At this time, a teenager came in. He was wearing a black robe with stars and a young sacrifice.

“Sacred grandfather! So late, you still have to rest early!” The teenager looked at the old man and asked with a smile of concern.

The old man showed a gentle smile. “Wait, I will write it right away. This is my usual sentiment. It can help you these young sacrifices. After I die, the great gods will need you to spread Faith. .”

When the teenager heard this, he couldn’t help but show a sad expression, because the old man did not have much time to live.

The strength of the old man is not strong, so the life expectancy is limited. Not only that, but the old man is also infected with a disease, so he wants to use the last time of his life and finally do something useful to others and to the gods.

Because of this, he is respected by various sacrifices.

“The goddess of the gods is so powerful, they can display miracles to cure your illness, you will not have things.” The teenager said with earnest confidence.

The old man showed a smile. “You don’t have to bother with the great gods. I have lived for so long, and I have been content with my life.”

The teenager looks a little uncomfortable, his eyes twinkling with tears.

The old man said with a smile, “Okay! I will wait for the rest, the time is not early, you should rest first.”

The boy shook his head. “I still accompany the grandfather, and wait for the grandfather to sleep, I am going to rest.”

The old man saw this, and there was no way. He smiled and let the teenager sit on the chair next to him and continued to write the words.

At this time, Zhao Wei had already come outside the room and looked at a few guards who were outside the door. They started talking to the people behind them, “kill them!”

Now a few people behind Zhao Wei, the expression ice-cold, has been controlled by Zhao Wei, without any hesitation, the speed quickly rushed to those few guards.

The face of the gods changed, and immediately yelled, “There are enemies!” Then he held the weapon and rushed over to several people.

However, several of the guards were obviously not the opponents of those who were Zhao Wei. They were directly killed and the screams rang through the night sky.

Hearing the screams outside the house, the old ritual changed his face.

The teenager next to him was full of fear, and his body was terrified, because he had no strength at all. If the enemy rushed in, he would definitely die.

The old sacrifices understood that those people came to themselves, and quickly made a decision. The kindly smile showed a kind of smile to the boy. “Don’t be afraid! You should hide under the bed first, remember not to come out no matter what happens.”

The teenager said with concern, “What about your grandfather?”

The old sacrifice said with a smile, “I don’t have to worry, you still hurry to hide under the bed, or you can’t get too late.”

It is said that the teenager can only hide under the bed with fear.


The door was kicked directly, and several people masked into it, looking at the old ritual with a murderous aura.

The old ritual sat on the chair, his attitude was light, without any fear, and he looked at those people with a calm look. “Who are you?”

And those people did not say anything, one of them slashed a knife, a huge knife flew out, directly cut off the old ritual hoe on the chair, blood spattered out, the old ritual body smashed on the table .

Then one walked up and grabbed the head that rolled to the ground.

The juvenile hid under the bed and watched this scene with his own eyes. The painful tears burst out, and at the same time they were afraid of holding their mouths and did not dare to make any noise.

Now the body is shaking, afraid of being discovered by those people, fearing that those are killed.

At this time, Zhao Wei, who controlled the few people, actually found the boy, but wanted to leave a witness, so he was not killing the boy, controlling those who took the head and left.

At this time, countlesssoldiers quickly rushed over here, deliberately controlling a few people to slow down, let those solediers catch up, and deliberately took the head of the old sacrifice in their hands, deliberately to see the numerous soldiers.

Soldiers looked at the respected old ritual head, and angered to those few people. Zhao Wei controlled those people, striking down a lot ofsoldiers, but there were constantsoldiers coming over and joining the battle.

In the end, Zhao Wei controlled those people who were somewhat invincible. They died in the hands of the numerous soldiers. A British Wuwu youth came over and walked in front of the bodies of those people with a look of indignation and took off their faces.

For these few people, the youth are somewhat familiar, that is, the people on the side of the Vulcan forces.

At this time, the boy with tears on his face was brought up, and his face pointed at them with anger. “That is, they killed the grandfather!”

Things were quickly reported to the top of the Star Gods.

“This group of bastards, since it is a beast for an old man who has no strength, it is a matter of rushing me to Ah!”

“Hey! This time the last revenge, I was relatively opposed to assassination of this kind of thing. Now the assassination has failed and my own people have been assassinated.”

“Hey! We actually have a better goal, but because we are too young, we have changed one goal. We can’t be soft at the time. Now they don’t have a bit of it.”

“The old sacrifice is deeply loved by the people in our power. Now that I know that he was killed, all the generals of the parties want to avenge the old sacrifice.”

“Get started! This war will break out sooner or later, it is better to start as soon as possible.”


On the side of the Vulcan forces, I also learned the news.

“hahaha, who sent this person? It should be rewarded, and finally a bad smell, I have long wanted to do this.”

“Somewhat strange, why didn’t I hear any news, so who is the big thing?”

“Don’t care who made it. Now I have got the news. The Star Gods have already mobilized a large amount of troops and intend to fight against us in full swing, so we must begin to prepare for the attack of the Star Gods.”

“Hey! I don’t know how many people will die in this battle.”

“What are you afraid of? I have been waiting for such a day. The power of Vulcan and the power of Xingshen is not that it is death or we are dead.”

“Don’t say anything nonsense, the power of the star god has already been attacked, let’s start fighting!”


The power of the gods and the gods with countless solitiers, the fierce and terrible attack on the Vulcan forces, the Vulcan forces also mobilized countless army to guard the city wall, exudes a powerful momentum.


Two huge momentums collided together, the two sides fought fiercely, the blood splashed, the screams continued, and people continued to die, and that sound was alarming.

Zhao Wei, who was hidden in the void, could not help but show a smile, disappeared in place and returned to Myriad Gods Temple.

Two days later, there were several news that Zhao Wei had some accidents.

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