Zhao Wei said with a smile, “The reason I am looking for a senior is to let the predecessors take in and train some people. I also hope that the seniors can agree. In the future, I have a chance to repay.”

What Xianle thought of chuckled, looking behind Zhao Wei, fell on Yue Shenya. “She is the woman with Ten Yin Immortal Constitution and Protoss Emperor Star?”

Zhao Yan nodded with a smile, then turned to look at Yue Shenya and signaled her to go forward.

Yue Shenya understands Zhao Fu’s meaning, come forward, facing the existence of Xianle, Yue Shenya is also a little nervous, and a gift to Xianle, “to meet the predecessors!”

Xianle smiled and said, “Ten Yin Immortal Constitution plus the Protoss Supreme Emperor Star, I also saw it for the first time. There are two things that will become Immortal in the future. I can take her to the Immortal Spirit Palace to train her. .”

Zhao Yan said with a smile, “Thank you for your predecessors!”

“Beauty sister! We have to go too.” Shen Xiaoyi looked at Xianle and looked forward to seeing him.

This fog and fog i scare a cold sweat, but across the Supreme Being level, but to master a Saint Level power, which makes the other party angry, no one can stop each other.

Xianle smiled lightly, “Um! No problem.”

Shen Xiaoyi smiled happily and immediately smiled and hugged Yue Shenya. “little elder sister Let’s go to the Immortal Spirit Palace.”

Yue Shenya showed a beautiful smile, reaching out holding Shen Xiaoyi, Um gave a cry.

Xianle’s gaze returned to Zhao Fu’s body. “What about you? Have you followed me to the Immortal Spirit Palace? The King of Myriad Kings sent us the Half Immortal world. We have great grace for us. We have been trying to repay it so far. .”

“If you go to us, we will do our best to train you and make you the most powerful person in the world.”

“And you should be prepared now, you have six Supreme Emperor Star bleSS ing, with a lot of world-sourced body attached, you will definitely be a very important person in the future, you must be strong as soon as possible.”

鈥淕eneral Saint Level forces don鈥檛 dare to find you directly, because they are also afraid of getting into the world of your body. If the catastrophe is going to be involved, they will be involved, and Immortal Spirit Palace chooses to help you. Now you understand Immortal Spirit. The sincerity of the palace, Immortal Spirit Palace is your best choice.”

She also wants Zhao to join the Immortal Spirit Palace. Now that Zhao Fu’s potential is unimaginable in the future, it will become the most important person in the whole world. No one can compare with him.

And if Zhao Wei grows up, their Immortal Spirit Palace will have a terrible existence, and it will be of great help to the Immortal Spirit Palace itself.

There is also a lot of things hidden in Zhao Fu’s body, the atmosphere is very complicated, and it is terrible.

Everything in these things can alarm the world. Xianle also wants to know what these things are, because an ordinary person can’t wake up to six Supreme Emperor Stars.

It is estimated that no one in the world is interested in Zhao鈥檚 hidden things. The things involved in this matter are really terrible and too important, so even the Saint Level forces are looking for Zhao Wei.

She has been waiting for this day, mainly because he became the second generation of the King of Myriad Kings. If Zhao Wei did not become the King of Myriad Kings, she is not so confident, and the whole world is looking for someone who will automatically find herself. .

If it is not because of the blood contract restrictions, she has already moved to Zhao Zhao regardless of her image. In the face of such a rare treasure, there is no one that is not heart-warming, including Immortal.

Because even in Immortal World, people like Zhao Wei are extremely rare, and may not even be there. It is rare and precious.

For Immortal World, Immortal Spirit Palace has a better understanding, because the previous generations of the palace can be Immortal, went to Immortal World.

Therefore, although it will be pulled into the catastrophe by the world, the Immortal Spirit Palace also has great benefits. Xianle wants Zhao to join the Immortal Spirit Palace.

This may be a dream opportunity for the ordinary people, but Zhao Wei refused because he is not alone, he also has a Great Qin Empire.

When she heard Zhao鈥檚 refusal, Xianle was disappointed. She asked, 鈥淲hy is that? Your situation can be very dangerous. If you are caught by others, others can speak without me.鈥?/p>

Zhao Wei explained, “I have one of my own forces, I will not abandon them, and I will immediately go to the center of the gods to participate in the test of the gods, and get a huge Protoss destiny to awaken the Protoss Emperor Star.”

Xianle was a little surprised. “Do you have the ability to wake up the Protoss Emperor Star now?”

Zhao Wei replied, “Um! In addition to the Protoss Emperor Star, I want to go to the Spirit Territory and the waters, and awaken the remaining two Supreme Emperor Stars.”

There was some shock in Xianle’s heart. Although it was also expected, Zhao Wei in the future may have eight major races of Supreme Emperor Star. It is easy to say that Zhao Wei is so easy. Xianle is shocked and she understands what it means.

What kind of person Zhao Zhao will become in the future, what strength has it, Xianle can’t imagine, it is very likely that Zhao Wei will surprise Immortal World.

At this time, the Immortal Spirit Palace was really involved, and the consequences were unimaginable. Now she should be careful.

After a moment of contemplation, Xianle started talking, “Well, I respect your choice, but you really have to wake up the Emperor Star of the eight races. The Immortal Spirit Palace will be disconnected from you for a while, avoiding your body. The influence of the world’s source on the Immortal Spirit Palace.”

“And please don’t worry, you are the first generation of the king of Myriad Kings’ legagee. At that time we will try our best to help you, maybe you can inherit the first generation of the King of Myriad Kings’s legacy, Heaven Awaken World. 鈥?/p>

Zhao Wei showed a smile, “I understand!”

Xianle took out a white token, palm sized, material like jade, the clouds above, with the word “Xian Yin” written.

“This is for you, you have caused such a big thing in the realm of the gods. Now the center of the gods has gathered countless powerful people, and there is no shortage of Saint Level forces hidden in it. This thing can hide your breath. Even those who are under the influence of Saint Level can’t detect your breath.”

Zhao Yu took the token and said thank you. When you went to the realm of the gods, it became much safer.

Then, there was nothing. Zhao Wei came out of the golden light column, and the others went into the golden light column. Only Ye Lanxi and Golden Flower Ancestor stayed in place.

Xianle exudes a strength, enveloping all the people in the golden light column, turning into a stream of light, disappearing into the sky along the golden beam, and the golden beam of light disappears dimly.

Originally standing on a large group of people on the altar, now only Zhao Wei, Golden Flower Ancestor, Ye Lanxi seems a little lonely.

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