The Exotic Race Emperor Star has disappeared into the sky, and the golden beams form a huge beam of light, standing between Heaven and Earth, several times larger than before, and a wave of terrifying waves is constantly spreading like tides.

Under the horrible fluctuations, everyone’s hands and feet ice-cold, as if in the ice water, the body could not help but tremble.

Originally rushed to the front of the numerous god, scared to rush back, at that moment felt the threat of death, how can there be such a terrible strength in the world? Who is that person?

The ten swords are integrated into one, constantly gathering Power of Heaven and Earth into the Sword of Myriad Kings. The Sword of Myriad Kings exudes a stronger golden light, and the state of waking is getting stronger and stronger.

Zhao Wei raised the sword in one hand, and the wind blew the cloak and made a squeaking voice.

“Ah! ”

Understand that at the last moment, Zhao Wei screamed, the whole body of saint blood strength, injected into the Sword of Myriad Kings.


The Sword of Myriad Kings exudes a more intense sword light, bursting with an amazing strength and making a huge rumbling sound.


A loud cry of Heaven and Earth’s sword cry, the Sword of Myriad Kings seems to be completely awakened, exudes a thousand sword light, devours countless Power of Heaven and Earth.


A huge rumbling sound followed, and the huge golden beam standing between Heaven and Earth became bigger than before.

Heaven and Earth are constantly shaking, and the space and the ground are constantly collapsing. Like the end of the world, a terrifying atmosphere covers everything, and countless people fall into fear.


At the center of the golden sword column, above the Sword of Myriad Kings, a figure with a strong momentum, slowly appear.

This is a woman, tall figure, a body-building muscle, the skin is a touch of blood, with a short-haired short hair, a pair of gold 3-layer 瞳, wearing only a beast skin, with a wild and fierce.

Woman should be the Sword Spirit of the Sword of Myriad Kings, and wake up from the deep sleep under the powerful strength of Zhao Wei.

After the emergence of Sword Spirit, a pair of eyes staring at Zhao Wei, should be looking at Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei is not afraid of holding Myriad Kings Sword, and his eyes are also looking at Sword Spirit.

After a while, Sword Spirit chuckled said, “While you are very good, it is still a lot worse than my last master, but since you pull out Myriad Gods Sword and wake me up, you can be the second generation of the King of Myriad Kings.”

Zhao Wei said disapprovingly, “I can’t be interested in the second generation of the King of Myriad Kings, but you have to understand now that I am your master.”

Sword Spirit said with a hint of provocative smile, “Look at your performance in the future. If you don’t have the ability, I can kill you for the first time. When you are, you can use me because it is not the world.” I don’t deserve to use me.”

Zhao Yan frowned, his face was not happy.

This Sword of Myriad Kings is still very tempered. Although it is only temporarily recognized, it may be rebellious at any time, and the strength of this sword is extremely terrifying. I think that Zhao Yi has a hint of coldness.

“Do you think I can’t deal with you? I don’t like people who dare to provoke me, even if you are the Sword Spirit of the Sword of Myriad Kings.”

Sword Spirit stood on top of Zhao Wei and looked a little contemptuous. “With your now One Heaven Realm’s strength? Or the Exotic Race Supreme Emperor Star? I can ignore it. The latter has some threats to me, but I am not afraid.”

Zhao Wei did not say anything, a huge strength was injected into the sword.

Sword Spirit immediately felt a strength and wanted to pull her into the Sword of Myriad Kings. Sword Spirit smiled disdainfully. “Although you hold Myriad Kings Sword in your hand, don’t forget, I am Sword Spirit. It seems that I should give you some lessons to let you know what is wrong.”

Clang clang clang ……

With a smile, Sword Spirit held out a hand and grabbed Zhao Wei. The Myriad Kings Sword in the hands of Zhao Wei constantly vibrated and wanted to break away from Zhao Fu’s palm.

But the next moment Sword Spirit changed his face. I saw that there were six lychee sizes around Zhao Wei. The ball of light of different colors actually emitted different strengths of Emperor Star. Six ball of light moved to one side, forming a The circle surrounds the sword.


Six balls of light exude a strong ray of light, bursting out an invisible strength, slamming Myriad Kings Sword, Sword Spirit only feels that the body is shackled by strength.

Sword Spirit looked at Zhao Wei with a stunned look. “How can you possibly use the strength of six Emperor Stars?”

Zhao Wei lightly snorted, “Why do I tell you? I said, don’t think that I don’t have strength to deal with you, and even if there are no six Emperor Star’s strengths, I rely on the legacy of Myriad Kings Sword itself to control you.”

“Now that you have awakened, I also gained the ultimate control of Myriad Kings Sword, and also gained the legacy of the first generation of Kings.”

This is what Zhao Wei just discovered, and the strength is injected into Myriad Kings Sword, and I get all the information about Myriad Kings Sword.

Sword Spirit’s face is a bit ugly, a booth eyes glaring at Zhao Wei, “So how do you want to deal with me now?”

Zhao Yan’s mouth rises with a sneer smile. “Do you know that you are afraid? But I will wait to teach you well and let you know who is the master.”

Sword Spirit angrily said, “Do you think I will be afraid of you? I want to see how you deal with me, you don’t forget, I am the Sword Spirit of the Sword of Myriad Kings, if I receive any damage, then the Sword Of Myriad Kings will also be damaged.”

Zhao Wei did not answer her words, with a hint of evil smile on her face, which made Sword Spirit feel a little panic.

Myriad Kings Sword, waving at hand, put the Sword Spirit into the sword.

The origin of this Sword Spirit is also very simple, Zhao Wei intends to wait for it to be handled.

Now that Myriad Kings Sword is awakened, the strength of the sword column is gradually dissipating, and Heaven and Earth are beginning to return to calm.

The strength of the ten swords is also dissipating, and the swords of hundreds of meters are changing to the original appearance.

“Master! I miss you, how do you keep me in Sword Seal?” Disaster Dragon first rushed into Zhao’s arms, a pair of eyes resentful look at Zhao Wei, hands are not honest in Zhao Fu’s body tour go.

Zhao Yubai gave her a look. “You go back to the sword first, wait for me to handle your business.”

Now Zhao Wei understands that the fluctuations caused here are very large, so if you want to leave this place immediately, you can’t have any hesitation. Otherwise, if those real terrible people arrive, they can’t go.

Disaster Dragon smiled and kissed Zhao Wei, and the hook said, “That’s good! Master, I am waiting for you.”

Then, Disaster Dragon returned to the sword and the other Sword Spirit returned to the sword.

Zhao Wei waved all the swords into the Sword Seal, and then relied on the induction to determine where Yue Shenya was.

Yue Shenya When everyone saw Zhao Weixian was surprised, then a lot of questions wanted to ask Zhao Wei, but Zhao Wei did not answer for the time being, but took them out first.

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