But now that God of Time didn’t come, is it that I guess the error? That God of Time didn’t come at all?

“Master! The wines you bought are all gone now, will the cocktails continue?”

At this time, an old man in a robes said respectfully, he is the owner of the original house. Now he is controlled by Zhao Wei, as long as he obeys Zhao Wei’s promise not to kill him.

Zhao Wei thought for a moment, and now there is no need to go to the reception. It is obvious that this method does not attract God of Time.

If it is the God of Time, there is no way to hear no news in this place.

But if it is a problem with wine, it may be solved. Now the wine here is precious, but it is all bought with money, so it is not rare.

Because you can buy it with money, the other party can spend some money. For a god, it seems that it is not so lack of money, so the other party knows the information, but it does not come.

I don’t know if I exclude the first message, then there is only the second one.

But the key is that Zhao Wei is going there to get the wines that are rare and can’t be bought with money?

This is to make Zhao Wei more headaches.

“Are you not a wine party? Why didn’t you have alcohol? I want to drink!” This time a scream with dissatisfaction sounded.

At this time, a woman who just came in, full-bodied, wearing a red dress, with a beautiful face, bright red lips, with a mature temperament, exudes a charming wine.

Zhao Wei sensed this woman, her face could not help but reveal a smile, the breath of this woman, is the breath of a wine god.

What is missing now, this woman, as a god of wine, should know a lot of precious and rare methods of winemaking, and solve what she has caught.

Zhao Yan showed a smile and said to the old man, “You brought the person in.”

The old man nodded and came to the outside with a smile on his face and walked over to the god of wine. “This wine god is here to welcome you. My Patriarch has specially prepared precious wines, please come with me.”

Dionysian coldly snorted, “If fruit wine doesn’t suit me, I can’t spare you.”

She thought that the owner of this palace, but there is a little authority here, there is no strength, she does not have to worry about what to fear, with her ability to crush these people.

The old man made a gesture of asking while he was reaching out, and smiled with his smile. “It will definitely satisfy the Dionysus!”

The god of wine did not say anything. He walked forward and went to the room next door. He saw Zhao Wei with a cloak, and said with no politeness, “You are the master here? What wine do you say?”

Zhao Wei a pair of eyes Looking at you Dionysus, ridiculously said, “Now I don’t have any wine, but I have all kinds of rare materials. If you know the formula of wine, I can give you all the materials.” ”

Bacchus looked at Zhao Wei disdainfully. “What material do you have? If you can’t get any material that I am satisfied with, I will tell you that I am dead, I just lie to me to have wine.”

Zhao Wei frowned and was not happy. “You are a little polite, otherwise you should not blame me.”

Bacchus provocatively said, “Do you know that I am a god of wine? I dare to talk to me? Don’t think that you are famous in this place, even if the City Lord here is greedy, I see how you dare me. ?”

Zhao Wei did not say anything, the golden eyelids of the left eye were rotated, and an invisible strength was emitted.

Clang clang clang ……

A sound of the chain rang, and a chain of iron shot from the void, with a strong force, flew past the god of wine, the speed is also very fast.

Bacchus was shocked. She just felt that Zhao Fu’s body was not strong enough. How could she suddenly display such a terrible attack?

Without hesitation, Dionysau opened his hands and two powerful red lights shot, forming a red defensive cover, shaped like a bottle.


The root chain with strong power directly penetrated the defensive hood of the bottle, and Bacchus was tied up by the numerous chain without any resistance.

Bacchus struggled hard and shouted in a angry voice. “Who are you? I used the cocktail party to design me? Despicable villain! I have the ability to let me go, and I am going to catch me.”

Zhao Yubai gave her a look. “Who will design you with wine? If it is not because you are Dionysus, I will just kill you.”

Bacchus screamed angrily. “You just used the reception to attract me. Now I have caught me. I also said that I am not designing you. You are forcing a sophistication. Don’t think that I am a fool.”

Zhao Wei is speechless and has not been entangled with her. “Give the recipe of the wine you mastered. The more precious the better, I will provide the materials for you to brew. If you perform well, I will let you go.”

Bacchus reacted. “You just want my wine recipe, and I don’t mean designing me. Those recipes are things that I have worked hard. Do you think I will give you the hard work?”

Zhao Yu frowned, reaching out with a huge Six Desires Demon Qi, and turned into six magical groups. He stepped on his forehand and pressed it into the abdomen of Bacchus. Six groups of magical spirits poured into it.

at once!

Dionysus feels hot and hot, his face is red and his breath is rushing, and that kind of reaction is getting stronger and stronger.

Feeling the changes in the body, Dionysian understood what Zhao Wei had done to her, and looked shy and shouted, “Bastard! Sexual thief! Beast…”

Zhao Yan’s face was expressionless and she ignored her embarrassment.

And Six Desires Demon Qi constantly poured into the body of Dionysus, and soon lost his mind and made waves.

The old man next to him understood what would happen next, so he quit honestly and closed the door.

After a while, Zhao Wei stopped injecting Six Desires Demon Qi, and Six Desires Demon Qi sealed, and Dionysus could not breathe.

Zhao Yan said with a blank expression, “Can you give me the formula now? And brew wine for me.”

Dionysian is blushing, and now knows that Zhao Fu’s is amazing. She also understands that she is not a Zhao Fu’s opponent. She is very polite. “I will give you recipes and help you make wine, but you must rain with me once.”

“No! I only need your formula and the wine you brew. You can’t have any conditions, or I will continue to do that to you.” Zhao refused to say.

Dionysian face somewhat angry, I feel that Zhao Wei does not look at her, but she does not want to bear such feelings, can only endure the angry, “I promise you, now let me go.”

Zhao Yi waved his hand, and the chains that bound the god of wine were loosened and retracted into the void.

Later, Dionysus also handed over all her recipes for winemaking, the number reached more than 300, including a variety of wines, really no loss is Dionysus.

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