The scented body constantly absorbs Power of Heaven and Earth, and an ancient yin begins to emerge from the body of the scent.

There was a figure in the sky, and that was the image of the scent.

This figure is not big, only a hundred meters, looks and pretend like the scent, the surrounding Power of Heaven and Earth constantly poured into the figure, a pressure of the gods spread out.

Zhao Wei looked at the scent of the scent and revealed a smile. This is the image of the scent of the scent. Although it is not very large, the strength cannot be compared with Zhao Wei, but it has met the requirements of the Ten Yin Immortal Constitution.

Then, the figure dissipated, the numerous vision disappeared, and the surrounding was restored to a calm.

In the carriage, the grazing scented open the eyes eyes, and the eyes flashed a light.

Muxiang’s younger brother came in from the outside and the first one rushed into the arms of Muxiang. He said excitedly, “Sister! You have become a god! We don’t have to worry about it in the future.”

Now become a true god, the beautiful smile of the scent of the scent, with his brother said, “Um! Later, my sister will protect you, and this will also be thanks to the help of adults. If there is no adult, we may die early.”

Mu Xiao seriously nodded and said that he understood.

Shepherd has a smile on her face and turns to look at Zhao Wei in the carriage, grateful and happy screamed, “Adult!”

Zhao Xiao smiled and nodded. “Come here! Let me see the strength in your body.”

Muxiang released his younger brother and came to Zhao Wei with a trace of shame. Zhao Wei reached out and grabbed one of her hands, and an invisible strength poured into the grazing body.

Everything as Zhao Wei expected, the Moon God Power, now mastered by Muxiang, is not very strong, but has met the requirements, and then it is only the power of the remaining and the power of Xuanyin.

Everyone continues to hurry.

It didn’t take long for everyone to come to a city. Zhao Wei didn’t want to stay here for a long time. I wanted to continue on the road, but I heard a message.

That is, the three spiritual forces next to it are attacking a force, and the name of that power is Profound Yin God.

When I heard the name, Zhao Wei was not calm.

Because the power of Xuanyin is one of the ten strong forces, that power is actually called Profound Yin God, where the gods must have the power of Xuanyin, as long as the power of Xuanyin is collected, then there is only one kind of force. It is.

Zhao Wei asked about the location and information, so that the talents waited here.

“Hey! You are losing, giggling.”

A young woman in a red dress, enchanting, with a trace of viciousness, looked at a woman in a robe.

The robe woman is slim and beautiful, with long cyan hair and a pair of blue eyes, with a weak spirit.

Now her mouth is bleeding out of blood, surrounded by three, except for the red dress woman, a young man with an ordinary face and an ugly strong man.

In addition to the battlefield on this side, there are also gods fighting in other places.

However, it is obvious that the three forces have an advantage, and the number of numerous strength is strong, which makes the force somewhat unstoppable.

That robes woman, said with a look of indifference, “If you are not uniting their two forces, do you think I will be afraid of you?”

The young woman in the red dress sneered and said, “You have the ability to join other forces Ah! You have no ability, then don’t blame me for destroying your Profound Yin God, and you have to keep the goods, let you take it away. Humiliation and death, or I will not understand my hatred for so many years.”

The young man who looked at the ordinary, looked at Profound Yin God and said with a smirk, “You can promise us, as long as we help you to destroy Profound Yin God, you both can do whatever we want.”

The ugly Great Han’s laughter said, “We don’t want to manage things between women, hurry up to end this thing, then let’s play with both of you, I’m a little too late.”

The robe woman looked at the young woman in the red dress with a scornful look. “Oh! Who is the stock now, even at the expense of his own body, I am really worthless for the man who died for you.”

The young woman in the red dress looked angry and shouted, “I blame you all, who is the man who died in my hand?”

The robe woman is coldly snorted. “That’s what you are looking for. Are you trying to invade our forces and let people fight back?”

The young woman in red dress looked angry and shouted at the two men next to her. “Don’t listen to what nonsense she said, as long as you help me catch her, I will play with you for a day.”

Young and Great Han smiled, immediately attacked the robes woman.


Great Han held a giant hammer and slammed it, and a strong strength with fierce winds slammed into the robe woman.

The robe woman hid to the side and escaped the attack.

The young man held a long gun and rushed to the woman in front of the robes. He slammed the rifle with a slap in the face, and with a destructive force, the robes woman hit it.

The robes woman can’t escape, only the sword in her hand can resist.


The young woman in the red dress appeared with a strong momentum, holding a bloody long knife in both hands, and the long knife exudes a strong knife, and slammed the robes into the woman.

The robes woman was in a tight heart and hurriedly resisted the defensive cover.


The long knife with a knife on the hood, made a loud noise, the defensive cover shattered, the robes woman was flying out with a knife, spit out a large mouth of blood.

“Xuan Qing!”

Next to a weak young man, a screamed worried face, wanted to rush, but was stopped by another god.

The young woman in red dress turned her head and looked at the weak young man, laughing and laughing. “It seems that you have a very good relationship with him recently. I will let you see when I wait, how can I kill him and let you feel my pain.”

The robes woman’s face is a bit unsightly because she is not their three opponents, she may be caught in the end, and her power will be destroyed by three forces.

For that weak young man, she has some good feelings, there is no need to pull him in, and she does not want her body to be ruined by two scums.

“The most important thing now is what to do?”


A huge momentum suddenly came, terrifying breath spread like tides, an invisible pressure drastically pressed down, both sides were actively fighting, feeling this terrible breath, immediately quiet, scared the Head looks at the sky.

I saw a man wearing a cloak, a mysterious person appeared in the sky, looking at the ice-cold, overlooking the numerous god below, giving a feeling of being above and not tolerant.

Zhao Wei looked at the four forces that are fighting, not very strong, and the combined strength is still not 10 million. With his strength, he can deal with it, so there can be no scruples.

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