There is nothing in this place. Zhao Wei first found a cave and placed everyone there because he might need to stay here for a while.

Later, Zhao Wei called the woman purely in front of him and said seriously, “Now just your strength does not meet the requirements. You must use all the time to practice in the next time. You also understand that having a strong strength is the most Good protection.”

The woman nodded seriously. “I know! I will try hard to cultivate.”

Zhao Wei’s face showed a smile, and he took out three things and handed it to the female pure. “These things are held by you, and then they will make your strength grow fast.”

The first thing is a bloody ball of light. This bloody ball of light is a qualification ball, and it is a very advanced qualification ball. After absorbing this blood color ball of light, the qualification will be greatly improved.

The second thing is a bottle of medicinal pill, called Yin Raising Pill, which is also a very high-grade medicinal pill with a strong negative force.

The third piece is a gray stone bead. This stone bead is also a treasure. It contains a lot of negative force, which can speed up the cultivation, and it has the effect of quenching the negative force, making the negative force more pure.

The pure breath that the female exudes from three things understands that all three things are very precious things, showing a smile, taking three treasures, and gratefully saying, “Thank you!”

The other party did not lie to her, really cultivated her, and now she did nothing, and she got three good things.

Zhao Xiao said with a chuckle, “Don’t care about this, the most important thing for you now is cultivation. After that, I will continue to give things to you to enhance strength.”

The woman smiled and nodded.

Then, Zhao Yu deliberately painted a gathering form on the ground of the cave, gathering the surrounding forces, and inserting some crystal stones of Yin Attribute to help women pure cultivation.

The female pure disk sits in the formation center, and listens to the full training.

Arrange the purely female things, Zhao Wei looked at the other nine women, that is, Mu Qing, Mu Xiang, Gui Xiaomei, they have a savvy person.

“Now you also stay here to practice, continue to improve your strength and keep your state to the best.”

Although their strengths have met the requirements, if their strength is stronger and the state is better, then things are naturally better.

Maybe Ten Yin Immortal Constitution has an accident when they wake up, they can help a lot, so they also need to be prepared for awakening.

In the end, Yue Shenya, all of which is based on her, she is better prepared.

Zhao Wei did not let her practice, at this time her situation is not suitable for cultivation, because the body is still eroded by the force.

What Zhao Wei wants her to do is to let her nurse her body and not change her emotions a lot, waiting for the awakening of Ten Yin Immortal Constitution.

As for other unrelated people, Zhao Wei is not in charge, they can do whatever they want.

Zhao Wei himself came to a mountain, took out the Emperor Killing Sword, and injected a huge strength into the Emperor Killing Sword. The Emperor Killing Sword exudes a strong sword light, a terrible spread.


Zhao Yiyi slashed out with a powerful black sword light, with a terrifying strength, flying forward.


The mountain was directly smashed into two halves by a huge black sword light. It made a loud noise, and it rang through the square. There were countless smashing stones and smoke.

Zhao Wei took out a few Dark Token cards and waved them. Thousands of them wore black armor and the powerful Soldiers appeared in front of Zhao Wei.

This is the Dark Token that Zhao Wei obtained before, which can release the dark sodiers.

“You collect the stones around you and build an altar there.” Zhao Wei gave orders to the darksoldiers.

Zhao Wei helped Yue Shenya to awaken the Ten Yin Immortal Constitution. It was not as easy to imagine. It also needed an altar to gather Power of Heaven and Earth, and there was a special form.


Numerous darksoldiers listened, then all flew to the side of the mountain and began to build their altar.

It takes a while for the altar to be built. Zhao Wei did not waste time in the place, leaving this place to prepare other things.

At this time, Di Xi in Zhao Wei said seriously, “Zhao Wei! This is very important at this time. You must be fully prepared. Don’t help Yue Shenya to wake up easily. I feel that things will not end easily.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Wei was surprised and asked, “Why do you say this?”

Di Xi explained it earnestly, “The first is that Yuan Shenya’s Ten Yin Immortal Constitution is even more unusual. It actually formed an Innate Yin Origin in Yue Shenya, which opened up a space for exertion.”

“This kind of strength is too large, so that Yue Shenya as the main body can’t resist. It has already shown that things are dangerous. If the whole force breaks out, the picture is unimaginable.”

“The last thing is that she has been taking your blood these days. The blood is not the usual blood, but the precious blood.”

“In addition to the woman she has become yours, you are in contact with you on destiny, your destiny is already affecting her, and how terrible your destiny is, you should understand this.”

“In the current situation, it will not be easy to wake up this time. You must be fully prepared, or you will postpone some time.”

After listening to Di Xi, Zhao’s face became serious. “I know, I will be prepared for this, and I don’t have to postpone the awakening. I feel that this time is just right. After a while, my mind will be fully released. There is no time to deal with these things in the trials of the gods.”

Di Xi is not saying anything.

After more than an hour, Zhao Wei came to a force, bought some materials, and finally returned to the original place.

The darksoldiers built the altar, the sacred woman purely cultivated these people, the other people Zhao Wei did not limit them, some people stayed in the same place, did not do anything, some people went outside to play.

Yue Shenya feels that there is nothing to do, originally has been sticking to her Shen Xiaoyi, also practicing under the command of Zhao Wei, making her somewhat uncomfortable.

When I saw Zhao Wei coming back, Yue Shenya smiled and greeted him and asked, “Have you gone there? How come back so long?”

Zhao Wei reaches out and puts Yue Shenya into his arms and smiles. “Because you have to buy a lot of things, it takes a little time.”

Yue Shenya asked with a trace of worry, “Is it really necessary to prepare so many things? Is it a terrible time to wake up? If we are not waiting for a while, we can put it aside.”

Zhao Yan said with a smile, “You don’t have to worry, I will handle these things well. This time I may be awakened by some awakening, but this is why I am preparing so much, that is, to prevent accidents, do you understand?”

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