Xiū xiū xiū ……

The countlesssoldiers below also saw that their gods were not Zhao Fu’s opponents. They shot a single arrow and took a force to shoot Zhao.

Zhao Wei directly put out a defensive hood, and blocked the numerous arrows that were shot. The numerous arrows were shot on the defensive hood, and there was no influence on the defensive hood.

“Ah! ”

God of Golden Stone screamed, and a more terrible strength broke out of his body. He held the knife with his strong force, and the powerful strength was injected into it. The big knife gave off a strong golden knife.


God of Golden Stone took a sigh of relief, a huge golden knives with all the strengths left, and Zhao smashed past, as if nothing could stop.

Zhao Wei’s face with a disdainful smile, raised the sword in his hand, and a strong strength was injected into it. Emperor Killing Sword exudes a strong sword light, with a strong wave, a huge black crescent with a strong energy. The wind is blowing.


Two attacks hit a loud bang, the fierce golden knives, directly shattered by sword light, turned into countless spots to dissipate, black sword light continued to smash, the God of Golden Stone fell to the ground, hit a Huge pit.


A huge roar sounded, and there were more than 600,000 solediers wearing golden armor underneath, bursting with a golden scent, and the golden atmosphere condensed together to form a golden great hammer, which was nearly 100 meters.

The numerous soldiers controlled the golden great hammer, and the high lift, with a terrifying destructive power, smashed from the side to Zhao.

Zhao Wei’s face did not change. He clenched his fist and gathered a piece of strength. He waved hard and took a fierce force.


With a strong momentum, the golden great hammer was blown by Zhao Yi, and countless golden breaths turned into a raging wind.

Numerous gold armor also spit out a blood, his face became pale, and the condensed golden great hammer was connected to their bodies.

Zhao Wei turned to the countlesssoldiers, raised the sword in his hand, and a sword slammed out with a sword, a huge black sword light, with a terrible strength to the Soldiers.

Pū pū pū ……

The black sword light passed by, and the numeroussoldiers below were cut off like a weed, and the numeroussoldiers were cut open, blood splattered, and the ground was stained with blood red.

Zhao Yan’s face sneered, waving the sword in his hand, and scooping out a sword light to slaughter those sodiers.


A huge momentum rushed to himself, Zhao Wei with a sword, a slamming, blocking the big knife that came over, God of Golden Stone looked angry, full of golden light.

Zhao Yu’s eyes were cold, and he waved his God of Golden Stone at a time, and with a strong momentum, he picked up the sword and took a terrible sword.


God of Golden Stone fell into the ground by a sword slash, squatting in the big pit, hitting a big pit of more than ten meters, and there was a huge wound on the chest, and the blood spurted out.

At this time, the God of Golden Stone has been seriously injured, becoming weak and weak, and there is no strength to climb.

Zhao Wei flew down from the sky and landed beside the body of the God of Golden Stone. He said with a sneer, “I gave you a chance before, everything is what you asked for.”

God of Golden Stone looked at Zhao Wei with a look of anger, as if to blow Zhao to the dog.

Zhao squatted down, and a strength gathered in the palm of his hand, grabbing it to the abdomen of God of Golden Stone and grabbing it directly into the belly of God of Golden Stone.


God of Golden Stone looked painful and made a scream. Zhao Wei grabbed a golden diamond-shaped stone and pulled out the blood-stained hand.

God of Golden Stone’s strength is rapidly declining, because Zhao Wei grabbed his body from his body.

With such terrible damage, the godhead was taken out by Zhao Wei, God of Golden Stone almost reached the edge of dying, without a little strength.

Jade Stone GoddeSS and Iron Stone GoddeSS came to the army with a quick look, watching a corpse on the ground, and the horrors of the God of Golden Stone, and there was some fear in the heart, which was very ferocious.

If they don’t choose to surrender, maybe the same as the God of Golden Stone.

At this time, the life of God of Golden Stone has been lost, and he himself has died. His face is unwilling and resentful.

Zhao Yi’s strength poured into the golden godhead, killing the residual soul of God of Golden Stone, and then began to forcefully absorb the power of legacy.

I saw that the golden godhead radiated a strong radiance, and the divine power contained in it was constantly absorbed by Zhao Wei. After a while, a golden mist broke out from Zhao’s body, absorbing the power of the gods legacy.

At this time, the people of Jade Stone GoddeSS and Iron Stone GoddeSS have taken control of it, bringing a woman and a teenager.

Listening to Jade Stone GoddeSS, this woman is the wife of God of Golden Stone, the son of God of Golden Stone.

Zhao Wei’s eyes fell on the woman, she looks beautiful, tall figure, with a noble temperament.

Now she is also nervous and afraid to look at Zhao Wei, because Zhao Wei is likely to kill her and her son.

Zhao Wei said with a smile, “Do you want to die or want to live?”

Hearing the words, the woman breathed a sigh of relief and realized that she had the opportunity to live. Although her husband was killed by the people in front of him, it is the most important thing to keep her and her son’s life. Nodded and replied, “Also let the adults let us go!”

Zhao Wei chuckled, “Do you think I will let you go?”

Woman’s face changed, and there was some confusion in her heart. Isn’t Zhao Wei asking her if she wants to live or die?

Zhao Wei threw the golden godhead in his hand to the woman. “You are the God of Golden Stone in the future. If you want to live, you will be honest.”

This golden stone goddess Zhao Wei is only a part of the power of the legacy, but also contains a lot of powerful power, if you absorb the refine, there will be a new God of Golden Stone.

Zhao Wei has just discovered that women and teenagers have the same golden stone power in their bodies. If they give them to one of them, they will refine their gods faster and have a higher degree of integration.

The teenager feels somewhat unsuitable, so Zhao Wei chooses woman as the next generation of Golden Stone GoddeSS.

Woman took the surprise and took over the godhead. She now understands Zhao Fu’s purpose and thanks Zhao.

Zhao Wei chuckled, did not say anything, turned into a stream of light to the horizon.


A huge imposing manner over a temple built of silver, a huge imposing looming over the entire region.

A woman wearing silver armor, holding a spear, wearing a mature, with a heroic, with a huge imperial momentum, rushed into the sky.

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