Sky, ground, space, flowers, trees, all in the range, all shattered by a sword Qi Slash, countless black and red sword qi emerged, as if destroy the heaven and exterminate the earth in general, shot to the Ancient Sword Sect Master go with.

Ancient Sword Sect Master changed his face and raised the sword in his hand. All the strength was injected into it. Wandao’s white sword light, with a terrible strength, shot like a lightning bolt to Zhao.


The two strengths collided together and made a huge explosion. Numerous sword qi violently smashed and smashed everything around. The picture was terrible.

But in the end, the bloody sword qi is more powerful, smashing countless white sword light, and flying the Ancient Sword Sect, the wounds and blood, which looks a bit miserable.

Zhao Wei sneered and will walk towards him, and Ancient Sword Sect Master is climbing up.


Zhao Yi waved the sword in his hand, and a cyan sword light took a fierce breath to the Ancient Sword Sect Master.

The Ancient Sword Sect Master hurriedly blocked the sword. Although the attack blocked it, the body of the Ancient Sword Sect Master was shot and flew out.

Ancient Sword Sect Master fell to the ground and wanted to get up.

Zhao Yi took another sword and flew out the Ancient Sword Sect Master.

“Ah! ”

Ancient Sword Sect Master screamed with anger and broke out all the strengths. A huge white sword qi spread out and set off a strong wind.

Clang clang clang 锵…

A white lightsaber emerged from the body of Ancient Sword Sect Master. The tip of the sword pointed at Zhao Wei, with a sharp and imposing manner, so that the air around it seemed to feel murder.

Ancient Sword Sect Master looks awkward. Look at Zhao Wei in front.

Xiū xiū xiū ……

A white lightsaber, emitting a slight sword light, with a strong force of strength, quickly shot Zhao Yu.


Zhao Wei quickly waved the sword in his hand and pulled out a sword light. He shattered the numerous white lightsabers that had been shot, and made a sound explosion. The white light sword was turned into countless white spots to dissipate, just like the light rain. Generally, the picture is a bit beautiful.

Ancient Sword Sect Master extended a hand to Zhao Wei, a huge stretch of diffusion spread out, surrounded by a dense white light sword, the number is several times before, with a bigger sword Potential.

The ancient Sword Sect Master stretched out his hand and pushed forward.

Xiū xiū xiū ……

A white lightsaber continued to take a powerful force and quickly shot Zhao Yu.

Faced with so many lightsabers, Zhao Wei was also unable to resist. The waving sword light did not break the white lightsaber so quickly, and it directly floated a huge cyan energy cover.


The one with the speed of the lightsaber slammed into the cyan energy hood and made a loud noise. The huge cyan energy cover was attacked by the numerous, and some cracks appeared.


A word cry suddenly sounded, the sword in the hands of Ancient Sword Sect Master spurred countless sword light, and the Ancient Sword Sect Master slammed a powerful white sword light with a terrifying strength to Zhao.


That terrible sword light, with an amazing strength on the cyan defensive cover, the defensive cover directly shattered, Zhao Fu’s body was also shot and flew out, fell to the ground, spit out a large mouth of blood.

Ancient Sword Sect Master turned into a stream of light and shot at Zhao Wei, only one second appeared in front of Zhao Wei.

At this time, Zhao Wei just got up from the ground.

Ancient Sword Sect Master’s complexion, waving the sword in his hand, with a terrible strength, directly smashed Zhao into two halves, countless blood flying.

This made the Ancient Sword Sect Master look awkward. Some didn’t think it was so easy to striking down Zhao, but looking at the body that was split in half, Ancient Sword Sect Master couldn’t help but feel ecstasy and finally killed the threat.

But the next second, Ancient Sword Sect Master, was shocked and felt a huge danger. He hurriedly turned around with a sword.


Zhao Wei appeared behind him, with a glazed eyelid in his eyes, which gave off a strange light. The sword in his hand gave off a strong sword light, and he used a sword to fly the Ancient Sword Sect Master.

The Ancient Sword Sect Master, which was flung out, was still unblocked, and a huge wound was pulled out from the back. The blood is constantly pouring out, and the ancient Sword Sect Master’s face is also pale. This blow is very harmful.

Now I can only fight hard, or I might die in the hands of Zhao Fu’s. I think of this, the Ancient Sword Sect Master has no hesitation and lifts the sword in his hand.


A heaven-shaking bang came out and I saw the ancient Sword Sect Master body emitting a lot of white light, forming a huge white beam, with a strong strength straight into the sky.

In the fourteen worlds controlled by Ancient Sword Sect, Origin Power is gathering in a frenzy, and there are hundreds of surnames and some surprises watching the sky.

The surrounding Power of Heaven and Earth is constantly pouring into the white light column, and the beam of light also has a very terrifying strength.

Clang clang clang ……

A white lightsaber floated out in the sky, densely packed, covered with a whole sky, each sword was very sharp, rotating around the white sword column, emitting a sword of the heaven and exterminate the earth .

A huge sword wind blows, smashing countless trees and stones, and there are sword marks on the ground. Even those far away can feel the terrifying strength that can be radiated.

Zhao Wei sees that the Ancient Sword Sect Master broke out all the Nation Armament strength and no longer hesitated. He raised his sword in his hands.

The Origin strength of the nine worlds controlled by Daqin is also gathering in madness and injecting into Great Qin City.

Bang bang bang ……

12 hand-held bronze swords, bronze Soldiers wearing armor, with dreadful general pressure, appear in the sky, time space seems to be forcibly imprisoned at this moment, countless people only feel the body is like falling ice water, endure Do not live in trembling.

I saw them as if they were alive, and they looked like ice-cold. They held the bronze sword in both hands and lifted it up. The sword edge pointed to the heavens and sent out the sound of the sand field like the Jin Ge iron horse. , 赳赳老秦, 复我河山. Blood does not flow, death is endless! West has Daqin, such as the Japanese side rise, a hundred years of national hate, vicissitudes of life! The world is confusing, why have Corning! Qin You Ruishi, who fights! ”

Bang bang bang

A loud-shaking loud noise broke out, and the momentum of killing the world rushed for nine days, swept the eight wild, and the 12 bronze people ignited a blue flame, and the space could not bear, constantly tearing open.

Ancient Sword Sect Master looks pale and screams and will lift the sword under the slash.


A heaven-shaking bang broke out, and Heaven and Earth smashed like ruin. The dense lightsaber in the sky all shot at Zhao, like a vast sword, no one can resist.

Zhao Wei also screamed loudly, and the sword raised in his hands, tried his best to pull out.

Clang clang clang 锵…

12 bronze Soldiers infused the bronze sword, injecting a terrifying strength, the sword exudes a heavenly sword light, dyeing both Heaven and Earth into cyan.

They tried their best to drop the raised sword slash, issue 12 Sonic Cry, 12’s huge cyan sword light, with a thunderous strength, as if the world was divided into 12 blocks.


A loud-shaking bang broke out, and the vast white sea of ​​swords was directly 12’s blue-sword light 斩12 block, and countless white lightsabers collapsed and turned into countless spots to dissipate.

The 12 road blue sword light passed by, the huge sword force slammed on the ground, the earth constantly vibrated, and the sword marks of the 12 roadd huge kilometer appeared.

The surrounding trees are devastated, and the gravel is scattered, spreading a desperate atmosphere.

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