Thousands of GoddeSS, according to Zhao Fu’s command, quickly wrote a letter and sent them to the thirteen spiritual forces.

“The arrogance is extreme. He is a Myriad Gods Temple. But it is also composed of five forces. The power is not terrible. I dare to speak to me like this. It just doesn’t put me in my eyes.”

Sitting above the hall, a man in black, strong, said with a look of anger.

Next to a general in armor, also coldly said, “Since Myriad Gods Temple is so arrogant, you have to let the taste of arrogance, as well as the consequences of ignoring my God, never forgive them.”

A young man in white, dressed in white, said with an angry face, “I also agree to attack Myriad Gods Temple. If I treat my god like this, then I should die and let them bear the wrath of my god.”

“We all agree to attack Myriad Gods Temple, the Myriad Gods Temple paying for the arrogant behavior and letting them see the power of my god.”

The people present at the scene also said in unison, the scene was chilling, and there was still some blood in the faint.

In recent years, there have been no wars around, and the generals have also been silent. They also want to use the war to rejuvenate themselves and make them more reusable.

The man in black also has this plan. Now the forces are too calm. Faith himself is so much. He is already somewhat unsatisfied. He needs more Faith. It only has the power to annex other gods.

Now all the generals agree that the black man stood up from the chair with a bit of a domineering smile and just wanted to speak.


a loud sound was issued, the roof was broken, and a person appeared directly in the middle of the hall, wearing a cloak, holding a sword, and spreading his body.

These thirteen gods are added together. Zhao Wei is not terrible. At most, he also uses Nation Armament. The forces of those forces are much more than Myriad Gods Temple, but they can also use the strength of Nation Armament.

Divine Spirit World Basic Soldiers, also 1st Order soldiers, if you use your own Great Earth Realm cultivation base, it can be a bit of a hassle to deal with tens of millions of 1st Order soldiers.

Moreover, they gathered together and Zhao had a way to deal with it, but if they acted separately, Zhao Wei would have no choice, because he only needed one, and could only solve the problem in one place.

Therefore, Zhao Fu’s intends to kill a few gods first, weaken the strength of the thirteen forces, and the gods are the core of a force. Once the death forces will be chaotic, and if there is no new god succession, the whole force will collapse.

The people around him looked at Zhao Yan, who was shocked and looked at the top. He felt the momentum of Zhao Fu’s, and his heart sank.

Zhao Wei then raised his sword and pointed at the black man, started talking. “Now do you choose to surrender, or choose to die?”

The man in black was angry in his heart, took out a knives, and burst into a strong spirit. With a terrible strength, he rushed over to Zhao.


A black blood flame ignited from Zhao Fu’s body, and a terrible Saint strength broke out. In order to solve this god as soon as possible, Zhao Wei did not hesitate and directly broke out the strength of saint blood.


The man in black was holding a knives and rushing over with fierce momentum. Zhao Wei and his sword waved out, and a terrifying sword force smashed out. He directly flew out the black man and slammed it on the wall, directly to the wall.

The handsome young man, armed with arms, rushed over with an angry face. Zhao Wei dared to hurt the god he believed in. He wanted to cut Zhao Wei into several paragraphs.

Pā !

Zhao Yu extended a hand and directly grasped the head of the handsome young man, then lifted it up and grabbed it with force. The handsome young man’s head exploded directly, and his brain and blood splashed.

This scared the original who also wanted to rush to the front, hard to stop, and looked at Zhao Wei with a look of fear.

Zhao Wei took back his hand, a pair of eyes looking at the black man who got up from the ground.


The man in black broke out with a strong momentum, and the body emitted a strong black light. A pair of eyes glared at Zhao Wei, with a strong murderous aura, rushing over to Zhao.

Zhao Wei looked a little disdainful, stretched out the hand that was stained with blood, and grabbed it forward. A huge strength sucked the black youth into front of Zhao Wei, who grabbed the man’s head in black.

The people around him were shocked and no longer hesitated. With a strong momentum, they rushed to Zhao Yu. If the gods died, everything was finished.


Zhao Yi waved the sword in his hand, and with a huge sword force, he flew out the people who had been rushing around, and fell heavily on the ground.

Zhao Wei reached out and grabbed the man’s head in black. The corner of his mouth rose, with a cold smile, and the black man was lifted up. The black man looked at Zhao Fu’s eyes and felt a fear in his heart. He wanted Use strength, but there is no strength.

Pī li pā lā ……

Zhao Fu’s has a large number of arcs in his hands, and the violent and fierceness has poured out of the black man’s body. The arc is condensed by the Power of God Slayer.

Aaaaaaaah ……

The man’s body was violently twitching, his face was distorted, and a scream of screaming was screaming, stinging the nerves of the human body, and the electric light continued to flash, illuminating the surroundings.

For a while!

Zhao Wei let go of his hand, and the black man softly squatted on the floor, his eyes turned white, his nose ran across his body, and his body was hot.

“Now are you choosing to surrender or die?”

Zhao Wei a pair of eyes With a cruel, looking at the soft man in front of the man, just did not kill him, just let him taste a bit, the pain to the ultimate feeling.

If it is a general GoddeSS, because there is Six Desires Demon Qi, it is better to tame, so Zhao Wei uses God Slayer lightning, but also keeps hands, but for male gods, Zhao Wei did not keep hands, directly using the most intense pain.

Now that this male god has suffered once, it becomes like this, and both the spirit and the body are greatly devastated.

When I heard Zhao Fu’s, the male god was like a dead body without any reaction.

Zhao Yu frowned, his palms ignited an electric arc at a time, and the male god rushed to react and squatted on the ground, fearfully saying, “Don’t continue, I am willing to surrender to you.”

Seeing his fearful weakness, it was just as powerful as a dog. Zhao Wei showed a smile and waved a ban into his body.

“Now you give me the truth to stay here, then the people of Myriad Gods Temple come back here, you listen to their words.”

“Yes Yes Yes.”

The man nodded in fear and no hesitation.

The people around him saw the gods in this way, and they fell to the ground with fear. They dared not say a word and were shocked. “How does Myriad Gods Temple have such a terrifying person?”

With a smile, Zhao Wei turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the horizon.

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