At this time, Zhao Wei became the hand of countless roots, and grabbed it with force, and countless roots shrank hard.


The GoddeSS’s defensive hood was broken directly, the GoddeSS inside was ugly, and countless roots entangled her. GoddeSS broke out with a power to resist, and a huge Power of Evil Demon poured into it.

GoddeSS’s body quickly loses control, consciousness is blurred, and then the body’s control is lost.

A few GoddeSS also cut off countless roots, rushed to Zhao Fu’s, a powerful strength into the hands of the weapon, the weapon emitted a myriad of cold light, Zhao Zhao passed.

Zhao Wei directly grabbed the unconscious GoddeSS body and threw them at them, causing them to immediately withdraw the strength and shouted “despicable!”

Two GoddeSS were attacked from the other side. Zhao Hao’s other hand became a myriad of roots. With a strong wave, with a strong strength, he hit the two GoddeSS.

Pū pū pū ……

Two GoddeSS holding this sword, slamming the roots that hit the past, and the broken roots danced around.

Zhao Wei rushed to them with a powerful momentum. The roots of both hands gathered two huge fists and punched them out, bringing out an amazing strength and hitting the two GoddeSS.

boom! boom!

Two dull sounds were heard, and the two GoddeSS bodies flew out and hit the ground, hitting two big pits.

De You’s face is full of anger, bursting out all the gods, burning a blue mist, slamming the sword in his hand, a huge sword light with a terrifying strength, and Zhao smashed the past.

Zhao Xin was shocked and his body stretched out countless pale roots, forming a semi-circular cover and blocking it in front of him.


That sword light abolished the terrible, a sword will open the semicircle, the huge strength will also fly out, heavily on the ground, pulled out a big pit, and coughed up a blood.

De You holding a sword, with a strong momentum, a face of murderous aura rushed to Zhao.

Zhao Wei lying on the ground, reaching out a hand, a demon strength rushed out, that hand turned into countless roots, with a rapid strength, shot to De You quickly, terrible.

De You cold-faced, the sword in his hand continually swayed, brought out a sword light, and cut off countless roots. The distance is also getting closer and closer to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei coldly snorted, the body broke out a terrible demon strength, and now Zhao Wei is burning this wolf poison life, inspiring the Power of Evil Demon.

I saw a black light wave spreading out, and a demon atmosphere spread.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

A pale root with a thick arm, with a strong strength, shot from the ground and shot at De You.

De You’s face changed, the sword in his hand continually pulled out, brought out a sword light, and cut off the pale root of the past, but the pale root was still too much, not only from the front, but also from the side to De You. past.


A pale root shot from a corner, tied De You’s foot, and then pulled down, De You immediately lost balance.

Around a large number of pale roots attacked her, De You was shocked, waving the sword in his hand, and smashing a sword light to break the pale root of the numerous shot, but there are still more pale roots, entangled De You’s body.


a rumbling sound came out, De You rushed out of terrible power, trying to break away, a terrible Power of Evil Demon suddenly poured into her body.

De You’s face became ugly and he found that he began to lose control of his body.

The other four GoddeSS also rushed to attack Zhao Wei, a huge cold light, and Zhao Zhao passed.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

The ground grows more giant pale roots, forming a protective cover that protects Zhao Fu’s body.


The cold light squatted on the protective cover, making a loud noise, countless roots were cut off, the ground was also forced to collapse, the stone splashed, and the smoke and dust.

A GoddeSS flies to De You, and the sword slams the numerous entanglement of De You’s pale root.

However, at this time De You has lost consciousness. Those who were entangled in her roots were cut off and her body fell to the ground.

That GoddeSS hurriedly hugged De You’s body and checked her body.

The other three GoddeSS a pair of eyes are concentrated in the dusty pit, the dust and fog, and Zhao Fu’s body appears in front of the three GoddeSS.

At this time, Zhao had a wound on his body, and the wound continued to flow out of blood, but it was very pale root, wrapped around the wound, and the wound healed quickly, but Zhao Wei looked pale.

Just that blow was not hurt, and now Zhao Wei is burning this physical life.

The three GoddeSS will not die, but coldly snorted, with a strong momentum, rushed to Zhao.

And Zhao Wei also stood up from the ground, using the last Power of Evil Demon in the body, which became the hands of countless roots, and condensed into one of the three GoddeSS.

The tops of those roots began to grow a huge flower bud, and the surrounding Power of Heaven and Earth continued to gather. The buds exude a strong enchanting evil and dark atmosphere, then bloom, a rose-like flower, emitting countless dreams. Such as the illusion of light.

Three GoddeSS, who rushed past with a strong temper, saw the evil flower, the body slowly stopped, and the eyes lost their spirits. As in the hallucination, the evil strength continued to erode toward them.

GoddeSS, who is holding De You’s body, saw this scene and was shocked. He hurriedly injected all his power into the sword in his hand. The sword emitted countless lights. With a terrifying extreme strength.


The GoddeSS slammed the sword in his hand, and a huge crescent flew out, with a sharp strength, breaking the root of the evil flower, and the evil flower faded.

The three GoddeSS also returned to normal, looking at Zhao Wei with a look of fear, the people in front of the heart, really terrible, almost three of them will lose all resistance.

Zhao Wei’s face changed too, because it was the only Power of Evil Demon, and now there is no Power of Evil Demon after use.

And this body because Zhao Hao burns too much vitality, but also quickly weakened.

Three GoddeSS chilled a face, spurred hard, three huge sword light, with a strong strength, quickly shot Zhao Yu, and directly pulled out Zhao’s body.

Three GoddeSS had some accidents. I didn’t think it was so easy to striking down Zhao Wei, but they just saw that Zhao Wei had no strength, so he didn’t care too much.

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