At this time, a thousand Sword God standing in the sky, stretched out a hand and grabbed the sword pool below.

Clang clang clang ……

A sound of the sword rang, a sword flew out of the pool, and the speed quickly shot into the sky, back to the hands of Sword God.

These swords are their swords. Zhao Wei not only throws their bodies into Killing Sword Pond, but also likes their swords like Killing Sword Pond, because their swords also need to be transformed into killing attributes.

Bang bang bang ……

A loud rumbling sound rang, one by one Sword God holding a sword, a terrifying black blood light spread out, forming a black blood column, the number reached a thousand, exudes an amazing momentum.

Emperor Killing Sword World trembles, the endless Power of Killing Sword floods into a thousand black blood columns, thousands of beams are getting bigger and bigger, and the strength is getting stronger and stronger. Finally, thousands of beams are formed. A huge beam of light that connects Heaven and Earth.


A loud-shaking bang broke out, and the huge beam of light broke out with a vast strength.

A black blood wave with a strong strength, and constantly spread out, the entire Emperor Killing Sword World area is rapidly growing, the void is opened by light waves, numerous soils are condensed, and the sky is expanding outward. .

Over a period of more than an hour, Emperor Killing Sword World has expanded more than tenfold in size and is now almost as large as a world.

The help of the thousands of Sword God to Emperor Killing Sword World is so great that Zhao Wei is also amazed, and now the strength of Emperor Killing Sword World is also thrilling and a terrifying strength.

The huge blood-colored beam of light also dissipated, and Sword God held a sword, a terrible murderous aura, with a strong pressure.

Zhao Wei consciously entered the Emperor Killing Sword World and controlled a thousand Sword Gods to return to the side of Killing Sword Pond, allowing them to sit around and continue to practice.

At this point they have just completed the transition, they need to stabilize the current state, and they are only the Basic level of the content of a devil, it will take a long time to develop.

Of course, the potential of these thousands of Sword God is huge. If you grow into the final form of the sword, a devil, it will not die, even if the seal is difficult to seal, the strength is extremely terrifying.

Consciousness returned to the body, and now the God of Killing stone statue gave a total of four legacy power, and then the strength of the stone statue slowly weakened, and finally the stone itself disappeared.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and that bloody light burst into a terrible killing power, emitting a strong and intense blood, with an astonishing bloody momentum, turning into a bloody light to the sky.


A loud voice erupted, and a blood cell exploded. A bloody wave of light spread out with a sweeping sweep of everything. Countless bloody atmosphere swept across the square, making the sky ice-cold.

I saw a huge twenty-four round formation in the sky, one of which exudes a bloody glow, like a circle filled with blood.

The killing that was flying to one side, the body slammed, stopped, turned and looked to the rear, frowning slightly.

He got the power of Six Paths legacy at Land of Legacy, and he still has four legacy powers. Now that he has just left, someone is so quick to get the rest of the legacy.

He remembers that he saw a person at the entrance, but he didn’t care. It seems that it should be the person who got all the legacy.

There are some surprises in killing the heart. How can such a humble little person get the power of four legacy, is it difficult to test the stone? Otherwise, how can he give him four legal powers.

And that person did not exude a killing atmosphere, how did he pass the legacy test?

Some of these killings don’t understand, and they don’t think about it anymore. That person only gets four legacy powers. He can get the power of Six Paths legacy. He is still much better than that person, and he doesn’t take that person as an opponent. Because it is not qualified.

Killing Ming did not care too much, turned and turned into a stream of light, disappeared into the horizon.

He doesn’t know Zhao Fu’s identity, and he doesn’t know Zhao Fu’s is terrible. If he knows Zhao Wei’s identity, he will definitely not think so, and Zhao Wei is only a little late. If he came to Land of Legacy first, then the power of legacy. There is no killing.

Zhao Wei also left the Land of Legacy with a flower bell.

This time, Zhao Wei has gained a lot. Not only is Myriad Gods Power getting a great achievement, but the strength of Power of Killing Sword has also grown ten times. Now, the killing mode is definitely weaker than the reincarnation.

Later, Zhao Wei continued to rob the spirits of the gods with the flower bells, because the strength of the legacy of several Lord Gods was continuously combined, and the divine power of other gods was needed to maintain balance.

A few days later, Zhao Lan came to Lord God’s Land of Legacy, a Land of Legacy of the Sea of ​​God.

This is also the second Land of Legacy found in the past few days. The last one is Lord God, the stone statue is a very beautiful woman, graceful, exudes a classic temperament.

She is the first generation of Lord God, and the famous GoddeSS of Life is mostly elves.

Life Lord God’s legacy power, Zhao Wei just got one, and was almost taken away by others, because the life Lord God’s trial is not dangerous, the difficulty is not great, so a lot of people gathered.

When Zhao Wei went, there were already nine legacy forces given to others, and the rest of the legacy force was robbed.

In the end, of course, Zhao Wei is trying to get the last legacy.

Now the Land of Legacy of the Lord Lord God, because the Land of Legacy entrance is at the bottom of a deep lake, the location is very hidden, so no one has found it, now Zhao Wei is the first person to come here.

Zhao Wei came to the Land of Legacy. It is an endless ocean. The sky is blue, fluttering with a few white clouds. There is a platform above the water, and the platform has a stone statue with a height of one kilometer.

The stone statue is a woman with a long hair, a beautiful face, a mature body, and few body wears. It only covers important parts, holding this long gun and carrying a beautiful temperament.

Zhao Wei did not hesitate, with a strong momentum, rushed forward.


A huge rumbling sound rang, the stone statue radiated blue light, and a huge ocean force spread out. The ground water continued to condense, forming three huge sharks.

The three sharks opened their mouths with great strength, and they rushed to Zhao.

Zhao Wei took out the Disaster Dragon Sword, a powerful strength was injected into it, and countless drops of water began to condense on the sword, forming a hundred-meter water sword with an amazing sword power.

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