Beyond the mysterious numerous strong, I felt the strength of the crazy twisting killing intent and the pure sword intent. The face was shocked, and the scene immediately exploded, and the sound was noisy.

“This is the legendary mmImmortal Sword? It’s really terrifying like a rumor, it’s desperate and it’s impossible to resist.”

“Um! That’s right. This should be the rumor of Immortal Sword, and it only has such a crazy twisting killing intent and destroying all the word intent. This strength is terrible, no wonder it will cause a catastrophe.”

“I didn’t think that after so many years, Immortal Sword was actually in the world, and it was still in the test.”

“You don’t know? I remember that it seems that Immortal Sword has been around for a few years, but I don’t know who got it. Now that person got 弑Immortal Sword, I actually came to participate in the trial, I really don’t know who it is.”

“But now this sword contains such a strong 弑Immortal Sword, not someone who owns the Immortal Sword, and this sword suddenly appears here, do you feel very strange?”

“I also feel very strange, and that year Killing Sword World was smashed by several terrible Immortal, leaving only some residual strength, now this strength appears on this sword, who has the ability to 弑Immortal Sword sword?”

“Yes? But I don’t think it’s that simple. You see the coming Sword World. It should be the Killing Sword World of the year. That person not only created a sword with the Immortal Sword, but also recreated a new Sword World. .”

“Who has such a great ability? Can actually do this, it is estimated that a semi-Immortal Level exists, but if the semi-Immortal Level exists, how can the sword be placed there, such a terrible sword of extinction, Half Immortal will also Reluctant, and there seems to be a trap.”

“I remembered that when the sword was built, it caused a great vision of Heaven and Earth, which sensationalized Heaven Awaken World. Most of our Heaven Awaken World’s people know, but they also know that it exists and have not seen it before. .”

“I am worried that this Immortal Level sword intent will cause a kind of catastrophe like that. Once this kind of catastrophe spreads, we may have difficulty controlling it.”

“It’s a bit hard to say. Now this sword can not only contain the Immortal Sword, but also the emperor’s power. Although the kind of crazy twisted strength is weakened, the kind of emperor that joins, I feel equally terrible. ”


This sword is the Emperor Killing Sword!

Zhao Wei understands the importance of Emperor Killing Sword, deliberately shields his own screen, and still disappears directly in one place, and also made an illusion, let everyone understand that Zhao Wei two people entered a valley, do not know Zhao Wei two People have come out.

Now, Zhao Wei is in the depths of Emperor Killing Sword World, and combines his consciousness with Emperor Killing Sword World. In this one, Zhao Wei is Emperor Killing Sword World.

The number of divine powers attracted by Emperor Killing Sword has reached several thousand, and there are still gods constantly coming over.

At this point, the numerous god was inspired by the terrible strength of Emperor Killing Sword. He felt both very scared and extremely eager to get the sword. So a world-class sword was inserted there, and no one expected to want it.

This sword has been shrouded in that world, and the sword that has to be obtained must enter the world.

Looking at that world sky is dark blood, the ground is ridiculous, with a different sword inserted, no sound, only endless silence, and extremely dangerous.

Some people still can’t help but want to get the sword, because the sword is too tempting, and people would rather take risks.

I saw a young man with a big sword, looking serious, with that huge momentum, rushed to the front of Sword World.

The youth’s body entered it and disappeared immediately in front of everyone. It seems that this Sword World is not the same as that seen.

Someone opened a head and soon they will follow.

But it is strange that some people can enter the world and some people cannot enter that world.

Those who can’t enter, as long as they are close to that world, a black-skinned sword qi will emerge from that world, with a huge strength to instantly fly that person out.

Those who were shot and flew out fell to the ground, pale, and the blood flowing out of the corner of the mouth, and the injury was not light.

In less than a moment, everyone understood the reason, the world can only enter Sword God, other people are not eligible to enter.

This made some people sigh and sigh. It seems that this sword has nothing to do with them. Some people are not reconciled and want to break into it.

I saw a ferocious, flamboyant brave man, holding a red great hammer, with a hot strength, rushing over to that Sword World, the momentum is very fierce.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and a huge black-skinned sword qi emerged from Sword World, forming a big sword composed of sword qi, with a strong strength flying toward the strong man.

The Great Han’s huge flame was poured into the great hammer, the great hammer ignited a flame, and Great Han slammed it, and a huge flame ran forward, as if burning everything.


The black blood sword qi formed a sword, exudes a crazy killing intent and sword intent, instantly became dangerous, passing by, the huge flame group was directly shot through the middle, and then turned into countless The flame dissipated.

The black-skinned sword did not dissipate, but flew to Great Han. The Great Han did not react. The chest was penetrated by the sword and the blood splashed. Great Han died directly there.

This shocked everyone, not dare to be straightforward, afraid to end up like Great Han.

Now all this is naturally controlled by Zhao Wei. The reason why Zhao Wei does not let other people come in together is naturally because there are too many people, there is no way to control it, and Zhao Wei only needs Sword God, other gods do not need it.

Other Sword God can’t help but reveal a smile. This is an opportunity for their Sword God. It is impossible for other gods to get this sword of destruction.

Many Sword Gods have stepped into that Sword World, but haven’t really realized how dangerous it is.

Clang clang clang ……

After Sword God entered Sword World, he saw a sword that was inserted on the ground trembled and screamed, piercing the square, like the sound of death.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

Countless swords flew up from the ground, then flew to the sky, covering the entire sky, and the number of densely packed ones was unclear. A terrifying sword formed and enveloped the world.

This makes the numerous Sword God face a big change, and feels the breath of death under this sword. This is not to let them come in to get the opportunity, but to kill them.

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