If it is not the pure blood of Exotic Race, they are not psychologically recognized, because as the King of Myriad Kings of Exotic Race, it must be pure Exotic Race blood, and now they are not sure, this king of thousands, Exotic to them What kind of attitude is Race?

At this point, Exotic Race is a bit embarrassing, but what is more embarrassing is the remaining Protoss, Water Race, Spirit Race, and now Heaven Awaken World. There are already five major races to maintain that person. It seems that they all have some inexplicable The relationship is the same.

There are only three races left and Zhao Wei have no relationship, and that person does not have the Emperor Star of their three major races.

However, by feeling, according to this momentum, that person is likely to wake up the Protoss Emperor Star, Water Race Emperor Star and Spirit Race Emperor Star.

At that time, the other party has eight races of Emperor Star, plus one of his Life Source stars, a total of nine Emperor Star, which is scary enough to think about it.

At this time, some people stood up and spoke for Zhao Wei, but after all, they were only a few. More people were still trying to obliterate the threat of Zhao Wei, and now Zhao Wei has made them more interested. They want to get Zhao Fu’s. The various secrets of the body are also more certain to obliterate the idea of ​​Zhao Fu’s.

A fierce strong man laughed loudly. “Since all of you are in favor of not rushing to kill, then I agree. But should we destroy the defensive cover first, and don’t let the person run.”

The strong strong also agree with this.

Now the protection is the hood. Without the hood, so many people rush in, and the Exotic Race can’t stop it.

At that time, it is completely out of control. No one can stop, kill or not kill, or even snatch it. It is only between thoughts, so they want to break the energy cover and say that life and death are in their hands.

Di Jiang also understands the thoughts of these people. Once the secret defensive cover is broken and nothing is stopped, he smiles and says, “I feel that it is better to wait outside. Here is the place of Ten Otherworlds Institute. We are here. This does not give Exotic Race a face.”

Feng Qianhuang said with a chuckle, “I think it should be like this. Exotic Race is the seven Great Institute, and it is also the oldest and longest college. We should respect it, so we are still waiting here. When the day disappears, the man comes out. ”

At this time, Feng Qianhuang thought that he would let Zhao Wei once once. Once the defensive cover was smashed, facing such a strong one, Zhao Wei would die.

There is a dragon horn, with a glamorous woman, and ice-cold said, “I agree with this, we should not be too offensive to the Exotic Race ten, or wait for the person to come out and say.”

Leng Yan woman is also planning to let Zhao Wei first, because so many people rushed in, even if she is unable to protect Zhao Wei, can only let Zhao Wei run away, in the future may be able to see him at once.

Maybe because of legal reasons, he will go to Monster Territory one day and will automatically stand in front of her, without having to look for it.

The fierce and strong man is sneered, “How can you not see your respect, what is installed now, and you will break the defensive cover together.”

Bang bang bang ……

A loud rumbling sound rang, and the numerous strong did not hesitate, directly exploding a powerful strength, fiercely attacking the defensive hood, and some people also shot to block, a battle was opened at a time.

On the offensive side, the number is definitely a big advantage, some people contain those defenders, some with a strong strength, attacking the secret defense cover.


A terrifying attack blasted over the defensive hood, and the defensive hood shook slightly. As a defensive shield to protect the Sword of Myriad Kings, it was very powerful. In the face of so many strong terrifying attacks, it was only slightly trembling, if the general defense The cover has been broken into slag.

However, the numerous strongman constantly uses the terrifying strength to blast on the hood, and the defensive hood trembles more and more. In this way, the hood will still be broken sooner or later.

At this time, the six Emperor Stars in the sky slowly slid into the sky, the vision around them began to subside, and Heaven and Earth returned to normal.

Zhao Wei, holding the Sword of Myriad Kings, returned to normal. He woke up from the huge metamorphosis, and the bottle eyes slowly opened, shooting a cyan glow, and a blue eye in the eyes.

The left eye plus the cyan eyelids, a total of ten eyelids, the right eye cross eyelids is a layer of blue.

Countless people in the distance looked at Zhao Wei with a shocked look. Now it is quiet. No one makes a sound. Zhao Wei does not care for them, because now Zhao Wei has already understood what is going on outside through Emperor Star.

Now the most important task is to escape from here. At this time, Zhao Wei does not intend to bring other people, because this will only be more dangerous, and one will not escape.

Fortunately, I have already handed over the others to the Dragon Princess and the Elf Princess. They will handle everything. Zhao Wei does not have to worry about them. How to escape from here is the biggest problem.

Zhao Wei suddenly thought that there is not a teleportation order in his hand? That is, as long as teleportation, Supreme Being can’t intercept, should be able to escape from here.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yan showed a smile, took out the teleportation token, and was planning to use the token, which found that it could not be used at all, which made Zhao Yi a glimpse.

Zhao Wei immediately thought of the reason. It is very likely that the battles that have been erupted by countless strong people outside the secrets are too terrifying, and the surrounding space is in a chaotic and collapsed state. This overlapping strength is unimaginable.

Therefore, Zhao Zhen’s teleportation command, which is impossible for Supreme Being to intercept, cannot be used at all because it cannot break through the destruction zone.

“what should I do now?”

Zhao Xin was shocked and watched as the defensive hood trembled. Soon, countless strong men would rush in. Even if Zhao had thousands of lives, it would not die.


A loud rumbling sound rang at a time, and a terrifying attack continued to blast on the defensive hood. A strong wind spread and spread with the power of destruction.

“kāchā !”

A clear sound sounded, and the secret defensive cover had cracked a small crack. Zhao Hao’s face became a bit ugly, and I don’t know what to do next.

Around the countless Heaven’s Chosen felt the temper of attacking the defensive hood, and it became ugly. It was not clear what happened, but I understood that there was a large group of terrifying strong people who were constantly bombarding the hood.

Numerous Heaven’s Chosen was shocked and fled around. He tried to stay away from Zhao Wei to survive. Because everyone thought about it, he thought of the reason, which was definitely caused by the terrifying fluctuations that Zhao Wei awakened when he was awakened.

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