Next to the little boy, a face worshipped excitedly, “Adult! You came from Great Qin Imperial Capital Xianyang? I heard that there is prosperity, and everything is there. If you know what you are, what are we going to do? ?”

Zhao Wei replied with a smile. “Xianyang is very prosperous and very lively. As for the squat, it is still more ordinary.”

The little boy looked unbelief and said with a trace of anger. “Adult! You can’t say this. Our Majesty is the greatest majesty in the world. It is not only rare in the world, but also powerful and domineering. No one has his honor.”

Zhao Yan said with a smile, “Since you know, then ask me why?”

The little boy said a little embarrassed. “These are all I heard from others. I have never seen him. I think that you will be more powerful than the legend.”

Village Chief watched Sun Zi and Zhao Wei chat, and also said, “Adult! Can you please see my grandson’s qualifications, see if there is potential in the future, become a Martial General in Daqin, he can’t read, Martial General said There may be some hope.”

The little boy has a pair of childish eyes, looking forward to watching Zhao Wei, “I am troubled! I want to join the Great Qin Army team like my father, for the Great Qin Empire, and strive to become a Martial General, let the grandparents return There are mothers who have a good life.”

Zhao Wei was surprised. He asked with a smile. “Is your father in the army? Is there a Martial General now?”

Upon hearing this, the little boy’s eyes were a little moist, and the old Village Chief also sighed, like an old man.

Zhao Wei also understands what Daqin is exploring the numerous battlefield. In the face of Heaven Awaken World, Chaos World, the sacred world, and the war of Alchemy World, there can be no sacrifices. Every victory, or failure, must pay a lot ofsoldiers and generals. life.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xin’s heart is also a heavy weight. A war does not know how many people will be killed, his wife is scattered, and white hair sends black hair.

But can war be avoided? Even if Daqin does not attack others, then others will attack Daqin. The war cannot be avoided, and even your surrender is useless. Because there are other forces that attack your surrender, the war is still unavoidable.

When the war begins, there will be people who will die, their families will be broken, their wives will be scattered, they will be displaced, their food will not be eaten, and the fact that white-haired people will send black-haired people will still happen and cannot be avoided.

If you want to avoid war forever, there is only one way to achieve great unity, such as the Qin and the Six Kingdoms, to achieve great unity.

Thinking of this, Zhao Wei also firmed a few points, showing a smile, reaching out to lick the head of the little boy, a trace of strength into the boy’s body, found that the qualification of the boy is not bad.

Then he smiled and said, “Your qualification is good. You may be a general in the future, but your father is already dead. Do you still want to be like your father? You may die on the battlefield.”

“According to the Daqin Law, the court has preferential treatment for you. You don’t have to go to the army. You can spend your life peacefully, without having to fight and kill. You are in danger. If you are dead, now your mother-in-law grandparents. do?”

Village Chief’s eyes also shone with tears, and the voice was a little hoarse. “The son! You are right, I have been persuading my grandson, but he is also determined to be with his father.”

“I also know that Great Qin’s is now stable and peaceful, not to eat and wear, happy and comfortable life, is the exchange of countless soldiers, I am now supporting my grandson, let him join the Great Qin Army team.”

“In the era of turmoil and darkness, I experienced it. At that time, this small village belonged to a small force called the East.”

“At that time, the conquest and expansion between the forces and the forces continued, the war was never stopped, the mourning was everywhere, the blood stained the earth with blood, and the ordinary people could not eat, be displaced, or even be slaughtered.”

“It was the Great Qin Empire that achieved unity and ended the darkness of the turmoil. We have such a life now. If we don’t want this kind of comfortable life to be destroyed, we must only guard it.”

The little boy looked firm and looked serious. “I also want to protect Great Qin Empire like my father. My father has no ideal of thinking. I will replace him.”

Zhao Wei looks at both the grandson and the grandson seriously. He also feels a huge responsibility and pressure in his heart. They are all their own people. They believe in supporting themselves, how can they live up to them.

At this time, Zhao Wei understood more deeply that although in the Qin Dynasty, he belonged to the supreme existence, countless people must look up to themselves, no one dared to violate their orders, but also enjoy the greatest power.

At the same time, it can also bear the hope of all the people of Daqin. Their safety, life, and future, they all need to be responsible for themselves, because they are the Lord of the Great Qin Empire, and they are surrendered by the great Qin.

Zhao Wei’s gaze has also become firm and understands his responsibilities and obligations. If he is in this position, he must first bear the weight.

An invisible emperor’s momentum has spread, and both the grandson and the grandson have a shock in their hearts. They feel that there is a kind of person who wants to worship the people in front of them. This seems to be instinct, and it is the highest salute to a king.

Zhao Yan’s mouth is rising, revealing a smile, with the natural temperament of Emperor, close and unreachable, started talking, “In fact, talent is not very important, because Daqin has a talented ball, as long as you are willing to work hard, then Your ideals will be successful, I will miss you.”

“There is still this token. You can take it first. You can go directly to the Qin Academy to study, tuition and living expenses. There is no need to worry about all the expenses.”

Village Chief looked at Zhao Wei with a shocked look. Although he didn’t know much, he could understand Qin Academy. That is Daqin First Academy. Only the most outstanding people in Daqin can go there to study. Generally, the nobles break their heads and enter. No.

Now with this personal token, you can go directly to the Qin Academy without any fees. Now it seems that the people in front of you are extraordinary in Xianyang.

Looking at the token, it is a Black-Gold Dragon Token, a token made of black gold. It is engraved with a domineering black dragon. Others needless to say, this token can be worth a lot of money. .

Village Chief quickly responded and shot the boy’s head hard. “Fast! Don’t salute the adult, thank the grown-up.”

The little boy covered his head and was a little angry, but looking at his grandfather’s appearance, he felt that the token might be expensive, and he slammed it on the ground and slammed his head and said, “Thank you for the reward!”

Zhao Wei chuckled, said, “Get up! I hope you are working hard in the future, don’t let me down on what I expect from you.”

The little boy nodded seriously.

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