Zhao Wei has injected a strong strength, the suction of the ball of light is getting more, and the more the cyan wind force, the more the ball of light has passed.

In the past half-day, the tornado continued to rotate, with the wind resisting, and the ball of light sucked with suction, it seemed to be a stalemate, but in the end the ball of light won, and the force of the storm was absorbed.

The tornado also turned into a numerous airflow, and the ball of light became a cyan crystal ball with a strong temperament.

Zhao Wei is very dissatisfied with this effect. Because it takes too long, and there must be a weak strength, otherwise the body will be blown away, let alone let the ball of light absorb the wind.

Back in the City of Disaster, Zhao Wei intends to do some tests, and forced the Magic Power of Origin’s several shares. It also found that because of this kind of behavior, the strength of the Rubik’s cube is also declining.

There are fewer drops now, but if you continue to force Origin Disaster Power, then the City of Disaster will definitely not have Disaster Power, and even the heart of the city will be damaged.

This makes Zhao Wei have some headaches. It seems that this method may not work.

Can you just give up? Don’t give up on the Origin Disaster Power, which is forced out of the heart of the city, and the city will definitely be damaged.

Zhao Wei stayed in the same place and thought about it. In less than a moment, Zhao Wei also thought of a method. He didn’t know if he could do it. He just formed a special team to collect the Disaster Pearl. Zhao Wei named them Disaster Sealer.

First of all, Zhao Wei thinks of the kind of formation that Scholars studied before, which has the function of absorbing aggregated Power.

Zhao Wei wants to build a weapon. The material is the Disaster attribute material, then the formation is engraved into it, and then the ball of light is incorporated into it to create a weapon that absorbs the Disaster Power.

This weapon must be built and must be used by people with strong strength, because the weapon is built using the Disaster material, and only the people of the Disaster can maximize his strength.

And the weapon itself is the Disaster attribute, which can absorb the Disaster Power, and the formation, also has a powerful absorption of the Disaster Power, and finally coupled with the City of Disaster Origin Disaster Power, so the equipment is naturally terrible, Zhao Wei There are also some expectations.

Immediately, Zhao Wei was ordered to build, and directly called the best forgemaster of Daqin, which is the sister of Gongsun Zhu.

They learned that Zhao Fu’s command, and also had a great interest in building the soldiers of the Disaster, and soon came to Zhao Wei, and then began to build.

However, it did not go well, and encountered some troubles. Finally, there was the addition of the teacher to build the soldiers of the Disaster.

It was a black pistol with a length of two meters three, a slightly longer gun head, a formation in the center, a wheel rotation, a numerous rune engraved on it, a round groove at the end of the pistol, and also Formation.

The whole pike had a dark, ominous atmosphere, and there was a coldness, which made it a bit erect.

“Your Majesty! Are you still satisfied?” Gongsun Zhu raised his hand and rubbed the sweat on his forehead, and with a smile on his face, asked Zhao.

Zhao Wei reached out and took this Damage Spear, checked it carefully, smiled and nodded, then left directly, went to a disaster-stricken area, and some did not want to test the strength of this gun. .

This area is flood disaster, the sky is covered by dark clouds, heavy rain is constantly going on, and some places on the ground are also flooded. This place is not in the territory of Great Qin’s, so Daqin does not have any control.

Also in Zhao Fu’s body, there is also Disaster Power, so you can also play the strength of Disaster Spear.


A huge Disaster Power broke out from Zhao Fu’s body, and a huge black storm was set up. The powerful Disaster Power was injected into the rifle. The long runes were lit up with a rune and an invisible strength spread.

Zhao Wei held a long gun in one hand and slammed it into the sky.

A huge strength emerged from the gun, and then turned into a huge formation, surrounded by Power of Heaven and Earth, into the formation, the formation issued a powerful suction, sucked into the sky.

The power of countless blue flood disasters, such as tides, generally rush into the formation, and the formation is like a black hole, engulfing the power of countless flood disasters.

Zhao Wei immediately felt that a huge flood disaster force poured into the gun body, and then condensed in the circular groove at the end of the gun. At the beginning, there were countless blue light diffusions, and then slowly crystallized to form a piece. Round blue crystal ball.

The heavy rain stopped quickly, and the dark clouds in the sky slowly spread out, revealing a clean blue sky. A few flying birds flew freely from the horizon.

Looking at the blue crystal ball, Zhao Yan showed a smile, took it down, checked it, and found it weaker than the previous kind of condensed Disaster Pearl, but Zhao Wei was quite satisfied. Because there are Disaster Spears that can constantly condense the Disaster Pearl.

Zhao Wei immediately ordered the creation of Disaster Spear, but the Rubik’s Cube of City of Disaster could not split too much Origin Disaster Power, so Disaster Spear could not be manufactured in large quantities. Zhao Wei is planning to build one hundred and twenty.

At the same time, I selected 120 of the most powerful People Power Disasters in the City of Disaster and handed them the good Damage Spear, they are the Disaster Sealer in the future.

Now that the soldiers of the Disaster have, the people with the Disaster Power have it, and finally the natural disasters.

Great Qin’s numerous natural disasters have been solved. Zhao Wei does not want to intentionally create a natural disaster. It is a fool’s job. Zhao Wei intends to let the Disaster Sealer leave Daqin and go outside to solve the natural disasters.

The disaster situation outside, which is much more serious than Daqin, and there is no way to solve it, because they do not have the strong World Realm, so there are many disasters waiting for Daqin to solve, then Daqin can harvest countless Disaster Pearl.

At this time, Zhao Wei has two choices. The first choice is to let the Disaster Sealer help the alliance, to pull closer to some relations, to ease the direct contradiction between the two sides, and then suddenly hit them one by one, to capture a world.

You can even join forces to destroy Monster Horn Empire and the second Fengshen, where the Daqin family is the only one, which may be a little less, because they are not stupid.

Another is to let the Disaster Sealer go to a farther place to solve the natural disasters of the Spice Pearl, so that no matter what, good or bad things, it will not affect Daqin, things are relatively simple, just need to constantly condense the Disaster Pearl. .

Zhao Wei thought about it, but decided to choose the second one. Now this place is calm, and Zhao Wei wants to see it.

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