After the celebration dinner, Zhao Wei simply responded and returned to Myriad Gods Palace to collect opinions on the matter.

Now Zhao Wei is more concerned about the views of all parties. If there is a better solution, Zhao Wei does not want to go on the road of being besieged. It seems that there is no way before, only that road can be chosen.

This time, Myriad Gods Temple was invited to help the gods to destroy Vulcan. There was nothing to say to the parties. Because there was no initiative to launch a war against them, so before Myriad Gods Temple was willing to live in peace with all parties, it was done.

Zhao Wei thought that he couldn’t help but smile. Myriad Gods Temple can go on the road of unity, turn those enemies into friends, then slowly erode them, and finally eat them all.

Those who are unwilling to form alliances can also be regarded as enemies. Myriad Gods Temple can be attacked together with other gods. Finally, the forces will be divided into half, and there should be many forces and interests.

I wanted to wait until I could discuss with the gods of the Star Gods, because they are already the first ally of Myriad Gods Temple, but another thought, this should be said directly, is the exposed ambition too obvious?

I thought about it, as long as Myriad Gods Temple raised it myself, but what means was used to let other forces propose it.

The second is the harvest of this war. Myriad Gods Temple has gained more than 200 million Populations. In addition to the previous Population, Myriad Gods Temple’s Population has reached 8 billion, which is more powerful than before.

Looking at the front, it was hung in the air, no clothes, red face, and constantly writhing the body of Vulcan.

Zhao Wei took a smile and said, “You have been destroyed by the Vulcan forces. Submission to me is your ultimate affiliation. After you join Myriad Gods Temple, I will not treat you badly. You must be treated better than before. .”

The female Vulcan looked at Zhao Wei with a look of shame and did not say anything.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and a person wearing a cloak came out from the outside. According to the figure of the figure, it was a woman.

The person who came was the beautiful star god. He glanced at Vulcan, who was suspended in the air. He extended a hand and opened his hood. His face was blushing, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Zhao Wei with a hint of anger. “You really are a despicable and shameless person.”

At the end of the celebration party, Zhao Wei inspired the Six Desires Demon Seed in the star god to control the body of the star god.

What Zhao Wei thought before was this thing. Not only was there a chess piece left in the power of the Star God. If a god is conquered as his own person, the Star God power can be easily in the future.

“Control you to come here, as far as my purpose is not to say, now are you willing to surrender to me?” Zhao Wei said with a smile to the beautiful star god.

Beautiful star god coldly snorted, “So you feel that I will betray other stars and surrender to you?”

Zhao Yan with a smile on his face, did not say anything more, waved two chains to shoot, tied the beautiful star gods together, and then lifted her up, one wave at a time, a strength issued Tears her clothes and shows her body.

Finally, reaching out, countless Six Desires Demon Qi emerged from the body of the beautiful star god, that kind of strong feeling, so that the beautiful GoddeSS could not help but make a sigh of breath, then flushed and writhed in the air. .

Next to Vulcan looking at the star god next to it, understand what it is like now, because she is also suffering.

Zhao Wei did not continue to do anything, took his eyes back and placed it on the fold in front of him.

After two hours of time, the two GoddeSS couldn’t bear the torment of Zhao Fu’s, and promised to surrender to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei smiled and waved and removed the chain that bound them. The two GoddeSS fell on the ground, and they lost their senses. They generally rushed into Zhao’s arms, and Zhao Wei sealed their body’s Six Desires Demon Qi.

The two GoddeSS returned to normal, and the beautiful GoddeSS was blushing. In Zhao Yu’s arms, both hands were angry and beat Zhao’s chest. “You are a thief!”

Vulcan is in the arms of Zhao Wei, dissatisfied with lightly snorted, “Why don’t you like us?”

Zhao is holding two GoddeSS said with a chuckle, “cultivation technique limitation, and you can rest assured that now you are surrendering to me, then I will not treat you badly.”

Vulcan’s face was also eased, and he sighed with a sigh of relief. He rubbed his hands on Zhao Wei and leaned his head on Zhao’s shoulder.

In the arms of Zhao Yu, a pair of eyes looked at Zhao Wei, softly said, “Although I surrendered to you, but you promised me not to hurt other stars, in the future I am yours.”

Zhao Xiao smiled and said, “If it is not necessary, I will not hurt them. After you go back, you should also strengthen your control over the forces. In the future, let Myriad Gods Temple annex the forces of the stars.”

Star God with a smile on his face, softly replied, “Um!”

Later, Zhao took two GoddeSS and watched the folds. The two GoddeSS chatted with Zhao Wei with a happy smile.

After a while, Vulcan smiled and asked, “People! Who are you? What is the purpose of coming here?”

Star God also curiously smiled and asked, “Yes! I am also curious, because the ability to be a public is certainly not an ordinary person, what is it to come to our remote place?”

Zhao Xiao replied with a smile, “My identity in the future will tell you that the purpose of my visit here is, of course, to unify all the spiritual forces and build a powerful force to control Ten Thousand Gods.”

Two GoddeSS looked at Zhao Wei with some surprise. I didn’t think that Zhao Hao’s ambition was so big. He was not satisfied to become a powerful force, but to unify all the forces in this place.

However, with the ability of Zhao Fu’s, the two GoddeSS also believe that Zhao can do it.

Later, Zhao Wei let the Star God go back first, so as not to be seen by others, and let Vulcan wear clothes, come to the hall, and discuss the plan after Myriad Gods Temple.

Zhao Wei and everyone said their thoughts, that is, the idea of ​​uniting the numerous forces before, turning the enemy into a friend, and also destroying some enemies, thereby increasing their own strength.

Everyone agrees with Zhao Fu’s plan, but the key alliance is not good for Myriad Gods Temple to say it first. It is best to let others take the initiative.

After everyone’s deliberation, everyone got a way.

It’s not that Sun God’s strength is a bit scary. Some of the weaker forces around us are afraid of jealousy. This is the condition for the establishment of the alliance.

After a detailed plan, Zhao Wei also started the action.

At first, Zhao Wei let Myriad Gods Temple announce that she is not only willing to live in peace with everyone, but also willing to help everyone. If you have any needs, Myriad Gods Temple will try to do it.

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