The second cause of the blood, Zhao Wei also found a solution, that is, first collect the blood of the Soldiers, and then into the attribute stone, forming a special bloodline attribute stone, and then as the basic energy of Sage Stone.

At this time, when a Sage Stone was condensed, Zhao Wei gave a solediers to the Alchemy formation center.

Zhao Wei still uses the method that allows Soldiers to condense Sage Stone himself, because it is more able to play the strength of Sage Stone, and the degree of compromise will be higher.

I saw that one of the soliters was sitting in the Alchemy formation. Zhao Wei activated the formation, and a strength spread out. An attribute stone radiated a slight radiance, and the energy came out and rushed toward the Soldiers.

The Soldiers closed their eyes and absorbed the numerous energy. Five minutes passed, ten minutes passed, half an hour passed, and there was no difference.

After half a day, a strong strength broke out from the body of the Soldiers, and a gust of wind spreads around. A black mist is ignited from the body, and the strength of the Soldiers rises.

After a while, Soldiers opened his eyes, revealing a smile, started talking, “Your Majesty! I have now condensed Sage Stone.”

Zhao Wei showed a smile, started talking, “You show me the strength of Sage Stone now.”

Soldiers heard that, also using the strength of Sage Stone, an Alchemy Power spread, only the body of the Soldiers began to mechanize, to a lesser extent than before, Alchemy Power was injected into the arm, and the arm was mechanized in a large area, but Not fully mechanized, or retain some flesh and blood.

Although it is not completely mechanized, it feels strong and the control force becomes stronger, which is not a disadvantage.

Zhao Wei was satisfied with a smile, and let the Soldiers out of Sage Stone, a lychee-sized black crystal stone, with a slight radiance.

After reading it, Zhao Wei let the solediers take back and let him sense if there is any bad reaction in the body.

Soldiers After careful examination of the body, it was determined that there was no bad reaction.

Zhao Fu’s heart finally put down, showing a smile, Daqin still mastered Sage Stone, it can still be used by Daqin.

Later, Zhao Wei called twosoldiers, one of them is a paragraph, and the other is 1st Order 3-stage.

Zhao Wei let them also enter Alchemy and let them gather their own Sage Stone.

Half a day later, a powerful force burst out of their bodies, and a black mist was ignited in their bodies, which caused a gust of wind and spread out.

When everything subsided, two Soldiers came to Zhao Wei, and Zhao Wei began to look at their strength, which was somewhat surprising.

Originally the person of the cultivation base has improved the 5-stage cultivation base and reached the 6-stage directly. The person who has the original 1st Order 3-stage cultivation base now has the 1st Order 7-stage and the 4-stage. Cultivation base .

This strength improvement is still amazing. If you cultivate it yourself, it will take a long time to have such strength, but now you only need to condense Sage Stone to achieve it, and it is no wonder that Alchemy World strength level is so high.

Later, Zhao Wei had people who called several different cultivation bases, including 3rd Order, 4th Order, 5th Order, 6th Order, 7th Order, and Zhao Wei, who let them enter Alchemy formation and condense Sage Stone.

Bang bang bang ……

A strong stock of power broke out, and a black mist ignited from them, causing a squally wind to spread around.

Their cultivation base has a lot of improvements. The 3rd Order cultivation base has a little more than two paragraphs, the 4th Order has been improved, the 5th Order has been improved, the 6th Order has been slightly improved, and the 7th Order has not improved.

As you can see, the higher the Sage Stone’s cultivation base, the less the promotion, and there is no improvement in the 7th Order.

Although the cultivation base does not improve the 7th Order, it does not mean that it has no effect. They still master the strength of Sage Stone. They need to constantly integrate with Sage Stone, improve its strength, and their strength will be more powerful.


What Zhao Wei thinks, come up with a Blood God Pill, to the soliters who have just upgraded to the 6-stage cultivation base. This Soldiers is also the solitiers of the previous cultivation base.

Soldiers took over Blood God Pill and, according to Zhao Fu’s command, retired directly on the ground, and numerous bloody aura emerged from his body.

A few hours later, a powerful momentum spread out of the Soldiers’ body, and now one of the Soldiers’ cultivation base has reached the 1st Order.

Zhao Wei couldn’t help but smile. A Sage Stone can improve the 5-stage cultivation base. A Blood God Pill can improve the 4-stage cultivation base. As long as it is used by a person with a cultivation base, the opportunity can be immediately There is the power of 1st Order.

A cultivation base can be reached in a few days, so it is almost negligible, that is, a Sage Stone plus Blood God Pill, Daqin can directly have an 1st Order soldiers, which is too fast.

At this time, even if Daqin lost more than 1st Order soldiers, he could quickly fill it back. The bottom of the book was greatly improved. Even Zhao Wei wanted to promote all the people of Daqin to 1st Order cultivation base.

Think about the strength and heritage of Great Qin’s, which is far stronger than the general strength, which is stronger than the Inner Territory Kingdom in Outer Territory.

Although the basicsoldiers have 2nd Order, they can’t do it. All the people have 1st Order cultivation base, and now Daqin can do it directly. The gap between Daqin and Inner Territory Kingdom is a big step. .

Now their advantage is the basic 2nd Order military branch. If Daqin can also reach the basic 2nd Order military branch, then Daqin will not be weaker than the Inner Territory Kingdom and will not be afraid of any Inner Territory Kingdom.

Zhao Wei’s thoughts are here, and I can’t help but feel a little excited. Now Daqin has only been developing for ten years, and it has been stronger than the forces that have been developed for hundreds of years.

And Sage Stone is better for the weaker than Blood God Pill, but it’s still more precious than Blood God Pill, because Sage Stone has no effect on 7th Order cultivation base, and Blood God Pill has effects for anyone, even including Supreme Being level character.

Now that Sage Stone has succeeded in research and wants to improve Daqin as a whole, it needs to fully popularize Sage Stone, so that every Daqin Soldiers has Sage Stone.

This problem has also come. As I said before, Yin, Yang, Jin, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, Ray, Ice, Space, these eleven kinds of attributes, Daqin is better to get, but time attribute Things, Daqin is hard to get.

It is the biggest problem facing Daqin now. If there is no time for the attribute, then Daqin will not be able to condense Sage Stone in a large amount, and the overall strength cannot be improved.

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