The round shield spread, and the nine rune circles returned to Zhao Wei. Zhao Wei lifted up against Sun Elf and grabbed a huge force.

Clang clang clang 閿?#8230;

A huge chain of sound rang through the sky, a huge gray chain shot from the ground, with a terrifying cold cold shot into the sky, the number is very large, at least there may be millions of, as if Heaven and Earth are locked.


A huge roar, the countless chains tied the huge Supreme Emperor Star in the sky, and the Supreme Emperor Star broke out of the terrifying strength, but the Supreme Emperor Star would accept being tied, so Showing great anger.

Also tied, there is also the Sun Elf.

Everyone looked at Zhao Wei with a look of shock. I didn’t think that Zhao Wei even had the terrifying Supreme Emperor Star, which could be forced to suppress it. It was really comparable to the Immortal Level.

The nine big Heaven’s Chosen also looked at Zhao Wei with a look of shock. They always felt that Zhao Wei might have hidden strength. Now they have seen Zhao Fu’s strength and their hearts are shaking, it is terrible.

Now facing the strength of Zhao Yuzhan, the nine big Heaven’s Chosen are sighing, and even the second-ranked Medusa accepts this fact in his heart, and he is not convinced.

Everyone looked at the Supreme Emperor Star and Sun Elf, which were bound by countless chains, and they couldn鈥檛 help thinking, 鈥淚s this the end?鈥?/p>

鈥淎h! 鈥?/p>

A huge squeaking sound rang through the sky, and Sun Elf’s body made countless bloody golden lights, and a terrifying spurt of strength exploded.


A loud-shaking bang came out and saw the huge Supreme Emperor Star, which burst into a terrible momentum and ignited a huge cyan mist with a powerful strength that could not be imagined.

The chains that bundled it all collapsed, and the Supreme Emperor Star exudes a huge cyan mist, with a repression of Heaven and Earth, standing in the sky.

The numerous chains that bundled Sun Elf were also disconnected. Sun Elf’s body emitted a strong light, looks like ice-cold, looked at Zhao Wei, turned into a stream of light, and flew into the Supreme Emperor Star.


A loud-shaking bang came out, and the Supreme Emperor Star broke out with a terrifying strength, exuding a gleaming blue light, covering the entire Heaven and Earth. The void was constantly shattering, and a huge mist emerged from it.

That cyan mist is divided into two shares, one is constantly rising, one is constantly falling, the last mist becomes the upper body of an elf, and the next mist becomes the lower body of an elf.

A huge incomparable mist elf appeared, with a terrifying momentum, the blue Supreme Emperor Star, located in the middle of the mist Giant’s chest.

This mist appeared, which directly set off a super terrifying storm, the ground was picked up by layers, numerous trees were destroyed, the numerous stones shattered, the sky turned cyan, the clouds surged, and the sun and moon were dull.

That terrifying atmosphere, like the tide, spreads easily and sweeps Heaven and Earth, pulling countless people into fear.


This cyan mist giant has just formed. A pair of eyes looks at Zhao Wei with a supreme meaning. He clenches his fist and carries a terrifying strength. He beats Zhao Wei and brings a strong force. wind.

In the face of this boxing, Zhao Wei did not have any fear. He also clenched a fist. A huge ghost force gathered on the fist, letting the fist emit a terrible ghost, and punched it with the power of destruction.


Two disproportionate fists, struck together with a terrifying strength, made a huge rumbling sound, set off a fierce wind, attacked all around, and everything was destroyed.

The cyan mist giant turned back a few steps, but Zhao Wei did not move. The huge impact was solved by nine gray runes around him.


The cyan mist giant screamed with screams, clenched his fists, and continually slammed it out, with a terrible punch, with a smashing strength, with a storm, nothing could resist.

In the face of countless punches, Zhao Wei looked at ice-cold, and once he reached out a hand, a huge ghost gathered in the palm of his hand, nine gray runes around him, once came to Zhao鈥檚 palm. In front. It emits a strong gray light and forms a huge round shield.


That huge punch, hitting a loud bang on the round shield, set off a fierce wind, and the round shield did not move, the nine-way rune circle slowly rotated, and the huge strength was resolved.

The blue mist giant is unbelievable, and the punch is fierce and fiercer, with a more terrible destructive power, hitting the round shield.


A loud bang came out, and a strong wind spread. The round shield trembled slightly, and the nine-way rune circle turned quickly, turning the terrible strength into nothingness.


The blue mist Giant made a huge roar in the sky, shattering the whole sky, and a dreadful momentum emerged from his body. He lifted his hands, grabbed it with force, and grabbed a huge cyan mist sword. He was caught by him. In the hands, with a huge strength, force a glimpse.


A huge rumbling sound sounded, Heaven and Earth seemed to be split in half, a huge sword force that destroyed everything. Thunder and smashing generally smashed past, and completely destroy the ground, space, stone, and vegetation.


The terrifying sword force splits the round shield in half, and Zhao Fu’s body is also flying out by a sword slash, slamming on the ground and hitting a huge crater.

On the ground, there is also a sword mark with a width of tens of thousands of meters and a depth of up to a kilometer. It is also a fear of the power of destruction.

Zhao Wei spit out a large blood and climbed up from the ground.

Cyan mist holds the mist sword, moves across the pace, and walks to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei looked at the ice-cold, raised a hand, a huge sea-like ghost force, emerged from the palm of his hand, forming a gray ball of light of six eggs, floating around the palm of his hand, Zhao Wei pointed by hand Cyan mist Giant, then press hard, a huge strength rushes out.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Six huge rumbling sounds, six stone gates with ancient, vicissitudes, cold and strong atmosphere, appearing around the cyan mist giant, tens of thousands of meters high, engraving numerous ghost patterns, with a huge pressure Let Heaven and Earth be quiet.

The stone door slowly opened, six huge incomparably ghost hands, with a terrible strength, and a cold and sturdy momentum, grabbed the hands, feet, body, and head of the cyan mist giant, and pulled hard.

鈥淎h! 鈥?/p>

A huge painful roar screamed, and the cyan mist giant was torn apart and turned into countless mists. The Supreme Emperor Star seemed to be afraid of being hidden in the sky, and the bloody Sun Elf could not fall from the air.

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