The four breaths seem to be distributed in the Quartet. Now that the powerful momentum has erupted, it is directly with a powerful momentum, and it is rushing in the direction of Zhao Wei, and the speed is extremely fast.

Zhao Fu’s footed in the same place and looked a bit serious.

Liu Li looked at the front and her face was equally serious. She realized that there was a very terrible thing to rush out. With this huge momentum, she is not an opponent.

In less than half a minute, four large-volume figures appeared in front of Zhao Fu’s.

These four people are all horse-riding generals. The horses are up to three meters high. The heights of those generals are four or five meters. It feels even taller when riding.

The generals and horses are silver-white, not physical, and will be led in armor, one holding a silver-white sword, one holding a long gun, one holding a machete, and one holding a big axe.

And the four people look different. The man with the sword is a face-ice-cold man. The rifle is a resolute youth. The hand-held scimitar is a fierce woman, and the big axe is a strong Great Han.

After the four people appeared with a huge momentum, a pair of eyes fell on Zhao Fu’s body, the man with the sword, cold voice asked, “Who are you? Dare to dare to destroy the soul bell forest.”

Hearing him talking, Zhao Wei was surprised. These four people are also souls, and they already have their own consciousness, which is much stronger than the ordinary souls.

Zhao Wei said calmly, “I am here to find the Soul Tree Flower. If you hand over the Soul Tree Flower, I can leave here.”

Great Han holding an axe, angrily said, “You are looking for death, don’t use nonsense to kill this person.”

The four people did not say anything, riding a horse with a strong momentum to Zhao Yu rushed past.

Zhao Wei was not afraid. A huge black breath emerged. Zhao Wei was very thick and controlled a black scent. He formed four huge hands and took them to the four people with a strong strength.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The four men also used a powerful strength, waving the weapon in their hands, sending out a terrible strength, defeating the four giant hands and turning them into countless black dissipations. The four men continued to rush toward Zhao.

Zhao Wei also took out the Emperor Killing Sword, a powerful strength was injected into it, and a huge sword qi broke out from the sword, and a sword wind was blown around.

At this time, a man riding a horse has already rushed to Zhao Wei, a sword to Zhao Hao, with a powerful sword light.


Zhao Wei also swung a sword, a huge sword force with a huge sword Qi Slash to that person.


A loud sound was issued, and the two attacks slammed together and made a huge explosion, but the man rushed out of the explosion on the horse and rushed to Zhao Fu’s, and the sword slammed into Zhao.

Zhao Wei blocked the sword with a sword, and the man rushed past Zhao Zhao from the horse.

The other man rode the horse and rushed to the front of Zhao, while riding and riding forward, and raised the big axe in his hand to cut it.


Zhao Wei waved the sword with a sword, and the two weapons slammed together, and countless sparks shot.

The man rushed past Zhao Wei, and another person was riding a horse and holding a machete to Zhao, but he was still blocked by Zhao.

The last person armed with a long gun, the huge strength was injected into the pistol in his hand. The long gun gave off a strong silver glow, shining on the square, and a very powerful god Soul Power spread.

The man was holding a long gun and riding a horse to Zhao Yu. The speed was very fast and the momentum was fierce.

Zhao Wei stood up and lifted the Emperor Killing Sword in his hand. A huge strength was injected into it, and Emperor Killing Sword exudes a strong sword light.


Under a sword slash, a huge black sword light with a huge sword force, smashed forward to the front, as if to open the ground.

The man armed with a long rifle that radiated countless rays, with an amazing strength, stabbed Zhao Yu.


A huge explosion sounded, two strengths collided together, and a powerful explosion spread out. The ground was directly blown out by a large pit of more than a dozen meters, which also forced people who had rushed with a long gun.

However, they are not alone. The other three are also attacking Zhao Wei, and Zhao Wei fights them for a while.

They attacked while riding a horse and were very unfavorable to Zhao Wei. They were not good at showing any attacks. It was easy to be hid, and the speed of the soul was very fast.

Zhao Wei flew directly into the sky, raised the Emperor Killing Sword in his hand, and a black sword light hit the sky. The surrounding Power of Heaven and Earth quickly gathered, and a huge smashing sword formation emerged, a huge The sword spreads.

Bang bang bang ……

Zhao Yiyi’s sword slash out, the sword formation began to spin up, a terrifying sword light, with the momentum of splitting everything, will be smashed to the four souls, want to use this trick to solve the four souls will.

In the face of such a terrible attack, the four spirits will float a silvery white flower with a very powerful god Soul Power. This small flower floats on top of their heads, a silver-colored mask spreads out and wraps around. Their bodies.


A terrifying sword light fell, directly crushing the ground, numerous sword light shots, rock collapse and fly away, a wave of terrifying waves spread out.

After everything subsided, a kilometer-long pit appeared directly on the ground, and a terrible sword qi was emitted from the pit.

But the four spirits in the center of the pit have not suffered a little damage. The four silver-white defensive hoods are only cracks in the cracks.

Zhao Wei thought of this scene frowning, lightly shouted, “Immortal Mode…Open!”


A huge momentum broke out from the body of Zhao Wei, forming a shock wave that spread fiercely. A colorful mist ignited from the body, and a momentum like Immortal spread.

The four spirits on the ground will look serious, their eyes will be ice-cold, and their defensive hood will be dissipated. A strong strength will emerge from the body of the four spirits, and their bodies will emit a dazzling silver-white glow.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The four spirits will ride on the great horse, with a huge momentum, turned into four silver-white streamers, rushing from the ground to the sky.

The four streams of light were very fast, and they rushed to Zhao Fu’s in an instant. Zhao Wei swayed out of the sword and blocked the streamer that rushed past, but the streamer spread out and attacked Zhao Wei from different discoveries.


Zhao Wei stood in the sky and waved his sword constantly. He took out a word light and touched the silver-white streamer, making a loud noise.

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