The gods who come to participate are undoubtedly the geniuses in the power. There is no weak one. Otherwise, there is no courage to come to the center of the gods to participate in the contest, so this time there are many gods participating in the test.

Even with the appearance of Zhao Fu’s, the gods who participated in the test were much more wanted to see the two Emperor Star owners and the six Supreme Emperor Star owners.

Now the two Emperor Star owners know that Zhao Wei is coming, and they feel a huge pressure. In the face of such a strong existence, they are not confident to overcome, and the deterrence of that person is so terrible.

Zhao Wei has already come to the center of the gods, but there are still more than 20 days to start the test of the gods, this time is still relatively long.

This place gathers too many strong people, and now Zhao Wei is not very worried, because there are tokens given by Xianle, these people should not find themselves.

However, if you take the initiative to leak out, then others are stupid and know who they are.

Now let’s investigate all aspects of the news first, and have a preparation as early as possible to prevent any accidents.

Then, Zhao Wei understood the various things that the gods tried.

This god test is also a test in a secret, in order to prevent other people from intervening, which also guarantees the safety of those who participate in the test, as well as Zhao Fu’s intention.

If it is like the fight, it is on a platform, everyone watching, Zhao Wei simply did not dare to play, because once the identity leaked out, numerous Supreme Being directly shot, how Zhao Hao resisted.

So if it is such a test, Zhao Wei will not dare to play, it is basically looking for death, although the Protoss destiny is very important, but Zhao Wei will not be joke about his own life.

That mystery is also not simple, extremely terrible, and Immortal can’t break the secrets there.

Because this mystery is related to the supreme instrument of the gods.

From the birth of the gods, there was a mirror floating in the sky.

This mirror is not very large at first. It is the same size as a normal mirror. The shape is a prototype. The material is like crystal stone. The color is white. The mirror is covered with a god pattern. The back of the mirror depicts a picture of the sky.

No one knows why there is such a mirror, and I don’t know if it’s formed by myself, or if someone specializes in making it there.

At that time, there seemed to be no gods in the realm of the gods. There were hundreds of people living in the realm of the gods.

The mirror is not a real thing. The material itself is made of the gods Origin. It is an extremely precious treasure. It also has a very great power. It can easily call the wind and change the sky, so the numerous people will believe in it.

However, for the belief of the numerous people, the mirror did not respond, but was solitary in the sky.

Time has passed, and the world of the gods has gradually begun to develop. The mirror has begun to grow like the gods. The volume is getting bigger and bigger, and the strength is getting stronger and stronger. It carries a pressure to suppress the gods.

At this time, countless people still believe in the mirror. Although there is no response, the strength of the mirror itself is terrible. It is said that it is a mirror. In fact, it is more afraid of the mirror to harm them.

Moreover, the pressure from the mirror itself caused everyone to live in the shadow of the mirror. At that time, no one dared to launch any war, and even some of them did not dare to fight, for fear of being punished by the mirror.

This life bears this pressure, but life is very peaceful, without much fluctuations and dangers.

Time continues to move slowly, and at this time someone has been continually practicing to get a very strong strength.

Faced with the deterrence of the mirror in the sky, some people couldn’t wait to start the rebellion. They wanted to pick the authority of War God mirror. They didn’t want to live under the pressure of the mirror, so they launched the first war in the history of the gods.

At that time, there was also a singular genius. In a short period of time, I got an unimaginable strength, which made Space-Time emptiness, annihilation, and annihilation. The numerous strong man followed him to dare to wage war against the mirror.

Without the leadership of this person, no one dared to try to challenge the existence of the Mirror of Origin Power, which does not know how many years exist.

Although that war began countless people fighting high spirits and rushing into the sky, it seems that no one is their opponent, but also pinned the hopes of countless people, but the result is very tragic.

The strong strong followed the singularity, with terrifying extreme momentum, turned into a stream of light, rushed to the sky, challenged the mirror suspended in nine days.

The number has reached hundreds of millions, and it is very dissatisfied with the sky. The wind and clouds are fissible, and it is unstoppable. It seems to be awkward, and the picture is extremely shocking.

For the first time, the mirror also showed its true strength, the moment of Heaven and Earth, the sun and moon, the storm, and the Space-Time collapse.

Bang bang bang bang…

I saw that the mirror emits an endless white beam, each a ray of light beam size, with the strength of everything, the person who challenged it, the speed is extremely fast, just across the air .

Hundreds of millions of people who dared to challenge the mirror were instantly beamed through the body, and the whole body was turned into a lot of dust by the terrifying strength, and the earth was hit by a big hole.

Only this time, 80% of the strong died, and the remaining two of the strong continue to challenge.

Bang bang bang ……

A terrifying attack, with the destruction of everything, covered with the entire sky, brushed and smashed toward the mirror, as if to break the sky.

However, in the face of such a powerful attack, the mirror only trembled, and a white wave spread out. The attack of the sky was all shattered and dissipated by a strength, without hurting the mirror.

In the face of those who dared to challenge its authority, the mirror was launched at one time, and a white beam of light with a terrifying strength flew out to the individual, trying to smash them into slag.

At this time, the world’s Wizards, do not want to watch countless people in a death, but also use the outbreak, Supreme God Star with the vast Emperor Star’s Power, and blocked the numerous white beams.

That one is the first person in the world to have the Protoss Emperor Star.

With the strength of the Protoss Supreme Emperor Star, those who resisted the mirror, there is a rebellious force, the situation is still very unfavorable, and without the help of the Protoss Supreme Emperor Star, the rebel side is basically crushed.

With the terrifying of the prism, it has exceeded the imagination of countless people, even those who are hundreds of times are useless.

The most crucial part of this battle is that one of the world’s talents, only he has a glimmer of hope to bring everyone to victory.

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