And they also have a high degree of wisdom, unlike those without brains, and those Chaos races, have also discovered the existence of Qin, but perhaps understand that Daqin is also very unusual, so there is no direct Attacked Qin.

Next is the north, there are a large number of animal-shaped biological nests, the shape is similar to cattle, but there is a large mouth of blood, the mouth is full of fangs, looking very scary, the number reached more than six billion.

This kind of fearful cow is also a large creature. It is physically strong and has a strong destructive power. It is even more difficult to deal with than the ordinary insects. Once they are maddening against Daqin, it is difficult for Daqin to block them.

There is also the South, living with the same shape of a group of aquatic creatures, they are similar to the octopus, have a long, flat body, only a blue eye, a mouthful of teeth, can swim in the sky, almost and The same in the water.

The number has reached 5 billion, because it is difficult to deal with because it can fly.

Finally, the relatively simple West, where there is a large group of worms, the number has reached 5 billion, but the shape is similar to 蟑螂, the color is dark red, but they can not fly, can only crawl on the ground, but the speed Also very fast.

Zhao Wei feels a little big. In Heaven Awaken World, Daqin now faces the Monster Horn Empire, the Duplicate Wind God Empire, and the current alliance. The enemy in the three worlds is not removed. Now it is not divided. Give a little strength out.

It is only now that Qin should not be too eager to expand outwards and slow down the pace of development. Anyway, even if it expands, it will only have more fields and resources, and there will be no substantial increase in combat power.

There is also the cultivation of Demon-blood Sna’quito, which is a bit surprising, and the number has reached several million. This is the 3rd Order creature, which has raised millions of people so quickly and at least tens of millions in a year.

It’s faster than you go to practice, from 1st Order to 3rd Order, it’s almost a lot faster, and Demon-blood Sna’quito not only relies on nest refreshing, they can also breed, the growth rate of mosquitoes, and the speed of breeding are amazing. .

Zhao Wei has some surprises. At that time, Daqin will also have a large group of worms, which is the world of Daqin conquest.

Now Qin is also mainly based on defense, and began to build various defensive measures to withstand the dangers from all sides.

After learning about Chaos Chaotic World, Zhao Wei returned to Heaven Awaken World once.

Next, Zhao Wei has to do one thing, that is to expand the number of Sword Devil, now Emperor Killing Sword can be upgraded, but Zhao Wei has no time to arrest those sword cultivators, this time the number is also a bit large, need to be hundred A relatively talented sword cultivator.

These Sword Devils are still very perverted, no matter how you kill them, the previous 10,000 Sword Devil, which is even stronger than a million soldiers.

Such a highly qualified sword cultivator can be difficult to find, but Zhao Wei has a goal early, and that is naturally Ancient Sword Sect.

Now Zhao Wei has nine world bleSS ing. Even if he meets the Ancient Sword Sect Master, Zhao Wei does not need to be afraid at all. He will not be as humiliated as he was in the past. Now whoever loses, who wins is not necessarily.

Zhao Wei began to prepare, Zhao Zhao can remember very clearly, the anger in his heart has not subsided, so long, it is time to recover some interest.

At this time, a huge and unimaginable world, with terrifying incomparable pressure, slowly moved to Heaven Awaken World, the void can not bear the strength, the constant tearing distortion.

Heaven Awaken World automatically emits a kind of colored light, which turns into a myriad of barriers that are in front of the body, and the world emits a strange blood, with terrifying extreme strength, hits Heaven Awaken World.


A loud-shaking bang came out and resounded throughout the world, including Divine Spirit World and the celestial world, and heard this loud sound.

And the entire Heaven Awaken World is violently shaken, countless rocks roll down, the leaves are like rain, the waves rise on the water, some buildings even collapse directly, the birds fly into the sky in horror, and countless beasts flee.

Heaven and Earth are also chaotic, all kinds of breath, an extremely dangerous atmosphere, covering the whole world in an instant, and countless people’s bodies fall into the ice water, can not help but tremble.

The vibration continued for a long time, and Zhao, who was originally prepared, was shocked. It was not clear what happened, how the whole world was shaking, and the smell was too terrifying.

Zhao Wei, who is in doubt, also immediately received a series of tips.

“Hint! Alchemy Battlefield is on.”

“Hint! Gate of Battlefield is on.”

“Hint! The strength of the Dukedom level can be entered into the Alchemy Battlefield or Chaos battlefield through the Gate of Battlefield.”

“Hint! Enter the battlefield and you can earn points by striking down the extraterrestrial creatures. Points can be used to redeem items.”

“Hint! Reward item type update.”

“Hint! Reward the item level Limit.”

“Hint! The number of reward items has increased.”

“Hint! Aura is weakened, Region’s Power is weakened, World’s Power is weakened, and destiny is affected.”

“Warning! Every Dukedom-level force must earn a certain amount of points every month. If it does not meet the requirements, there will be a corresponding departure. If it fails to meet the requirements many times, it will be cancelled. The whole royal family will be Power of Heaven and Earth backlash.”

“Warning! Infighting is prohibited in the battlefield. If there is any violation, it will be severely punished. If it is serious, it will be obliterated.”

“Warning! If there is an enemy to sell, you will be punished and endured suffering, until the spirit is gone, not only the wife and children, but the entire family is equally.”

Zhao Wei looked stunned and didn’t even think that another Outer World Battlefield was opened. Is it just a shock that a world hit Heaven Awaken World?

Now the situation of Heaven Awaken World can be a bit dangerous, because there was a previous Chaos Chaotic World thing that was not handled well, and now an unknown world, it should look no worse than Chaos World.

There are also the last three tips, but it is really scary. The first one will get a certain amount every month. If you fail to meet the requirements many times, you will be canceled.

In other words originally, you are a country, but after being canceled, you are an ordinary force, without the various powers and abilities of a country.

As a royal family, he will also receive Heaven and Earth backlash. This Zhao has also suffered before, will pass very much, and strength will be greatly weakened, it is difficult to recover. If a royal family bears it, it is estimated that the entire royal family will be disabled.

The second article prohibits infighting, and the serious ones directly kill it. This is also terrible. Because this is Heaven Awaken World’s direct hands-on, it is likely that Immortal can’t stop it. Who can stop it from killing it?

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