After leaving the place, Zhao Wei continued to collect news about God of Time, but there was nothing to gain.

In the end, Zhao Wei can only continue to collect news while waiting in the center of the gods. Now there are still ten days away from the gods. The gods of all parties will come together, and there should be news of God of Time.

After a few days, Zhao Wei still has nothing to gain about God of Time, but also got some useful news.

Zhao Wei learned that there was a place where a group of Sun God came together.

At Myriad Gods Temple, Zhao Wei absorbed Sun God’s power and found that Sun-Moon Monster Seal can react to greatly enhance Zhao Fu’s yin and yang attributes.

At this time, Zhao Fu’s blood is the power of Water Spirit. The body has the power of Wood Spirit. The bones have the power of Jinling. Now it is the power of the earth and the power of the Fire Spirit. Finally, the yin and yang attributes are added.

As long as you master these seven attributes, it is possible to awaken the Spirit Race Emperor Star. Of course, this is only the basic condition. If you want to awaken the Spirit Race Emperor Star, it is estimated to be very difficult.

Therefore, Zhao Wei needs these Sun God forces to enhance the strength of the yin and yang Monster Seal. Without their strength, Zhao Wei is unlikely to awaken the Spirit Race Emperor Star.

The same is true for Zhao Fu’s plan, which awakens the eight races of Emperor Star.

This group of Sun God has reached a dozen. If you absorb their strength, you should be able to meet the requirements. Only the Yin Attribute, fire attribute, and earth attribute are left.

However, these Sun Gods are too strong and it is not easy to get their power.

The most important thing is that there are now Supreme Being strong players here. Nothing in this place can do anything. If you cause any fluctuations, you will definitely be caught by Supreme Being.

Zhao Wei is sitting in the room thinking about how to easily get Sun God power.

Next to Bacchus with a smile and a concern, “Adult! What are you thinking about, now I am also your person, it is better to talk about whether I can help you.”

Zhao Wei stopped thinking and turned to look at this god of wine.

Now Zhao has some information about some Dionysus. She is called Jiyun, the most famous Dionysian force from the realm of the gods. If it is not because of this power, there will not be so many high-end winemaking formulas.

And with her strength, relative to the ordinary gods, it is still relatively strong.

As for the acceptance of the wine god, Zhao Wei has some contradictions in his heart.

On the one hand, Zhao Wei, for the sake of safety, did not bring anyone to the center of the gods. According to the truth, he should not accept the surrender of Dionysus. It should be left for her to leave.

On the one hand, she actually has a little use of Zhao Wei, and can produce a variety of very high-quality wines.

Zhao Wei thought about it and decided to make it clear. “You also understand that the strong parties are looking for me now. It will be very dangerous for you to stay with me. And in the face of such a powerful person, I also There is no guarantee of your safety.”

“You should stay away from me at this time. If you really want to surrender to me, you can wait for me in a certain place. When things are busy, I will go to you.”

Dionysian smiled and said, “This time I also came to participate in the test of the gods, and as long as I entered the secret, I don’t have to worry about anything.”

There is nothing unexpected in Zhao Xin’s heart. The people who came to the center of the gods were basically trying to participate in the test of the gods. Now the wine gods are not willing to go back, and Zhao Wei is no longer reluctant.

Finally, Zhao Wei said something about Sun God.

Bacchus had some surprises. She began to think that Zhao Wei was still thinking about how to catch God of Time. I wanted to let Zhao Wei brew the saint blood wine and see if it could lead the God of Time.

I didn’t think that Zhao Xin’s mind was placed on Sun God. For Sun God, the god of wine is also the drinker. He asked, “You just need Sun God power, don’t you need anything else?”

Zhao Wei looked at her and she had a way to smile and nodded.

Ji Yun said with a smile, “I know there is a sun pool, which emits a very powerful Spiritual God of Sun. You can go there to get Sun God power. That place is a bit far from this, and many Sun God will go there too. .”

“Because of the speciality of the attribute there, if you don’t make too many things for adults, others can’t detect it.”

Zhao Wei said with surprise. “Where is the sun pool? You will take me to see it now.”

The wine allowed a smile.

Later, Zhao Wei and Ji Yun did not waste any time, and the two men flew to the place.

This sun pool is a very huge pit. Zhao Wei doesn’t know how big it is. Anyway, he can’t see the head at first sight, and there are dozens of meters deep. The ground is black and pitted, and there are more gravel scattered. There are boulders that are bigger than the house. There are also small gravel of ordinary.

It is still just outside the sun pool, emitting a powerful Sun Power, and the sun is shining in the pit.

Zhao Yu said to the wine cloud that this sun pool was formed after the death of a very powerful Sun God, and this Sun God is still an ancient god, although not as good as those of Lord God, but also a very powerful god.

The ancient god body is not a human form, but a three-legged gold.

Because there is a very powerful Sun Power here, and this Sun Power is still very high-end, so many people will choose to practice here, and even become Sun God.

At this time, Zhao Wei and Ji Yun stood on the periphery and felt a high temperature. This solar pool is impossible for the ordinary people to come close. This hot strength will bake people into dried bodies.

With the energy cover, these high temperatures were resisted, and Zhao Wei and Ji Yun allowed two people to move on.

After a while, Zhao Wei and Ji Yun met some people.

Those people have men and women, sitting on the ground, holding the eyes of the eyes and absorbing the power of Sun God. There are thousands of them.

These people seem to be practicing. In fact, they have begun to pay attention to Zhao and his two people. They are practicing in this place and cannot practice wholeheartedly. Because someone else may have a life attack by a sneak attack.

Zhao Wei swept a few eyes and did not care about these people, because of this knowledge of the ordinary cultivator, to stay in this place to practice.

Subsequently, Zhao Wei and Ji Yun continued to move forward.

Those cultivators sitting on the ground, see what Zhao did not do, continue to move forward, do not care too much, continue to practice.

Zhao Wei and the two walked for a while, and met some people sitting in the ground to practice.

The Sun Power that these people exudes is much stronger than those outside. They also noticed that Zhao Wei and two people were secretly preparing to prevent Zhao Wei from suddenly shooting and hurting them.

Zhao Wei naturally would not care about these people, continue to move forward with the wine cloud, and finally came to the solar pool.

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