Zhao Wei did not have any angry meaning, with full confidence, laughing starteded talking, “Yes! You can make your strength despite your strength.”

Iron Stone GoddeSS coldly said, “Going outside, it’s not good to show here.”

Zhao Wei nodded and two people came to the sky.

Iron Stone GoddeSS’s strength is a little stronger than Jade Stone GoddeSS’s strength, and it’s aggressive with a sharp metal.

I saw Iron Stone GoddeSS holding a gun, with a powerful spirit, quickly rushed to Zhao Wei, a shot with cold light, forced to stab Zhao Yu.

Zhao Wei also took out Emperor Killing Sword with a smile on his face. In the face of a shot from Iron Stone GoddeSS, he waved his sword and brought out a fierce black sword light. He was kneeling at the stabbing rifle. on.


A steel bellows sounded, sparks splashed, the gun head and the sword edge slammed together, and a strong wind spread out.

Zhao Wei stood still in place.

Iron Stone GoddeSS took a few steps back and her face became a bit serious. She now understands that Zhao Fu’s strength is really strong.


Iron Stone GoddeSS broke out all the strengths directly, and a terrifying momentum spread. With this momentum, Iron Stone GoddeSS rushed over to Zhao, and the rifle spurred.

A huge black gunman, with a terrible sharpness, quickly shot Zhao Yu.

Zhao Wei stood in the same place, but he still didn’t move. A strength was injected into the sword in his hand. With a wave of force, a fierce sword light burst out, directly exploding the spurt of the thorn, and countless black light.


Iron Stone GoddeSS appeared in the sky, holding a long gun in both hands, with an amazing power, from top to bottom to Zhao Hao, fierce.

Zhao Yan with a smile on his face, lifted a sword in his hand and blocked the long gun that was hit.

Iron Stone GoddeSS looked awkward and didn’t seem to think that Zhao Wei was so easy to block him.


The body of Iron Stone GoddeSS dissipated into countless iron sands, but the body of the next moment Iron Stone GoddeSS appeared next to Zhao Wei, with a shot and a fierce force, and fiercely stabbed Zhao Yu.

Zhao Wei didn’t look at it, waved a sword light and threw it out, directly knocking back the gun that Iron Stone GoddeSS stabbed. Iron Stone GoddeSS’s body has turned into countless iron sand dissipated, appearing behind Zhao Wei, another shot to Zhao Yu stabbed.


Zhao Wei still did not look behind him, a sword smashed behind him, with a sword light, repelled the long gun that Iron Stone GoddeSS stabbed.

Iron Stone GoddeSS did not attack Zhao Wei several times, his face with an anger, raised his hand in a long shot, and pointed his head at Zhao Wei.


Iron Stone GoddeSS broke out with a strong momentum, forming a strong wind. She held the iron gun in her hand and injected all the strength into it.

The iron gun emits a strong radiance, and a terrifying strength rushes out, causing the temperature around the line to plummet, with a sharp and diffuse breath, which makes people feel a chill.


Iron Stone GoddeSS forced the rifle in the hand to project Zhao Wei, the long gun with a strong black light, and a strength that penetrated everything, and shot at Zhao Yu, the speed is extremely fast, passing by.

Zhao Wei’s face is not changed, the sword in his hand is lifted, and a huge strength is injected into the Emperor Killing Sword. A terrible sword intent spreads out.


Seeing that the black rifle would attack Zhao Wei, and Zhao Wei at this moment, forcefully throw out the sword in his hand. An amazing sword light swayed out.


A loud explosion sounded, and a strong wind spread. The long gun that had been shot with a terrible strength was directly flew out by a sword. I didn’t know how far it flew, and there was no shadow.

Iron Stone GoddeSS looked at Zhao Wei with some surprises. Now she really understands that Zhao Fu’s is powerful. Just that blow is already her full blow, but she is still easily blocked by Zhao Wei and can’t hurt him.

Zhao Wei raised his sword and pointed at Iron Stone GoddeSS. His mouth rose and he smiled with a domineering spirit. “Now do you want to continue to try? I can also attack.”

Iron Stone GoddeSS also has no hesitation, directly started talking, “No need! I am willing to surrender to you.”

With a smile, Zhao Wei came to the front of Iron Stone GoddeSS and reached out with six magical spirits to form six magic balloons. Zhao Wei pressed the Iron Stone GoddeSS body and six magic balloons quickly flew past. Into the body of Iron Stone GoddeSS.

at once!

Iron Stone GoddeSS also felt a hot heat spread, the body also had a strong reaction, a sharp face, there is also a hint of blush.

“How could it be so strong?”

Iron Stone GoddeSS is a bit flustered, although before Jade Stone GoddeSS and she said, Zhao Wei will use a very banned ban, which will give the feeling that Iron Stone GoddeSS is ready, but it feels too strong .

Zhao Wei looked at Iron Stone GoddeSS in front of his face, his eyes blushing, his breath rushing, showing a smile, his hand grabbing it, and an invisible strength sealed the Six Desires Demon Qi in Iron Stone GoddeSS.

Iron Stone GoddeSS breathed a sigh of relief. If she didn’t seal that strength, she estimated that she would pounce on the man’s arms in front of him and do the unspeakable thing.

Then, two people returned to the ground, and Zhao Wei began to take over the legacy power of Iron Stone GoddeSS.

I saw Iron Stone GoddeSS raise a hand and send out a powerful Power of Spiritual God, mobilizing countless Faith Power, numerous black light in the sky, with a huge metal atmosphere.

Numerous black light gathered together to form a black light column, which fell with a strong momentum and landed on Zhao Fu’s.

Zhao Wei feels a huge strength pouring into the body, closing the booth eyes and beginning to absorb this strength.

However, immediately Zhao Wei found that the power of the legacy of Iron Stone GoddeSS conflicted with the legacy of Jade Stone GoddeSS, and the power of the two legacy could not be merged.

Zhao Wei also predicted that the mind of the mind would be strong, emitting a strong black light, and forcing the power of the two legacy forces with the power of a powerful deity.

Under the control of the strength of the gods, the two legacy strengths are not blended with any of the difficults. Zhao Wei absorbs the legacy power given by Iron Stone GoddeSS and combines two legacy strengths.

After a while, the vision of the sky disappeared, and Zhao Rong absorbed the legacy spirit of Iron Stone GoddeSS and formed the power of two legacy to form a new legacy.

Extending a hand, a god strength poured in, numerous jade particles and iron particles floated out, and then condensed together to form a sphere of half-side jade iron.

Zhao Wei’s face is smiling, and now it is possible to determine the special deity of his own mind, which can fuse the legacy of the numerous gods, and the plan of Myriad Gods Temple can be successful.

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