Zhao Wei looked at the madness of the worm, and clearly understood that he was doing an extremely dangerous thing. According to Chaos World’s ruler, the death of Heaven Awaken World is undoubtedly the biggest goal, so those worms are so crazy. .

Countless worms ran along the passage, mad and rushed forward, and after a while, they rushed into the crack.

After the insects entered the crack, they soon appeared in the crack of Heaven Awaken World, and they got out of it and felt the feeling of Heaven Awaken World’s. The numerous worm was even more crazy, rushing around and trying to destroy everything.

At this time, the formation is activated on the ground, and those who rush out of the crack, and the worms that have not rushed out of the crack, are directly sucked by an invisible and huge strength, and then disappear directly, appearing in the original Zhao Wei waiting. local.

Thesoldiers who are here are not hesitant to see the insects that appear. They raise the arrows and shoot the worms.

The worms feel the atmosphere of Heaven Awaken World, and the madness is constantly coming out, and it is constantly being teleported out.

The solitiers who stay there will also be taught to striking down the worms there.

Zhao Wei looked at all the insects and poured them into the cracks. He also returned to Heaven Awaken World to check the effect.

There was no accident this time. The worms were forcibly teleported out, and the sandiers who stayed there kept the people striking down and did not cause any harm to Daqin.

There is no problem right now, if the Fiery Flame Army and the Monster Horn Empire are offensive, you can use this trick to deal with them.

In the end, Zhao Wei still had a problem. Although the channel was successful in this aspect, the method of attracting a large number of insects to Qindi was not too good.

The first is the quantity. Now, in the event of a war, the number of worms is too small, and the minimum number reaches one billion.

It doesn’t matter if you know in advance that there are large-scale worm nests, but if you don’t know there are worm nests, how can you attract a large number of nearby worms?

Zhao Wei and the numerous array Mage and Fu Shi studies, there is not much difficult, study a kind of breath ball, that is, the ball formed by the condensation of countless Heaven Awaken. If this suffocating ball is detonated, a lot of Heaven Awaken World will turn around. diffusion.

Countless worms feel the atmosphere of this huge Heaven Awaken World, they will definitely go crazy and gather, and then they can be led into the channel.

This avoids the fact that the war situation is urgent in the future, but there is no problem with the beast.

Now things have been satisfactorily resolved. Zhao Yu breathed a sigh of relief. With this kind of means, the other side Fiery Flame Kingdom and Monster Horn Empire, Zhao Yu also has some confidence in his heart.

Later, Zhao Wei came to a place again.

This place is in the sky, there is a large area, the bottom is a hard rock, there are countless grass trees and even mountains and rivers, the scenery is not bad.

This floats in the sky, with a huge and powerful momentum, and a sense of oppression, it flies through the sky, countless beasts will be shocked to escape.

Where Zhao Hao came, it was the road of War God. Since all the materials were obtained, War God’s Fury has been under construction, because it is so large in a region, it is also complicated to build and difficult.

Everywhere you need to portray forms and runes, connect with the core of War God’s Fury, make it a whole, and have a variety of defenses, as well as a variety of attack capabilities.

The time required has become very long, and it has not been completed until now, but if you want to use it, you can actually use it, but the effect is not very big. The strength of the 500 millionsoldiers can resist it.

A group of World Realm strong players will also cause a lot of damage, so Zhao Wei did not use it and wanted to make it fully manufactured.

The reason for coming here is that Zhao Wei suddenly thought that War God’s Fury could be made into something like the war Sacred Beast.

Whether it’s the ground, the rock below, and the walls, all mechanized, then a gun barrel on the shelf, a kilometer war Sacred Beast, or hundreds of gun barrels, and a region You can have at least millions of gun barrels, and even more.

That War God’s Fury can also rival the strength of the 10,000 war Sacred Beast, think about the terrifying effect caused by the more than 5,000 war Sacred Beast, and then think about the effect of the 10,000 war Sacred Beast, definitely beyond the thought Think of general terrifying.

And with millions of gun barrels on the shelf, you can no longer attack only one place, and you can hit all corners without a dead end.

Of course, Zhao Wei is not alone, but also brings some arrays of Mage and Fu Shi, as well as Mu Minxian.

Zhao Wei took her to the core of the land, which is under a 100-meter-high peach tree. The canopy of this peach tree is like an umbrella. The leaves are green and jade, and the branches are with an aura. The whole peach tree. Delivers a slight sensation with a fresh fragrance.

This peach tree may be so so simple, that is, the 1900-year-old Immortal Peach tree, which was originally planted by Zhao Wei, is the core of War God’s Fury and also provides great vitality to War God’s Fury.

Because War God’s Fury is constantly building and growing, the Immortal Peach tree is growing fast, but it takes a long time to grow Immortal Peach.

“Look at the core of War God’s Fury and understand the structure of War God’s Fury. You can’t use Alchemy Technique to make it a war fortress.” Zhao said to Mu Minxian.

Mu Minxian nodded and took a closer look at the core structure of War God’s Fury, the peach tree underground, which has been filled with countless forms and runes, as well as Ten Thousand Layers Source Stone, the Stone of the Protoss, and the Soul of the Earth.

After a while, Mu Minxian returned to Zhao Wei and seriously started talking. “Your Majesty! This War God’s Fury is special and complicated. It may be something like Sacred Beast, but it may be difficult because This is too big. If it is made into War God Sacred Beast, it might be more terrible than the 10,000 war Sacred Beast.”

Zhao Wei reveals a smile, some surprises, as long as it can be manufactured, it is more difficult to accept, if the manufacturing is successful, the power will be surprising.

“Then you study now!” Zhao said with a smile on his face, and said to Mage and the rune teacher around him.

Mage and the Rune Master also listened.

Zhao Wei also intends to leave Mu Minxian here, because people with Alchemy Clan stay here, things will be easier to solve because they understand Alchemy Technique.

However, I feel that Alchemy Clan is not enough. Now I need them in many places. Zhao Wei can’t help but ask Mu Minxian, so I can catch a few people back.

Mu Minxian replied, “Your Majesty! Those who have been with me, and several of them want to surrender to you, you can accept them to surrender.”

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