Clang clang clang ……

A sound of the sword rang, and I saw a sword in the sky with a black-skinned sword light. With a strong strength, Sword God fled below and flew past, and penetrated the body of Sword God one by one. .

A large number of black bloody auras rushed out from the surrounding ground, and as the tide flooded into their bodies, they began to change.

Zhao Wei is still in the state of Killing Sword mode. He has just defeated many Sword Gods. The dozens of Sword Gods defeated at this time are the last batch of Sword God, and now Zhao Wei has completed the task.

The next step is to wait for the time, just convert those Sword Gods, and then the strength of Emperor Killing Sword World will be ten times more than now.

However, Sword God itself is very powerful and has a godhead. In a short time, it is impossible to sword them all.

Now that the task is complete, Zhao Wei is trying to leave here with Emperor Killing Sword.

People outside Sword World are still not sure what happened. At this time, they found that even Sword God could not enter this Sword World, indicating that there is a big possibility of a big accident.

It is even possible that the sword of death has been obtained, or how Sword World suddenly can not enter.

At this time, a young man came to Sword World. He looked like a hero, wearing a black hard coat, a gourd on his waist, carrying a long knife wrapped in countless bandages, and there was no momentum on his body.

Many of the gods gathered here, in the face of such a very weak person, basically ignore it, but the numerous strong in the stands, but at this time look a bit serious, because they feel that this young man is terrible.

There was a smile on the face of the youth. I was interested in looking at Sword World in front of me. I was surprised to say, “Immortal Sword?”

Then, the young man thought about it, his face was smiling, and he reached out and took off the long knife wrapped in countless bandages. He lifted it with one hand and slowly spread the bandage around the blade.


A heaven-shaking loud rumbling sound was emitted, and a terrible strength burst out instantly. The white gold light rushed into the sky, the ground and the void were constantly collapsing, and Heaven and Earth began to change suddenly.

This sudden burst of terrifying momentum made everyone jump a big jump, showing a shocked expression and looking at that young man.

I saw that the young man raised a long knife wrapped around countless bandages, and now the bandage slowly spread out, revealing a long, white gold knife.

And the white gold long knife, three feet long, three fingers wide, the blade is printed with a circle, the mouth of the knife handle and the blade has a diamond larger than the lychee, emitting a ray of light.

This knife has just been revealed. A blade intent of Creation of the World spreads like a flood of the world. It instantly floods the world, and a god-like power that is crushing everything spreads.

Thousands of gods who are here are feeling a suffocation, and the body trembles with fear, and there is a hint of despair in the heart.

At the same time, some gods quickly recognized the origin of a knife and made a sound of shock.

“This is Heaven and Earth! This is one of the Protoss of our Protoss. It doesn’t matter how many years it has disappeared.”

“I feel so excited and excited. I was fortunate enough to see such a terrible knife. This is the supreme instrument of our Protoss.”

“Heaven and Earth is very famous in our gods. Now I know the myths left by it. It is the first time I saw it today.”

“I heard that this Heaven and Earth sword has already been taken to the fairy world, so the world has never seen it. How is it now in the realm of the gods, is the rumor fake?”

“I have heard of this rumor, but now the key point is, how does this same supreme artifact appear in the hands of that young man, what is the identity of the young man? How did I rush to see it?”

“You don’t have to think about it. He is definitely not in our realm. There is a great possibility from the Half Immortal world, and even from the more terrifying fairy world.”

“Fairy world? This is really scary. Don’t say that I am the Supreme Being. I will be afraid of facing the fairy world.”


The numerous strongman in the stands, the look is not very shocked, because I understand that the youth is not simple, because the lowest blood in his body may be the Saint Level blood, and it also carries a trace of Immortal Qi.

Although it is simple to say that Immortal Qi is a simple one, he exudes the true Immortal Qi, but does not weaken the numerous Immortal Qi. In general, Half Immortal can do so.

And this young man is certainly not Half Immortal, but it should come from a place with a lot of Immortal Qi, so that the body also has Immortal Qi, this place may be the Half Immortal world, or it may be the fairy world.

Therefore, the numerous strong, when you see the youth, will reveal such a serious expression, it is impossible for the average person to let them do this.

Finally, that’s about the Heaven and Earth.

Heaven and Earth The Knife is the first knife in the world of the gods. It was born in the Creation of the World and contains the endless creativity of the World.

This kind of Creation of the World’s strength, extremely terrifying, has surpassed the rules of the world, without any constraints, is a kind of strength of the world Origin, and also a kind of extreme level of strength.

The Heaven and Earth knives have such a level of supreme power, and imagine how terrible this knife is.

There are also several famous masters in history, each of which is terrifying to the extreme, including the genius of the war against Ten Thousand Gods.

The most famous thing about it is that one person holds it and kills six other Mortal Levels.

Immortal is undoubtedly the most terrifying of the world, and Heaven and Earth can kill six Immortal. It is impossible to imagine how terrible this Heaven and Earth sword will be, and only endless fear.

Of course, the people who use it to kill six Immortal are also very terrible. They are also very famous among the gods. In the rumor, he also brought Heaven and Earth into the fairy world. He is also rumored to be Heaven. And Earth The last master of the knife.

But now this knife appears on a young man. The identity of this young man does not have to be understood at all. It is absolutely terrible and extremely terrible.

Now the gods really don’t know what will happen, so the existence of terrifying comes out, and no one can determine who the Lord of Gods is.

The intensity of the battle of the gods will be fierce, and even the peerless Heaven’s Chosen will eventually be defeated.

Countless people are also more expecting what will happen. They belong to a group of people who eat melons. The hotter the better, the more intense the battle, the more excited they are, and they dare not participate.

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