When the time and time y look at Big Sister is life-threatening, naturally it is impossible to leave, stretched out a hand, a golden time force, from the body, formed two golden rifles.

boom! boom!

Two golden time lances, with a terrifying golden beam, flew past Zhao, and the speed was very fast.

At this time, when the body exudes a force of time, a golden vortex appears around the body, and the time around it is chaotic. When you want to use the chaotic time as a defense, you can stop Zhao’s swaying. A sword.


A loud voice was emitted, the chaotic time was opened by a sword slash, and the golden vortex was split into two. When the body of y was hit by a powerful sword, the body flew out.

At this time, the two long guns shot at the terrifying strength with Zhao Zhen. The two time guns could not be evaded. They will change with time and will hit the target.


Zhao Wei’s backhanded sword swayed out, and a terrifying black-skinned sword smashed out, exploding two golden rifles that had shot in the past, forming a huge gust of wind dissipating.

When y took a trace of blood from the corner of the mouth, I realized that they could not escape, and only stayed in battle, only a trace of life could be alive, and shouted. “This person is too strong, we need to combine strength.”

When he was stunned, he looked at Zhao Wei’s backhand and the sword would burst into a long shot. They were the first to see such a terrible person.

When I heard it, the two also reacted. Now it is only possible to combine the forces of the three people to resist the person.

At this time, Zhao Wei quickly brought out a residual image, appeared in front of two people, and a sword swung out, a sharp bloody arc of light smashed to the two, as if you can open everything.

When the body of the time and the time are slashed by a sword slash, and then turned into countless illusions dissipated, this is not their entity, but the time left by them.

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, the three people had stood together, and the three men broke out with powerful time and made three loud roars.

I saw each of them three outstretched one hand against Zhao Wei, the body exudes a golden light, the force of the different time of the body is combined, the body emits different golden light, and also forms a golden light.

A huge strength spreads out of their bodies. This is the power of the world time consisting of the past, present and future three forces, far more than ten times stronger than before.


Three times GoddSS’s outstretched hand pushed hard, and a huge golden beam with terrifying strength shot to Zhao Fei, with a momentum of momentum.

This is a time attack that changes over time and cannot be dodged.


That powerful beam of light came, Zhao Wei used a sword to block a loud noise, and Zhao Fu’s body took a few steps back.

Zhao Wei’s eyes are bleeding light, and there is a little ice-cold smile on his face. Like a peerless creature, the body rushes forward, and the speed is extremely fast, bringing out a residual image.

Three times GoddeSS was surprised, and the outstretched hand was pushed at once.


A huge rumbling sound rang, a larger golden beam with a terrifying strength, and an astonishing momentum. The Thunder was usually shot at Zhao Fei and could not resist.

The rushing Zhao Wei, the speed is not reduced, a strong strength is injected into the Emperor Killing Sword, a terrifying strength spreads out from the Emperor Killing Sword, and the Emperor Killing Sword pops up a sword qi.


The huge golden light beam struck, and Zhao Wei shoveled with a sword. A sword force that destroyed everything would split the golden beam and turn it into countless golden spots.

And Zhao Fu’s body also rushed to the front of GoddeSS in three moments, and was about to sneak out.

Three times, the woman was serious, but there was no fear. A bigger stretch broke out from their bodies, and their eyes turned golden, like a clock.

The gold that emanated from them also became more intense, and the time around them seemed to be imprisoned.


Three times GoddSS stretched out his hand and grabbed it. A huge amount of time and strength came out. Heaven and Earth changed color, Space-Time was chaotic, and yin and yang collapsed.

Zhao Wei only feels a huge strength and restrains the body. This strength is the power of time from this world. It seems like a real time light wheel emerges from Zhao Wei’s body and surrounds Zhao Fu’s body. .

As time passes more and more, and it is getting bigger and bigger, and it is constantly turning around Zhao Wei. The power of imprisonment in the world time is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that Zhao Yu should be sealed in endless time. .

Seeing that Zhao Wei was imprisoned in the world by the time of the world, the three GoddeSS hearts were relieved a little, this is the strongest attack they showed. If they could not stop Zhao Wei, then they could not block Zhao Wei. Admit defeat to surrender to Zhao Wei.

But fortunately, they have succeeded this time. This time they are directly mobilizing the world’s time to ban Zhao Wei, and the peerless Heaven’s Chosen may not be able to withstand it.

When I looked at the imprisoned Zhao Wei, I just wanted to say something, but at this time, she saw Zhao Yan’s mouth rising, revealing a trace of ice-cold cruel smile, and the body suddenly fell into the ice.

A terrifying extreme killing intent and a sword intent emerged from Zhao’s body, as the Gate of Hell slowly opened, sun and moon were dull, and Heaven and Earth began to tremble.

Clang clang clang clang clang clang 锵…

The vast black-skinned sword qi, with terrifying incomparable strength, emerged from the body of Zhao Wei, constantly smashing and flying, each with a crazy killing intent, destroying all the word intent, madness Everything around Heaven and Earth.

The ground, the void, the stone, and the vegetation are all in the range, all of which are shattered by a sword, Qi Slash, and countless black and red sword qi emerged, as if the heaven and exterminate the earth, and spread out instantly.

Innumerable time, the light wheel will be smashed in an instant, turned into countless virtual shadows, and then countless black bloody sword qi instantly spread out, everything seems to be ruined.

The strong man in the numerous of the stands, although only looking at the picture, is not in the scene, but can also feel the terrifying of the strength, it is simply the heaven and exterminate the earth, and their hearts are also somewhat shocked.

Now it seems that they have looked at each other again, and they have such a terrifying strength. Now, GoddeSS must have lost in those three times. Even if it is not dead under this trick, it will be seriously injured. This is certainly no accident.

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