The smoke spread, Lei Tianming looked angry, a pair of eyes squatting Zhao Wei, squatting with a blue cyan arc.


Lei Tianming has used all the strengths at this time, the body moment disappeared in place, leaving these small cyan arcs.

Only the next second, Lei Tianming appeared in front of Zhao Fu’s, and punched Zhao Zhao with a terrible thunder.

Zhao Wei stood in the same place without a step, reaching out a block, and easily blocked the thunder of Lei Tianming.


Lei Tianming’s body moment disappeared again. There were a few tiny cyan arcs left in the air. The next moment Lei Tianba appeared on the other side of Zhao Fu’s and punched Zhao Wei with a punch.

And Zhao Yu extended another hand, one block, easily blocked the thunder of Lei Tianming.

Lei Tianming’s body immediately disappeared into the same place. The next moment appeared behind Zhao Wei, with a terrible strength on his leg and kicked Zhao Yu.

Zhao Wei stood still in the same place. A strong strength broke out from the body, and a rune circle appeared around it. Each rune circle radiated colorful light, and a colorful energy cover was formed instantly.


Lei Tianming kicked the leg with a strong strength, kicked on the colorful defensive hood, made a loud noise, and a strong wind spread, but the colorful mask did not have anything.


Lei Tianming’s body disappeared again, and then attacked Zhao Wei from different angles. The speed was extremely fast and could not be captured with the naked eye.

I saw the sky flashing a bright blue arc, and the huge sound of the strong force struck on the hood, which is still very amazing.

Everyone looked at the sky with a shocked look, and Lei Tianming’s strength was terrible, but the person opposite was more terrifying.

Let Lei Tianming attack, even the defensive cover can not be broken, the strength can already crush Lei Tianming.

Lei Tianming’s face is also ugly. He constantly uses various attacks and attacks from different corners. However, Zhao Fu’s defense can’t be broken. Is the gap between them so big?

This made Lei Tianming very reluctant, Lei Tianming screamed, the body broke out countless blue arcs, from the front to Zhao Yu rushed over.

Numerous blue-colored lightnings, constantly condensing and changing, formed a blue unicorn composed of lightning, with a terrible power of lightning, behind Lei Tianming.

Lei Tianming clenched his fist and rushed to Zhao Fu’s, punching Zhao Zhao.


A loud sound came out, and the punch slammed into the defensive hood with a blue thunder, and the defensive cover slowly cracked open, and then it broke.

Lei Tianming’s surprise was finally to break the opponent’s defensive cover.

At this time, Zhao Wei’s mouth rose and revealed a sneer. In the next moment that Lei Tianming broke the defense, Zhao Wei kicked out with a kick and directly kicked Lei Tianming’s abdomen.


Lei Tianming’s body flew out like a ball, fell from the air, knocked down a few big trees, spit out a large mouthful of blood, and his face became pale.

Everyone saw this sigh, this god of despair is absolutely the strength of Heaven’s Chosen. Lei Tianming is not his opponent at all, and he is the same as the hunter, he has the ability to fight with him. .


Lei Tianming still does not give up, Yang Tian screamed, his mouth with blood, no violent blue thunder spread, the ground is constantly fragmented, a terrible momentum spread, chilling.

This Lei Tianming is going to fight hard.


But the next moment, Zhao Yihua, became a colorful streamer, shot from the sky to Lei Tianming, with a terrifying strength, directly hitting Lei Tianming’s body, and a huge rumbling sound rang.

A shock wave spread out, the ground collapsed instantly, and the numerous stones and wood shattered in an instant, then collapsed and flew out like a raindrop.

The smoke spread, and Lei Tianming was lying on the ground, and a lot of blood was flowing out of his chest. He had dyed his clothes in blood.

And Zhao Wei stood on one side, and his body exudes a sigh of seven-colored breath.

Lei Tianming was already seriously injured at this time, but he still looked angry and wanted to get up, and Zhao Wei’s smiled smiled, waved, and a strong strength waved, and Lei Tianming, who wanted to get up, hit the fly. Go out.

This time, Lei Tianming fell to the ground, spit out a large mouth of blood, and there was no strength to climb.

Zhao Wei a pair of eyes Looking at him, the voice with a trace of domineering, “Do you understand how strong your strength is now? I have said that you are looking for death, even dare to be so arrogant and talk to me.”

“I also said that your brother will be able to fight with me, but your brother will eventually lose in my hands, and you are even more impossible.”

Everyone looked around and listened a little scared. Isn’t this not to put Lei Tianba in his eyes? That is one of the top ten peerless Heaven’s Chosen, who has the ambition to say so.

Lei Tianming felt a humiliation. This person not only looked down on him, but even showed disdain for his brother. Lei Tianming was on the ground, a pair of eyes angered Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei looked at his anger, his face showed a smile, a wave of his hand, a strength in a sword Lei Tianming flew out, this time Lei Tianming directly fainted on the ground.

Zhao Wei did not care about him, because there were numerous people watching, the picture here could not be shielded, Zhao Wei gave Lei Tianming a lesson, and did not intend to kill him.

Zhao Wei turned to look at the other gods standing around, because the fighting was fluctuating, and some gods were ushered in. The number reached 600. Zhao Yi looked at them like a fierce object. “I don’t want to bring your gods. Hand it out!”

Six hundred gods were so scared that they quickly reacted, their faces were a little scared, and they quickly gathered their own power. No god dared to say no.

Because they have already seen how terrible Zhao Wei is, if they don’t give up their power, Lei Tianming is their end.

Subsequently, the numerous gods condensed a ball of divine power, and then the hand that stretched out was gently thrown, and each of the divine balls flew to Zhao.

When Zhao Yi waved his hand, all the power balls were collected into the Storage Ring, and then Zhao Yi became a stream of light disappearing into the sky.


A tall man stone statue, the eyebrows emit a myriad of purple light, a terrible power of thunder and lightning, a purple beam of light shot, falling on a young man.

The young man had a short purple hair, and his roots stood up like a hedgehog. His body was tall and his face was rough. His upper body was not dressed in clothes, and his body was entangled with countless arcs, with huge pressure.

He is Lei Tianba, and is also the brother of Lei Tianming, one of the top ten peerless Heaven’s Chosen.

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