Zhao Wei came to the prison once. Zhao Wei has been here since the last time. He has not been here for a long time. He looks at an old man in the cell and a middle-aged man with a decadent face.

“Li Baiqing is back! With the strength of Inner Territory Kingdom, it attacked Daqin and caused a lot of damage to Daqin. Now Daqin is still under pressure.” Zhao Wei came to the cell door and his tone was dull. Started talking.

Two people in the cell, originally aura of death, heard the words of Zhao Wei and immediately recovered.

The middle-aged man is Li Zhe, can’t help but excited and laughed loudly to Zhao Xiao. “hahaha, my son finally came back to save me. I finally have to leave this place. You bastard saw no, my baby son is back. .”

The old man is Li Shan, his eyes are regaining his spirits, and his heart is full of excitement and excitement. He really did not misread his grandson. He will make a comeback sooner or later, giving Daqin a heavy blow.

However, he performed more calmly and was not as mad as Li Zhe. He asked, “Why did you come to tell us specifically? Do you want to take us to marry my grandson, or do you want to take us out?”

Li Zhe also reacted at this time, but now they have not escaped, or love Zhao Fu’s hands, what Zhao Wei wants to do to them.

Thinking of this, Li Zhe shouted with a threat. “You are not ready to release us, or my son will break through your Daqin. I don’t know how you die.”

Zhao Wei’s expression did not change, and he ignored Li Zhe. Instead, he said to Li Shan, “I don’t mean that. I just came over and told you this good news. Is it very happy now? Li Baiqing, you are all pouring everything. The baby grandson is back.”

Li Shan took a sigh of relief. In fact, he was more worried. Zhao Wei would threaten Li Baiqing with them. It would make Li Baiqing into trouble and influence his decision. Li Shan was very reluctant to do so.

Even if he wants to die now, and does not want Li Baiqing to be threatened, as long as Li Baiqing can destroy Daqin, then everything is enough. Li Baiqing in the future will become an outstanding emperor than Zhao Wei.

However, now his body is covered with a ban, even if he wants to die, he can’t do it.

At this point, when I heard Zhao Fu’s, Li Shan was still a little happy, but there was no display on the surface, but an ice-cold look, started talking, “You will be so kind, tell us that Li Baiqing is coming back. What?”

Zhao Wei chuckled, “I really don’t feel so kind. This time I mainly want to give you a last hope, and then look at what it looks like after the last hope is shattered.”

“This time Li Baiqing came back. I can’t let him go anyway, and I will never let him escape. When you can reunite with your family, is this very happy?”

Li Shan heard the words sinking in the heart, cold face, and some fears in my heart, because Daqin from the rise to the present, can definitely be called terrifying, his baby grandson is really likely to lose in the hands of Zhao Wei, when There really is no hope.

Li Zhe heard this, his face was a bit ugly, and shouted, “My son will not lose to you this beast, my son must come back to save us, and I will take care of you as a beast.”

“Right! And the women in your harem, I have to enjoy one by one. I have finished enjoying it and sent it directly to the military camp to be a soldier, and let them be counted by numerous people, hahaha.”

Zhao Yan face with a smile, and the eyes of ice-cold looked at Li Zhe, and he also called Liu Yuexian three women.

At this time, the three of them were flushed and their faces were covered with water, because after they left the hall, some of them couldn’t stand the rising desire, and they solved it themselves.

Liu Yuexian When she saw Zhao Wei calling them to the prison, I felt that the purpose was not simple. Zhang Shuyun was happy because she could see Li Zhe, but she also had a guilty heart because she had done something sorry for him.

“Do you think that the three of them are doing very well? Is it getting more and more beautiful? The three of them are serving me every day.” Zhao said with a faint smile to Li Zhe.

Li Zhe looked at Zhang Shuyun’s appearance, heartache, like a knife cut. When Zhao Wei took three women to leave, in other words to bet theirs, now looking at Zhang Shuyun’s mature appearance, it is definitely not played by Zhao Wei. .

“Bee! I will kill you.” Li Zhe looked at Zhao Wei with a sullen look and shouted.

Zhang Shuyun also had some tingling in his heart. He looked at Li Zhe like this, but he didn’t dare to make anything. It would only make him more angry.

At the same time, Zhang Shuyun also felt that he had betrayed Li Zhe. When he was just doing it, he was completely thinking about Zhao Wei. Now he came to Zhao Wei and sniffed his breath. If she chooses, even if she is not willing, but she is not willing, but The body will still choose Zhao Wei.

Liu Yuexian understands what the reason is, and charmingly looks forward to Zhao Wei. “Look! Don’t worry about them, you have to be good for us tonight.”

Li Shan saw her wife doing this, and there was an anger in her heart that couldn’t be concealed. A kind of eyes looked at Zhao Wei with an ice-cold killing intent.

Zhao Yan smiled at Liu Yuexian and pulled Liu Yuyan and Zhang Shuyun into his arms, started talking. “Now the good news I have brought to you, you are now in the cell, with Li Baiqing. Let’s go!”

Li Shan clenched his fists and stared at Zhao Wei. Li Zhe cursed Zhao Wei with anger.

Zhao Yan took the three women out of the prison, feeling that it was a breath, they released three women, but the three women were blushing and unwilling to release Zhao Wei.

Liu Yuexian said temptingly, “Your Majesty! Don’t deceive them like this. It’s better to do that. The words I said before are true. I miss you all night and night, so I envy the scorpions in your palace.”

Zhang Shuyun also shyly said, “Um! I am also like this. Can you please us once and for all? Later, they are a little better for Li Zhe.”

Liu Yuyan also endured the shame in her heart. She couldn’t help but tempted her mind to think about it with Zhao Wei. Now that feeling is coming out, she clearly understands Li Baiqing.

But she really wants Zhao Wei now, started talking, “Please, please bet our one time.”

Zhao Yan frowned, disgusted to push them three away, and then left here.

Liu Yuexian Three women looked lost and pitifully watched Zhao Wei leave, and then returned to the room, the three women lingering like crazy, and shouted Zhao Fu’s name.

Zhao Wei did not know about this matter and concentrated on political affairs.

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