Zhao Wei asked with a smile, “Now your cultivation base is solid?”

The woman smiled and nodded.

Zhao Yan said with a smile. “Okay! The awakening of Ten Yin Immortal Constitution is starting right away. You are now regaining your best state. This time there may be some surprises, and you should be mentally prepared.”

Everyone understood, and all began to get ready.

Yue Shenya In the face of such a big thing, my heart is also a little nervous.

Zhao Wei smiled and stepped out and looked at her comforted. “This thing has me, you don’t have to worry, I will definitely protect you.”

Yue Shenya rubbed the hand with Zhao Wei, raised the head with a shame on his face, a pair of eyes believed to look at Zhao Wei deeply, gently Um a voice.

Subsequently, the awakening of the Ten Yin Immortal Constitution officially began.

Zhao Wei took Yue Shenya eleven people and came to the built altar.

At this time, it was just at noon, and the sun gave off a strong light, in the light blue sky. There are a few white clouds floating, and the breeze is slowly.

The altar is a circle. In addition to a huge formation in the center, there are ten smaller formations around it, each of which is very mysterious and gives off a cold atmosphere.

At this time, Zhao Yan’s face has become serious, started talking, “You start with my instructions.”

Everyone should have a voice.

Yue Shenya came to the middle of the formation, standing in the center of the formation, the other ten people came to a small form, forming a circle, surrounded by the center of Yue Shenya.

Zhao Wei stood on one side, which is the outside of that circle.

Shen Xiaoyi, Ye Lanxi, Mu Qing ten people extended a hand, slowly extending a hand to the center of Yue Shenya, the body radiated a slightly different color of light.

The light on Shen Xiaoyi is golden, the light on Ye Lanxi is black, the light on Mu Qing is blue, the light on female is white, and the light on Gui Xiaomei is gray.

As their bodies radiate different gleams, different yin and breath, which also radiate from their bodies, the four small forms on the ground begin to emit gray light and slowly rotate.

Ten different yin forces emerged from the formation and then rushed toward the huge form of the center.


A huge momentum spread, the middle of the physical formation, absorbing ten large forces, emitting ten kinds of light, and the huge formation began to slowly rotate.

Yue Shenya in the center of the formation, closing the booth eyes, absorbing the strength of the surrounding, the body also emits a colorful glow.

Bang bang bang ……

A huge rumbling sound rang, and ten people standing in the small formation broke out with a strong momentum. The body ignited a different color of mist, forming a raging wind.

A different strand of strength emerged from their outstretched hands, forming a beam of light into the middle of Yue Shenya’s body.


A huge roar sounded, and only Yue Shenya’s body radiated a strong color, and a powerful momentum spread.

Yue Shenya closed her eyes and absorbed the strength of the body, and began to control the ten kinds of power in the body.

Original Yue Shenya The ten kinds of infuriating forces in the body are distributed on all sides, forming an invisible gray formation, which exudes a strong yin force, and forms a space composed of yin.

At the very center of the dark space, the Innate Yin Origin great formation rotates slowly, with ten different color vortices in different positions.

A chill that can freeze the soul, constantly rushing out of the formation, making the whole space cold and bitter.

Now, the consciousness of Yue Shenya has come here, and the body also emits intense color, which is particularly conspicuous in the dark space.

Yue Shenya was here for the first time. She was shocked to see the huge formation in front of her. This is the real murder that caused her so much pain.

Looking at this form, Yue Shenya was not angry and angry, but a smile, because this Ten Yin Immortal Constitution left her with her.

According to Zhao Fu’s command, Yue Shenya’s consciousness flew forward and entered the Innate Yin Origin formation, located in the center of ten vortexes.

Before Zhao Fu’s consciousness came in, but could not reach Innate Yin Origin formation, it would be extremely dangerous to get a huge backlash once it was close, but as a formation master’s Yue Shenya, you can easily come to the formation center without any threat.

After coming to the formation center, Yue Shenya held out a hand and faced a purple vortex.

The purple vortex was the closest to Yue Shenya, and it exudes an ancient yin. This strength is the power of the yin.

Zhao Wei said before that the power of the Taiyin is the most important force in the top ten yin, because it is equivalent to the small half of the formation. The strength that comes out is more than the other yin, and the position is also the core of the formation. recent.


Yue Shenya reaching out A push, a huge strength emerged from the hands of Yue Shenya, turned into a strong purple beam, with a powerful momentum into the purple vortex.

Outside of the consciousness world, Muxiang also feels a strong strength, and is absorbing her strength, and shepherd is full of her own strength, and the body ignites a much larger purple mist.

The power of the constant yin in the body is constantly being sucked away by that strength.

In the world of consciousness, the purple beam of light hits into the purple vortex, and the purple vortex slams into it, rotating very quickly, allowing a strand of strength to condense in the center.

A powerful momentum spread, the numerous purple light shines, and the strength of the numerous gradually forms a huge purple ball, exudes a powerful force of the yin.

Yue Shenya took back her hand and then stretched out at once, facing a golden vortex.


a rumbling sound sounded once, and a huge strength emerged from the hands of Yue Shenya, turning into a golden beam, with a huge momentum, into the huge golden vortex.

Outside the world of consciousness, Shen Xiaoyi also felt a strong strength, absorbing her strength.

Shen Xiaoyi did not contradict, and she was prepared in the heart, bursting out a more powerful force of God, and a strong golden mist was formed on her body, forming a more intense wind.

In the space of consciousness, the golden vortex rotates rapidly, and the strength of the numerous gathers continuously, giving off a huge momentum. Numerous golden light is shot out, and a huge golden ball is slowly formed.

Yue Shenya retracted her hand once and then stretched out once, this time aligned with a huge white whirlpool.


A rumbling sound sounded once, and a huge strength emerged from the hands of Yue Shenya, turning into a huge white beam, which shot at a huge white vortex.

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