Rooaaar ……

Going deep into the forbidden area, it is much more dangerous than outside. A monster directly attacked Zhao Wei crazy.

This group of monsters are all kinds of beasts, there are lions, tigers, wolves, horses and pigs, but there is one thing in common, the eyes are black, the body grows scales, with a very evil atmosphere.

The old man followed Zhao Wei, facing so many monsters that rushed, could not help but show the expression of fear.

Zhao Wei’s face did not change, holding the Emperor Killing Sword, a huge strength infused into it, the Emperor Killing Sword exudes a strong sword light, and a sly sword is emitted.

Clang clang clang ……

Zhao Wei waved the sword in his hand and pulled out a huge sword light. The countless monsters rushed to kill, the blood splashed everywhere, the screams continued, the ground was covered with broken bodies, and a thick bloody smell spread.

The old man behind Zhao Wei, some shocked to see the massacre that Zhao Wei began, is simply fierce.

In less than a moment, the numerous fierce beast rushed up, all killed by Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei took the old man to move on, getting deeper and deeper, and should be close to the position of that thing.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and a terrifying momentum, like a fierce flood, spread with drowning all the strength.

A 10,000-meter monster appeared in front of Zhao Wei.

The upper body of this monster is the body of three people, all of whom are strong men, with a sly face, a bone horn on the head, and a snake tail on the lower body, with pale scales.

Zhao Wei’s face was a little serious, and he said to the old man, “Let’s go back a little further!”

The old man also understood that the next battle was very terrifying, honest and quick to retreat into the distance. He also had a ban on Zhao Yu’s stay, so he could not run.

boom! boom! boom!

The eyes of the three bodies of the three monsters stared at Zhao Wei, opened their mouths, three huge white beams, with the strength of everything, and the momentum of the bamboo shoots Zhao Zhao.


A loud sound was issued, and the three terrible lights hit Zhao Wei, countless pale radiance, and the colored fairy clouds spread out.

Zhao Wei stood still in the same place, his eyes have become a colorful color, and his eyebrows have a colorful formation. A color rune circle is centered on Zhao Wei, and it is full of colorful rays, with a terrifying momentum. Immortal.

The face of the monster is also a glimpse. It is obvious that the three terrifying attacks have already attacked Zhao Wei, but Zhao Wei seems to have nothing to do, and it is easy to block its blow.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The monster made three roars in anger, and rushed to Zhao Wei with a terrifying momentum. Several fists were played with a terrible strength, and several forces that twisted the void were beaten to Zhao.

Zhao Yan no expression, flat up the sword in his hand, a huge Immortal Power into the sword, the sword turned into seven colors, ignited a mist.


Zhao Yiyijian swung out, a huge colorful crescent sword light, with all the strengths, and a terrifying extreme momentum.


The terrible punches were blown up by a sword slash, a strong wind, with a terrible strength spread, and numerous sandstones were blown up.

The monster’s huge body was also flew out by a sword slash, and fell heavily on the ground. The ground was pulled out of a large pit, and the monster’s fist was also pulled out of a wound, and the blood continued to flow out.


The monster made an angry roar, climbed up from the ground, opened his mouth, countless pale rays, and a terrifying strength spread out.

The monster spit forward.

Bang bang bang bang…

Countless horrible pale beams, with amazing strength, shot Zhao Yu to the past, sending out a strong wind, the momentum is terrible, as if it can destroy everything.

Zhao Wei stood still, a terrifying strength broke out, and the colorful mist was ignited around Zhao Fu’s colorful rune circle, emitting a strong radiance and rotating with a terrible strength.


Numerous road shots of the pale white beams, all of which were refracted by a colorful rune circle, hitting the ground, directly through a large hole, and made a loud noise, without hurting Zhao Wei.

When the monster saw it, he still couldn’t attack Zhao Wei. The anger took a terrible momentum and rushed to Zhao.

Zhao Wei sneered, raised the sword in his hand, and a sword light flew into the sky.

The surrounding Power of Heaven and Earth gathered in madness. A colorful sword formation emerged with a terrible strength, emitting a strong radiance. A vast sword shrouded Heaven and Earth, and countless creatures felt a fear.

The sword that Zhao Wei raised was falling.

Bang bang bang ……

The colorful sword formation turned, a smothering spread, a terrible sword light, with a strength that smashed Heaven and Earth, no one can resist the general, squatting on the rushing monster.

The monster broke out all the strengths, and wanted to withstand the numerous sword lights, but it was impossible to stop. The body was smashed into a few pieces by a word of light, and countless blood sprinkled, like bloody rain.

The elderly in the distance, the body has some uncontrollable trembling, the god of the front is really terrifying.

Striking down This monster, Zhao Wei called the old man and continued to walk forward.

Finally, in front of a large pit of the huge kilometer, there was no death in the big pit, and there was no stone in the center.

This stone gun looks very long, looks very primitive, the color is also grayish white, the surface of the gun body has some runes, the tail of the gun is a small diamond, and it emits a very evil strength, which makes people feel cold.

Feeling that this stone gun is extraordinary, Zhao Wei with a smile, is about to pull it out.

The old man kindly reminded, “God of the gods! The stone gun can be very dangerous. Everything here is caused by the stone gun.”

Zhao Wei understood clearly and went into the big pit. He came to the stone gun and held out a hand and grabbed the gun.

An extremely powerful strength, mad from the gun body, injected into the body of Zhao Wei. I want to mutate Zhao Wei.


a rumbling sound sounded, Zhao Wei broke out all saint blood strength, a black blood flame ignited from the body, forming a strong storm.

Zhao Fu’s saint blood strength blocked the invading evil, Zhao Wei also injected saint blood strength into the gun body, suppressing the evil strength, and then grabbed the stone gun and pulled it hard.


A heaven-shaking bang came out, a pale ray of light with a terrible strength, rushed into the sky, a terrible wave of waves spread, Heaven and Earth changed, the clouds surged, sun and moon were dull.

Standing outside the forbidden area, waiting for Jade Stone GoddeSS and Iron Stone GoddeSS, his face changed, a pair of eyes looked at the forbidden place, it was not clear what was discovered.

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