
A big Qinsoldiers rushed forward to report, “Your Majesty! There are urgent incidents, a large number of mysterious troops attacked Daqin, and please return to the Great Qin Emperor Palace immediately.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Yiyi, “a large number of mysterious army? What is this army? Why is it going to attack Daqin?”

Zhao Xin did not understand in his heart. With this doubt, he hurried back to Daqin.

Li Si came to Zhao Wei and hurriedly yelled, “Your Majesty! This army is about 8billion, but all of them are 2nd Order military branch. Their actions are very concealed and their speed is extremely fast to Daqin.”

“Fortunately, our Daqin intelligence personnel have covered hundreds of worlds, so they have discovered this army in time.”

Zhao Wei frowned, 8billion 2nd Order, which is equal to 40 billion 1st Order soldiers, who actually attacked Daqin, and also used such covert means to ask Li Si, “The identity of the army is clear.” ?”

Li Si shook his head and began to say, “This is not clear yet.”

While thinking about it, Zhao Wei said with a sigh of relief, “Returning some troops from the Yin and Chaos World, Alchemy World is on alert to prevent Alchemy World from launching an attack.”

This 8billion 2nd Order soldiers, but equal to the power of 40 billion 1st Order soldiers, Daqin has a total army of more than 40 billion, of which 2nd Order soldiers are more than half, is guarding Alchemy World, and the Yins World and the Yin world A large number of troops, as well as the second Fengshen and Monster Horn Empire, have a lot of troops.

At this time, in the face of the eight billion army, Daqin is a comparative diifficult.

Li Si listened quickly and quickly left to convey the Zhao Fu’s command.

The first time in the entire Daqin, if a war machine quickly operated, the air began to suppress, with a huge chill, shaking the Quartet.

The nearby forces have also discovered this matter.

Monster Horn Empire Yao Ming, could not help but laugh, he felt that Daqin must have a big trouble, 8billion 2nd Order soldiers is not so easy to deal with, Daqin also has to bear a lot of pressure.

Although it is not certain that 8billion 2nd Order soldiers can kill Daqin, when they are engaged in fierce battles, they will smash Daqin from the side, and Daqin will not be dead.

Then his hatred, his hate, his anger, all can be reported, and now for Yao Ming, the destruction of Daqin is its lifelong wish.

As long as he can let him destroy Daqin, he will not hesitate to do anything. This time is an important opportunity to destroy Great Qin’s. Yao Ming immediately summoned the numerous ministers and mobilized the Soldiers on a large scale, ready to attack at any time.

Duplicate Wind God Empire, Feng Shensha knows this, and it is a bit strange. There are many people who have been offended by Daqin. They don鈥檛 know when to get into the other side, so that the other party will not hesitate to cross such a long distance to attack Daqin.

In the case that the basic Soldiers are all 2nd Orders, it is definitely a Kingdom-level force of Inner Territory.

How should Daqin face it now? Feng Shensha also has some interest,

She also cares a bit. If Daqin is destroyed, what will happen to this place? Her duplicate Wind God Empire was not deeply enemies with Daqin, mainly because of the reason of the first Fengshen, so she did not rush to destroy Daqin.

And what she is worried about now is that if Daqin is destroyed, then there will be the second Fengshen and Monster Horn Empire, and then there will be more than 30 world alliances.

There are three forces of Daqin, Monster Horn and Second Fengshen, which can compete with the alliance. The alliance does not dare to do anything to them, but if Daqin is gone, then the Monster Horn and the second Fengshen are left. It may be disadvantageous.

However, things are not sure about her, but also convene countless forces to prepare for the crisis that may arise at any time.

In the last party, they felt that there was some headache, because the mysterious army attacked Daqin from their direction and is still in the area of 鈥嬧€媡heir alliance. This is not to put them in the eye.

And the mysterious army is to destroy Daqin. If it was before, the relationship between the two sides was deadlocked, then they would welcome the mysterious army to destroy Daqin, but now their relationship is moderated, and there are also natural disasters to solve Daqin.

This made them a little unwilling to destroy Daqin, but they also knew the Great Qin’s threat and called the numerous forces to discuss.

Of course, they are unlikely to help Daqin. At this time, they are faced with two choices. One is watching from the side, one is taking the initiative, taking advantage of the two sides to fight each other, launching a terrible attack on Daqin, and possibly destroying Daqin.

Now Daqin is too strong, and the dangers revealed are also bigger than Monster Horn and Second Fengshen.

In the end, they did not make any decision. They were standing on the sidelines or taking the initiative to attack Daqin. This is all uncertain, but there are also all the troops convened to see how the situation develops.

The actions of the parties have made the situation in this place become extremely defensive, and even the ordinary people who do not know anything may understand that something big may happen.

The time is not very long. For about half a day, the 8 billion 2nd Order army, with terrifying momentum, came from one side to the Daqin defensive wall. They were all a pair of fire-colored armor, gathered together like a burning sea of 鈥嬧€媌urning everything. general.

The surrounding creatures felt this terrifying momentum, countless birds flew to the sky in horror, countless beasts were also afraid to escape, and the numerous insects did not dare to make a sound.

The numerous forces on the side of Daqin are also gathered together, about two billion troops.

Now Daqin North faces the Monster Horn Empire, where 100 forces are required to guard against attacks, and the second Fengshen in the east also needs 10billion troops. Their strengths are similar to those of Daqin, and they have to be heavily guarded.

The 10billion force may be a little less. If both of them are also attacking this time, Daqin faces a hugely difficult.

The west is the direction of the mysterious army, and the direction that Daqin and the Alliance are in contact with.

Now that Chaos World is stationed in the army, there are fewer troops in the Yin Dynasty. Now I only hope that they will not have any accidents in those two places.

Soon the two sides met exactly. Zhao Wei also saw who was leading the troops to attack Daqin, and he was still an old acquaintance.

Opposite the sky, standing a group of strong, there are three in the forefront, one of them is a fire-colored hair, about 30 men, the strength has reached the peak of World Realm.

He did not know Zhao Wei, but the other two people, Zhao Wei knew, a white, handsome, with an extraordinary temperament, he is Su Yan, the School of Diplomacy branch, is also the Great Qin’s old enemy.

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