“I feel a little anxious. The Ten Yin Immortal Constitution is too important for us. If it is not a huge destiny effect, I really want to leave here and look for her location directly.”

“Now I can’t go now. The Ten Yin Immortal Constitution has just awakened and set off such huge fluctuations. Supreme Being will be forced to intervene.”

“This thing is set aside. I am now worried that GoddeSS Palace has the ability to accept the Ten Yin Immortal Constitution. Our GoddeSS Palace was only a force created by the sage, and the Ten Yin Immortal Constitution is a man with ten savage powers. ”

“Don’t worry so much. When the sky stops, we will go to the Ten Yin Immortal Constitution and bring people to our GoddeSS Palace. We don’t have to worry about it.”


In a tall and spectacular white temple, a group of people who spurred strong strengths sat on a long table.

This is the strongest force in the realm of the gods, and this power is called the world god, mastering the enormous power of the world, each of which is extremely powerful, without a weak one.

Their god is the one who owns the Protoss Supreme Emperor Star, and only such a huge force can cultivate such a terrible person.

“hahaha, there is another strong competitor, this is a good thing, our Imperial Prince will step on them to climb the summit, overlooking the small mortal beings, our son will become a legendary son.”

“Do not be so arrogant, another Emperor Star owner, but also the strongest force from Heaven Awaken World, and the terrifying of Ten Yin Immortal Constitution, you don’t know?”

“Yes! They are the most powerful competitors of our Son of God, can’t have any care, another Emperor Star owner, we already have her information, and another sudden Ten Yin Immortal Constitution, we can do anything I don’t know, I think the Ten Yin Immortal Constitution is even more threatening.”

“I agree with this, we should investigate the Ten Yin Immortal Constitution so that the unknown opponent is really terrible.”

“Um! Then let’s release the order and let them collect all the relevant news.”


Under a tree full of pink flowers, a beautiful face, a long purple hair, tall figure, wearing a black robes, a woman who smashed a smoldering atmosphere, suddenly sensed something and looked at the horizon.

She is the owner of the Emperor Star from Heaven Awaken World, a World Extinguishing God, and her power is called “Death!”

Next to a beautiful maid, asked in confusion, “Your HighneSS! Is there anything?”

The woman looks a little serious. “There is another strong competitor. This time the trip to the gods may become a lot of difficult.”

The maid said with a look of surprise. “In the realm of the gods, there is not only one person who can compare with Your HighneSS. How come it suddenly comes out alone. Can that person compare with Your HighneSS?”

Woman nodded with a smile. “She has the ability to compare with me. Now I am also curious. What is the identity of the other person? How can I wake up Ten Yin Immortal Constitution at this time? It is estimated that the gods will meet when they try. This time the gods are more aware than the test.”

The maid smiled. “I believe that Your HighneSS will beat the other two and become the Lord of Gods!”

Woman did not say anything, with the maid to move on.

The gaze finally returned to the altar, and the ten terrifying Immortal phantoms in the sky exude different celestial lights, making the whole world banned by them. They had a pair of eyes and fell on Yue Shenya on the altar.

Yue Shenya at this time braved a colorful atmosphere, eyes like colored gems, looking at the ten shadows in the sky.

Zhao Wei, who stood on one side, couldn’t help but be shocked. These ten illusions are the illusion of Immortal. The strength is terrifying more than Supreme Being, and there is a figure. Zhao Wei still knows.

Because that figure has also been seen before, that is, when the woman purely breaks through the cultivation base, the one that appears is Immortal.

Zhao Wei does not understand what’s the matter now.

Xiū xiū xiū ……

The ten virtual shadows turned into a stream of light, with a huge momentum, shot into the body of Yue Shenya.


A heaven-shaking bang came out at once, and a very terrifying Immortal Power broke out from the body of Yue Shenya. Everything around her collapsed, the space quickly collapsed, and the altar quickly shattered. .

Zhao Wei was also affected by this strength and temporarily retreated to the distance and was not close.

At this time, Yue Shenya’s body stood in the air, her eyes closed, and the surrounding had turned into a void of darkness. The altar under her feet had already collapsed, and a huge pothole appeared on the ground.

Yue Shenya is now absorbing the imaginary Immortal Power. If she succeeds in absorbing ten Immortal Power and merging ten kinds of yin, her Ten Yin Immortal Constitution can be said to be fully awakened.

Her body can be called the Ten Yin Immortal Constitution, which is the real Immortal body, and also masters terrifying the extremely ten Immortal Power.

Why is terrifying? Because this is a fusion of ten Immortal’s strengths, an Immortal Power can be said to be terrible, and ten Immortal Power blends together strength, can this be terrifying?

The key now is whether Yue Shenya can integrate ten Immortal Power.

Ten large Immortal Powers are filled in the body of Yue Shenya. Yue Shenya carefully absorbs the fusion slowly. At this time, there is no accident. If you accidentally, Yue Shenya’s body may explode.

Its power may directly destroy several worlds, and there is absolutely no lie, because the ten Immortal’s strength is too terrible.

At this time, Yue Shenya absorbed the fusion Immortal Power without any accident, and a little bit of time passed, and the strength that Yue Shenya exudes is getting stronger and stronger.


Yue Shenya spit out a large amount of blood. The ten illusions in her body seemed to sense something in her body, emitting a stronger radiance, and a huge Immortal Power broke out.

This made Yue Shenya lose control of Immortal Power, and the huge Immortal Power hits Yue Shenya’s body.

Yue Shenya’s body was unable to fall in the air, face up, her eyes were closed, her face pale, showing a painful expression, but the body radiated a strong and incomparable light.

An unknown strength emerged from her body, and a black dragon pattern appeared around the void, encircling Yue Shenya’s body, emitting a strong pressure, as if there was a saint blood aura over the world.

A huge momentum, Yue Shenya’s body broke out, forming a raging wind that raged around and it was full of momentum.

Numerous dust and gravel were blown out directly, and some grass trees were uprooted. Some of the ground was smashed and unmanned, like a disaster.

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