Myriad Kings Sword Spirit’s face became shy. First, she does not admit that Zhao Wei is her master. Now she hates Zhao Wei very much.

The second is that she is not under control, sends out unspeakable voices, and pleads with Zhao Wei to be able to spoil her, but this is not her willingness, but is forced by the Six Desires Demon Qi.

Third, she just doesn’t like Zhao Wei saying that although Zhao Wei said that there is nothing wrong with it, the King of Myriad Kings is worthy of Six Desires Immortal, instead of her being worthy of Six Desires Immortal.

But as the only sword of the King of Myriad Kings, she is definitely the closest person to the King of Myriad Kings. Now she is wronged and Six Desires Immortal should help.

Myriad Kings Sword Spirit angrily said, “I don’t recognize you as my master, and Six Desires Immortal knows, look at my master’s face will definitely shoot, and finally you bastard with Six Desires Demon Qi to deal with me, you still Say hello to me?”

Zhao Wei a pair of eyes Looking at her, did not say anything, a huge Six Desires Demon Qi, such as the tide is constantly integrated into the Sword of Myriad Kings.


Myriad Kings Sword Spirit looked at the constantly infused Six Desires Demon Qi, the body felt a strong feeling at one time, cursed and shy.

Zhao Wei said faintly, “It is the legacy of the King of Myriad Kings. I am your master. You are just a collateral thing. Otherwise, why can I control you with Myriad Kings Sword instead of controlling the Sword of Myriad Kings.”

Myriad Kings Sword Spirit turned red and shouted angrily. “I have a chance to kill you, and why is master’s legacy, choose your bastard.”


Zhao Wei directly broke out a huge momentum, countless Six Desires Demon Qi constantly poured out, and then injected into the Sword of Myriad Kings.

Myriad Kings Sword Spirit consciousness is directly in the darkness, the body twists in the air, making an unspeakable sound, and the ground is full of water stains.

Disaster Dragon Mei Mei said with a smile, “Master! I will help you to teach her.”

“Um!” Zhao Wei simply sighed.

With a smile, Disaster Dragon came to the front of Myriad Kings Sword Spirit and waved an invisible strength to remove the beast skin dress from Myriad Kings Sword Spirit, putting the body of Myriad Kings Sword Spirit in front of him.

Later, Disaster Dragon began a variety of unspeakable things.

Sky Demon also helped with a smile, and Corpse Soul also curiously came forward and learned to train other people to start Myriad Kings Sword Spirit.

Wang Mu looked shameful and was too embarrassed to stay outside and turned into a stream of light back to Sword Seal.

The smallest is Heaven Sealing Sword Spirit, which is just a little girl of six or seven years old, but now she looks red, curious and shy and looks at a few people to coach Myriad Kings Sword Spirit.

Zhao Wei feels that she is not suitable for her to see this, she waved her to Sword Seal.

After three hours, Myriad Kings Sword Spirit made a high-pitched call, and the body collapsed on the chain, like a corpse.

Zhao Wei stopped injecting Six Desires Demon Qi and looked at the weak Myriad Kings Sword Spirit. “Do you want to continue to resist me now?”

Myriad Kings Sword Spirit gasps, a pair of eyes, although unwilling, but still said, “I am willing to surrender, you are my master!”

Zhao Yan’s face glowed with a smile, a strength injected into the Sword of Myriad Kings, the Sword of Myriad Kings, which radiated a slight golden light, originally weak and weak Myriad Kings Sword Spirit, and slowly restored strength and spirit.

And Zhao Wei also loosened the chain that bound her and let her body fall back to the ground.

Myriad Kings Sword Spirit looks like some angry angry, put on her own clothes, and coached her three people, and returned to their original position.

“Master! I can make a contribution.” Disaster Dragon rushed into Zhao’s arms and said with a hint of laughter.

Zhao Xiao smiled and said, reaching out and licking her delicate body, then looked at Myriad Kings Sword Spirit and asked, “You just said that Six Desires Immortal is not dead, but in other interfaces is what’s the matter?”

Myriad Kings Sword Spirit replied with an angry look, “Her cultivation base has reached the limit of this interface, naturally going to a more advanced interface to break through.”

Zhao Wei looked puzzled. “What is the more advanced interface? Is the interface of Heaven Awaken World not the interface of Highest Level?”

Myriad Kings Sword Spirit looked at Zhao Wei with an uninformed look. “It is definitely not. The interface of Heaven Awaken World can only be regarded as an advanced interface, not the ultimate interface. The ultimate interface is called Immortal World, Immortal. The existence generally goes there.”

“There are also interfaces between Immortal World and the advanced interface. These interfaces are influenced by Immortal World. Everything in it contains Immortal Qi, even if it is one by one grass on the roadside, it can also be called For the elixir, the creatures that live in it are even more terrifying, with a very terrifying strength that can easily destroy the world.”

“Those interfaces are called the Half Immortal world and are where the Holy Country is. Generally, the Holy Country will occupy a development in the Half Immortal world, and generally it will not go to the low-level interface.”

Finally, I said that Six Desires Immortal was not the reason, because Six Desires Immortal left a thing for my last owner, saying that if there is something she needs to help, she can go to the Half Immortal community to use the thing to summon her, and she will The lower bound to help the owner. ”

“That thing contains the Origin Power of Six Desires Immortal. Now that the Origin strength is still there, the disappearance of Six Desires Immortal is definitely alive. That thing is sealed in the sword, but you can’t open Myriad Kings Sword Storehouse now, so You still can’t get that one thing.”

Zhao Xin was very shocked. These days, Zhao Wei did not know. The information that Myriad Kings Sword Spirit said is too big. Zhao Wei did not absorb it.

However, it is now possible to understand some things, that is why Immortal is rarely seen in the world. It should all go to Immortal World in order to break through to a higher cultivation base instead of death or missing.

The existence of the Alchemy Technique in Alchemy World seems to have not died, and it should now be in Immortal World.

And the Holy Country veil, full of endless mystery terrifying, was also uncovered, letting Zhao understand what the Holy Country is.

They are now developing in some of the Half Immortal worlds. Although the strength is very terrifying, now they know where they are, and they don’t feel the mysterious, unexplored, unpredictable feelings of the past.

That kind of feeling invisible has raised the Holy Country for several stages, so the ordinary talent is so awe-inspiring to Holy Country.

The last thing about Myriad Kings Sword Storehouse is that Zhao Wei knows, because after getting the King of Myriad Kings legacy, he got a lot of information, including the information of Myriad Kings Sword Storehouse.

Myriad Kings Sword Storehouse is a huge treasure left by the King of Myriad Kings, and that treasure is sealed in the Sword of Myriad Kings, so it is called Myriad Kings Sword Storehouse.

There are countless treasures in this treasure, the magical tool that can’t be imagined, the strength of something, you can easily destroy the heaven and exterminate the earth, all the things collected by the King of Myriad Kings, each piece is not simple .

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