Originally, one person can only challenge a Lord God phantom. Just as many people rushed together, Lord God’s phantom is regarded as breaking the rules, so the terrifying strength is displayed.

Looking at the last Lord God in the sky, a burst of pressure to suppress Heaven and Earth, everyone was shocked.

Even if the peerless Heaven’s Chosen rushes forward, it won’t necessarily win.

What should I do at this time? The blood that everyone just ignited poured a cold water in a flash, and everyone calmed down.

They still have a gap with those peerless Heaven’s Chosen. Just the Great Han, who took the lead to Lord God’s illusion, is now lying in the big pit, squatting, still bloody, and not hurt.

Finally, Lord God’s illusion has become so terrible, who can beat it, then everyone can’t enter the secret.

However, the amazing thing happened, the strength of Lord God’s illusion was rapidly weakened, and the strength of the previous one was restored. One person still had a glimmer of hope.


At this time, a huge rumbling sound rang, a beautiful and seductive woman in a red dress rushed into the sky with a huge momentum.

Everyone’s expression was a glimpse, and they have not reacted.

I saw a beautiful woman in a red dress holding a sword, slamming it, a huge black sword light, with a ruined strength flying out, just in a moment, the Lord God illusion was split into two, turned into countless The light spots dissipate.


Everyone looked at the beautiful woman in the sky with a look of horror. The surprise came too fast, and everyone did not react.

Immediately cheering the audience, countless people smiled with a happy face, now twenty-four virtual shadows have finally been eliminated, they can now enter the secret.

At the same time, countless people thanked and praised the red skirt woman in the sky, which can be thanks to her, otherwise everyone can not enter the secret, but also curious about who this woman is, strength is so strong, identity is definitely not simple.

Originally A few people who are hiding in the crowd who are trying to solve Lord God’s illusion, their faces are a bit strange, and they did not expect to be the first step by this woman.

And this woman is the wine.

Now the wine is allowed to exude a magical spirit, with a strong pressure, like a demon god, the present strength is not her strength, but the strength that Zhao Wei gave her, and Zhao Yi who controls her body. .

In front of the numerous strong, Zhao Wei is impossible to come forward. He can only rely on the body of Ji Yun to defeat Lord God. Zhao Yi does not want to waste time, and waits here for a long time.


A huge roar spread in the sky, a huge sky of gods spread, Heaven and Earth changed, and the quaint mirror of a kilometer wide surface emerged from the sky.

The mirror is not just the sky that appears on the platform. There are only a hundred mirrors on the platform.

In the city, countless people gathered in the center of the city, long waiting for a long time, some also moved to the stool and the table to sit on the side, the scene is very lively.


Suddenly a rumbling sound sounded in the sky, and countless white light illumined, and a mirror of God with a powerful power, slowly descended from the sky.

Numerous people did not have any fear, but cheered up, because the appearance of the mirror, the gods began to form the test, everyone can see the performance of Heaven’s Chosen.

After the appearance of this mirror, the inside shows the picture in the secret. For example, the more the sky waved, the huge fierce beast smashed into a scum, and Demon God Kerr grabbed a god-like beast and took it out. God eats it.

However, although the mirror can observe the pictures of the people, the numerous people immediately sense that someone is watching them.

The more the sky waved, the invisible strength spread out, covering everything around, the mirror image disappeared immediately and became a white.

The same is true of cockroaches, a black ray of light spreads out, and the picture about her in the mirror disappears and becomes white.

This makes the stands numerous strong, the face is a bit unpleasant, they come here to see the performance of these Heaven’s Chosen in the secret, now you are blocked, then how to look.

On the platform, everyone did not care about these mirrors. For example, the tide quickly rushed to the front frame and disappeared into the frame.

Zhao Wei also controlled the wine to allow the body to fly in, and then he carefully walked to the frame.

At this time, Zhao Wei did not dare to care. Although his heart was very excited and happy, as long as he entered the secret, even if he revealed his identity, those strong people could not help himself.

But if it is discovered at this time, it is a very tragic thing. Some of the previous ones are in vain, and there will be danger to life, so this critical moment should be more careful.

Zhao Wei walked slowly with the crowd, and some of them seemed very ordinary, and there was nothing special about it.


Zhao Wei felt that there was a gaze on himself. This gaze came not from the stands, but from the crowd who was entering the frame.

In response to this gaze, Zhao Wei did not stop the pace, as if nothing was found, continue to walk towards the frame.

At this time, Zhao Wei is only a dozen meters away from the frame. As long as he walks in, he doesn’t have to worry about it. There is no need to stop because of such a look, and he doesn’t want to happen.

And that gaze was taken back and nothing was done.

In the end, Zhao Wei smoothly entered the frame, and a strength wrapped around Zhao Wei and flew out to the side. Everything happened in an instant, without any reaction time.

After a while, Zhao Wei’s body appeared on a short hillside, surrounded by verdant grass, with a hint of light and a fragrance.

These grasses are nourished by endless divine power and become very unconventional. They contain a unique power and can be used as a very low-level elixir, not an ordinary weed.

The sun is shining, the deep blue sky, the blossoming white clouds fluttering in the wind, and there is a huge infinity formation.

This formation consists of twenty-four circles, each of which emits a different color of light, full of a mysterious sacred atmosphere.

Formation formation does not exude strength, but gives people a sense of oppression and slowly turns in the sky.

Everything around, the mountains, the ground, the trees, the flowers and plants are all with a touch of light of different colors, and it feels very dreamy.

Zhao Wei regained his gaze and entered the secret world. Everyone was random teleportation to all corners, not a group of people teleportation to a certain location.

Zhao Zhao wanted to look at the owner who had just looked at it. Now it is no longer possible. Then Zhao Wei sensed the drink and found that it was not very far away. He flew over and found the wine.

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