The two grandsons were a little surprised and nodded.

“Little Niu! Here is the Qin Academy. You have to behave here, you can’t let us down, and you can’t live up to that adult’s fancy to you, or I can’t spare you.”

The old man took the boy’s hand and suddenly bowed his head and said to the little boy seriously.

The little boy also nodded seriously and replied, “Grandpa, I know! I will definitely perform at the Qin Academy.”

At this time, the little fatty wearing gorgeous clothes, with a few servants just passing by, heard this, some dissatisfaction, “Hey! The small earthen bag that came, can even enter the Qin Academy, I do not believe.”

The little boy heard this, some angrily said, “You little fatty! I am in the future is a student of Qin Shi College, and you do not need to believe.”

Hearing, little fatty some angry, sticking out the chubby hand, cried, “Take it out and show me your notice!”

The little boy didn’t understand his face and asked, “What notice?”

Little fatty laughed. “Sure enough, you are a fake, you don’t know the notice, you want to come to Qin Academy. You don’t know? If you need to pass the assessment, Qin Academy will give you a notice. Study in the academy.”

Little fatty proud of reaching out to the servant next to him.

The servant clearly took out a silver-white fold and handed it to the little fatty hand.

Little fatty holding the fold, shaking in front of the little boy, “I saw no, this is the notice, my name is Qian Wuli, the qualification is Grade S, and I have read several books, you see if I am super powerful. .”

The little boy was a little surprised, and looked at little fatty and nodded. “You are really amazing. My qualification is only Grade B, and I still don’t know how many words.”

Little fatty I heard the little boy’s approval, showing a happy face, not hating the little boy, and patted the little boy’s shoulder. “Now I like you a little, do my little book boy! I bring You see what Qin Academy looks like, I give you fifty silver coins every month.”

The little boy replied, “I don’t want to, I am coming to study, I am in the future to be a Great General.”

Little fatty said unbelievable, “You have no notice, how can you study at Qin Academy?”

The little boy replied, “We have a flying adult in our village. He gave me a token and said that I can come here to study.”

Little fatty heard it, but some people did not believe it. “So what do you say to adults? What does the token look like?”

The little boy turned to the old man and said, “Grandpa! The adult gave me the token.”

The old man will naturally not come out. The material of the token is made of black gold, which is enough to prove that the identity of the adult is more noble, and how this precious thing can be presented in front of everyone.

And the old man looked at little fatty with a few servants, the identity is obviously not simple. It’s not that they can get it. They laughed and said, “This young master! My grandson is not sensible, you should not care about him.”

The old man walked forward as he pulled the little boy.

The little boy was dragged forward by his grandfather, and he looked unhappy, but he still had no struggles and did not say anything.

Little fatty lightly snorted, but also some dissatisfaction, but did not do anything, because this is the front of the Qin Academy, no one dares to let go here, but also go forward.

The old man took the little boy to the door and was stopped by a Soldier in black armor. “Show your notice!”

Hearing the words, the old man said, “We have no notice.”

That big Qinsoldiers said directly to ice-cold, “That’s also asking you to leave. There are no notices or passes to enter.”

Little fatty Hearing this face reveals a smile, before he told them that they need a notice, they dare not come without a notice, and now they are definitely blocked.

The hawker also looked at the old man. Some of his heart was unsure, and the old man lied to him.

The old man was a little embarrassed, hesitated, started talking, “I don’t have any notices and passes, but an adult said that with his token, you can come to Qin Academy.”

Daqin Soldiers said, “Please show that token!”

The old man took out a thing wrapped in cloth from his arms.

Little fatty and hawkers have other people’s eyes, with a hint of curiosity, and focus on the wrapped things.

The old man carefully opened the wrapped thing, revealing a palm sized, dark gold, engraving a domineering black dragon token.

Daqin Soldiers saw the token and changed his face. He hurriedly squatted on the ground and shouted respectfully. “See Your Majesty! My Emperor is long lived.”

Other Daqinsoldiers who are here, seeing this token, their faces have changed, and they are half-squatting on the ground, and shouted, “See Majesty! My Majesty is long lived.”

at once!

The eyes of countless people present have concentrated on the tokens in the hands of the elderly. Although they do not know what tokens are, according to Daqin Soldiers, it can be judged who the token is.

There is only one person who can make Daqin Soldiers, that is, Great Qin’s Majesty, think of it, everyone’s face has also changed, hurried to the ground, shouting respectfully, “See Majesty! My Majesty is long lived.”

The sound is very loud and it vibrates in all directions.

The hawker looked shocked and didn’t think that the adults in the old Population were actually under the command of Daqin, and they quickly collapsed.

“Young Master! Come down.”

Little fatty The servants behind him have been kneeling on the ground, pulling a look at the little fatty looking at the token.

The little fatty also reacted and squatted on the ground. I didn’t even think that the little boy had a relationship with Daqin, and he couldn’t help but admire him because it was under the command of Daqin. The most distinguished person of Daqin.

Not only were they, the little boy and the old man were shocked in their hearts, and they had a huge wave in their hearts. They did not expect that the people who came to their small village would have been the entire Great Qin’s.

Looking at the scene where all the people were lying, the old man raised the token and took the little boy to the ground, not standing and holding the token given by Daqin.

After a while, the Soldiers said respectfully, “This old mister, you still stand up first, you can go in.”

The old man also understands that he is standing up with a token. If he does not stand up, no one is expected to stand up. This is the majesty from the Great Qin Dynasty and the respect of the numerous people to Daqin.

After the old man stood up, everyone stood up, and then all came around, a friendly smile, because this is a person who has a relationship with Daqin.

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