“Your HighneSS! Isn’t there only two Protos Stars? How come one more?” the waitress said shockedly.

Destroy GoddeSS sternly and replied, “Um! Someone just awakened the Protoss Emperor Star, and that person is the one with the Ten Yin Immortal Constitution. My biggest stone should be her.”

The maid looked at the destruction of GoddeSS and said with a firm gaze, “I believe that Your HighneSS will definitely be Lord of Gods, and no one is an opponent of Your HighneSS.”

Destroy GoddeSS and shake his head. “I don’t have much confidence in facing her, but I will not easily admit defeat. If I can fully fight and lose in her hands, I will be willing to admit defeat.”

The maid looked wrong and didn’t think that their own Your HighneSS said that they might lose, how terrible that person was.


The eyes finally returned to the location of Zhao Wei.

The huge Supreme God Star in the sky, emitting a lot of white light, seems to turn the world into white, with the god of the world, the hearts of the people have a strong fear, do not dare to look up.

Yue Shenya’s body lies in the air. Under the huge Supreme God Star, Supreme God Star emits a soft white light, like a veil covering Yue Shenya.

Numerous Supreme God Star’s strengths slowly blend into Yue Shenya’s body, and Yue Shenya’s body begins to transform.

I saw Yue Shenya’s long hair growing fast, the color turned into a crystal color, and a white circular mark appeared on the eyebrow, not only the size of the nail, such as the star pattern.

The appearance is absolutely perfect, even seems to be more beautiful than the legendary Fairy. If it was said that Yue Shenya was a little worse than Di Moji, now she has surpassed Di Moji.

She also seems to be taller, with ten different colors of ball of light appearing around her body, emitting ten different forces, and the ball of light is constantly changing, forming ten rune tokens of light. , one foot long and three fingers wide.

Yue Shenya slowly opened the booth eyes, the colored light was shot from the eyes, her eyes turned into a crystal eye with ten colors, and the body exudes a illusory, sacred, majestic atmosphere.

At this time, Yue Shenya stood up from the void, under the huge Supreme God Star, with a huge Immortal pressure, as if it were a real Immortal.

Now that Yue Shenya has finally reached the final awakening, the ten Immortal Powers in the body have been merged, the body has also undergone transformation, become the Ten Yin Immortal Constitution, and awakened the Protoss Supreme Emperor Star, and won the supreme Emperor Star’s Power.

The vision in the sky is slowly disappearing, and the huge Supreme God Star is slowly hidden in the sky, and Heaven and Earth are calm.

Yue Shenya A pair of colored crystals fell on Zhao Fu’s body, with a smile on his face, the light behind him dissipated, and the huge momentum dissipated. Yue Shenya flew forward and threw himself into Zhao Fu’s arms.

“Thank you for your compliment!”

Yue Shenya holds Zhao Wei in her hands and her head is buried in Zhao Fu’s arms. She smiles and is very grateful to Zhao Wei.

This time, if it wasn’t for Zhao Fu’s help, she really couldn’t wake up the Ten Yin Immortal Constitution, and it was even less likely to awaken the Protoss Supreme Emperor Star, even already dead here.

Now she fully recognizes Zhao Wei in her heart.

Zhao Yan showed a smile and his hands glared at Yue Shenya. “Don’t thank me, you are my woman, I will definitely help you all the time, and now there is something to say, it will be very dangerous here, we will leave immediately.”

Yue Shenya nodded shyly.

Zhao Wei immediately gave orders to everyone in the distance, White Mist Dragon God, and immediately left the place, because they have Power of Evil Demon in their bodies, and Zhao Wei’s order is more convenient.

Everyone turned into a stream of light and left here quickly, because the Ten Yin Immortal Constitution was just awakened, and the Protoss Emperor Star was awakened, so that such huge fluctuations would be made, and countless strongmen would come here.

A few hours later, a powerful force came, and a figure appeared in the sky.

They have a pair of booth eyes looking at the damage they have suffered, and they are braving a terrifying breath, and their faces become very dignified.

One person looked down at a gray stone, reaching out, and an invisible strength grabbed the stone into his hand. He poured a hint of strength into it, and the stone directly radiated a colorful light, a strong scorpion The Immortal Power is coming out.

The man’s face was a bit surprised. This is originally the stone that was built before the altar. Now the stone contains Immortal Power and it is a good baby.

If you can really find someone who awakens the Ten Yin Immortal Constitution and the Emperor Star, even if you don’t bring it back to cultivate, she is a rare treasure, no matter how dead or alive.

Everyone hurriedly searched around, and did not find a figure. It seemed that the man had escaped. The people searched for some traces and hurriedly chased the traces.

The existence of such terrifying is too important for them.

Bang bang bang ……

Because these people are nearby, they are also faster. Although they are strong, they can only be regarded as general strong, and this time they are all Supreme Being.

The numerous ordinary strong people see such a terrible Supreme Being strong, there is nothing unexpected in the heart, because the terrifying fluctuations have shaken the entire Divine Spirit World, those Supreme Being level people will definitely come.

Bang bang bang ……

After a while, the true terrifying characters in the realm of the gods came, making the Heaven and Earth discolored, surging, ordinary Supreme Being, and seeing such a terrible person, and honestly retreating to the side.

As for the people in this place, they are now fleeing. Imagine the pressure of countless strong men in the sky, and it seems that everyone is dying.

They also understand that they have such terrifying things in this place. Although it is not clear what terrible things are happening, they will soon become a place of right and wrong. It is estimated that the strong people of the whole world will come to one side.

The gods in this place are afraid of nothing, and fleeing from this place, or they do not know how these people die.

Zhao Wei took the crowd without stopping, quickly ran away, and constantly changed and found that directly using the huge destiny to hide all the breath and traces, which made those Supreme Being characters unable to find the direction of Zhao Yi people fleeing.

After more than three days, Zhao Yizhong stopped to rest, but the sensation caused by Zhao Wei and Yue Shenya did not stop, and the more and more lively boiling, the entire Divine Spirit World is looking for two people.

Such a huge news can’t be hidden. Heaven Awaken World and the genocide all know this. They are always looking for Zhao Wei, and they are sensitive to everything about Zhao Fu’s.

Now they are also in shock, did not expect Zhao Wei to appear in the realm of the gods, but also caused such a terrible sensation.

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