this time. Even if I get the silver level, I can say that the 3rd Order will be opened in a few days.”

“Um Um, this time the gods are so many stronger than the ones that have been tried. There have been so many weird and terrible things. How quickly opened the 2nd Order paragraph.”

“Hey! I feel so good, I am going to be teleported so soon. I haven’t got much treasure yet, and I don’t know that the bastard is constantly getting the legacy of Lord God.”

“I feel that I have been the person before, because every time the beam hits the sky, I finally have a breath. This breath should belong to that person. I don’t know who the person is, but I can get so much. The power of Lord God.”

“This thing is useless, but what do you dare to say when you meet such a presence? In the end, it is not necessary to whisper, or it will not be guaranteed.”

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