Zhao Wei waved his hand, and those chains pulled several women to Zhao Fu’s.

A few women fell on the floor and looked at Zhao Wei with fear. Now they don’t know what Zhao Wei will do to them, but the result is definitely miserable, because those who were in the hands of Zhao Wei were not dead. No news.

The handsome man, with a look of anger, shouted, “You will let them go, if you dare to do something to them, I will not let you go.”

Zhao Wei turned a pair of eyes to look at the handsome man, a ghost, a strong Evil Ghost, appeared in the handsome man’s side, one foot on the youth’s body, one hand clutched Arm, pull hard with a little bit.

The handsome man made a scream of screaming, the arm was torn off a little by Evil Ghost, and the blood spurted out.

The pure woman has tears in her eyes and pleads, “Please let go of the Senior Brother! You can do anything to me.”

Zhao Wei did not pay attention to her. Outstretched hand, a chain of iron shot, the four men, also came to their own.

I saw a man who was seriously injured, and a woman who was tied with a chain and was afraid of it. The mature woman looked ugly, thought for a while, made a decision, started talking, “You just didn’t mean to be interested in me? I can serve you, but you have to let them go.”

Everyone looked surprised and didn’t think that the mature woman actually offered to serve the mysterious Imperial Prince, just for their safety.

They are touched and grateful, and they are embarrassed, so that mature women pay such a price.

The dignified woman could not help but cry, “Senior Sister! You don’t want this.”

Mature a pair of eyes Straight looking at Zhao Wei, replied, “You don’t have to persuade me. If you can change your body with a few, it’s worth it.”

Said to Zhao Wei, “How? If you let them go, I will serve you now, I am still a virgin, you should be satisfied.”

Zhao Wei chuckled, came to the mature woman, reaching out and directly grabbed her head and lifted her body.

Mature woman’s face showed a trace of pain, but barely smiled, “I will make you feel comfortable and happy, we can now start somewhere else.”

Zhao Wei chuckled, “You are a little too high to see your charm, although you look good, but it just happens to be the type I like, so it is a little attractive, but only it, and I want your body, still Need your permission?”

Mature woman sinks in her heart and her face becomes pale.

At this time, Zhao Hao’s booth eyes turned into pure black, and a pair of flower-like eyes emerged. From Zhao’s booth eyes, countless black breaths poured into the woman’s eyes. The woman struggled a few times, but soon there was no movement. . It is like a beggar.

“What did you do to our Senior Sister?” the hot woman, shouting angry.

Zhao Wei glanced at her and smiled and replied, “Wait for the next turn!”

Also did not care about her, throwing the mature woman into the ground, Zhao Wei grabbed the body of the refined youth, countless black breath also poured into his booth eyes, the youth quickly became a skeleton.

Next, Zhao Wei took them all with Evil Demon Flower ,, they happened to be eleven, just like letting them mobilize 1hundred thousand disciples, just 110,000, adding up just to complete the task.

Some people now have injuries. In order to avoid being seen, Zhao Wei also recovers their injuries and makes them look the same as normal.

Zhao Wei showed a smile, started talking, “You are going to act now!”


Eleven people sang in unison, and now they receive Zhao Fu’s control, their expressions are not so dull, the movements are not the same, but as they are normal.

Zhao Wei came to a secret place to wait.

Eleven people returned to the sect, and nothing was noticed. They also used their own power to start mobilizing disciples.

The last time Zhao Wei used tokens to bring out some talented disciples. If used at one time, it is easy to be perceived by Ancient Sword Kingdom. But this time, Zhao Wei’s man who manipulated Ancient Sword Sect came with his disciples, and they were hard to detect.

First of all, they don’t know who will betray Ancient Sword Sect, and there are really fewer 1,100,000 disciples. The two cities add up to a million Population, and Ancient Sword Sect now has fourteen worlds.

“Elder! You want to take us there?”

Some people who were mobilized by the order, behind the refined man, had some doubted started talking.

The elegant man said with a gentle smile, “I will know when you arrive, and the benefits to you are great.”

At this time, it is time for the refined man to speak, but Zhao Wei controls the refined man to speak.

When you hear the words of a refined man, the numerous disciple also looks happy.

After a while, the refined man came to a clearing with a numerous disciple. Surrounded by lush forests, it seems to be somewhat hidden.

“Elder! Is it here?”

Some disciples have not noticed the danger, curiously looked around and asked, and did not see anything special in this place.

The elegant man turned his head and showed a gentle smile. “It is here! Now I will let you feel what is a strong sword intent.”


A huge roar sounded, and there was a huge crack in the sky. Countless black bloody swords rushed out, and it became an ice-cold, and the crack was another bloody world.

Numerous disciples feel the huge sword qi, both fearful and excited, they never felt such a terrible sword intent.

However, some people noticed that something was wrong and rushed back.


At this time, a huge crack broke out with a strong suction. When countless disciples did not respond, they were sucked into the crack.

Some disciples struggled to struggle, but there was still no resistance, and all of them were sucked into the cracks.

There are also some peripheral people who are less affected by suction, and they also notice that something is wrong, so they quickly flee to other places.

Clang clang clang ……

A chain of iron shots quickly, tied their bodies, and threw them into the crack of the blood, and none of them escaped.

To solve this hundred thousand disciples, Zhao Wei used this method to bring all the remaining disciples into Emperor Killing Sword World.

These disciples enter the Emperor Killing Sword World, and the body will be directly eroded by the killing sword intent. They will be immersed in the Killing Sword Pond, and they will not be in charge of Zhao. If they wait for a while, Zhao will have one more. More than one million to Sword Devil.


Zhao Wei just inhaled the final disciple’s inhalation of the crack qualification. Suddenly a huge rumbling sound rang, and a terrifying pressure spread, causing Heaven and Earth to change.

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