Everything slowly subsided, the smoke scattered, and a thousand thousand square pit appeared on the ground, and the ground around the pit was also flattened, the ground was opened, and the gravel and shredded wood were scattered everywhere. The trees are destroyed, the rocks are scattered, the grass is scattered, and it is a mess.

Everything is silent, as if everything is dead, the wind is blowing, like a cicada, saddened by the terrible destruction caused.

The people standing on the periphery have also been greatly affected. Now it is dusty and looks awkward.

At this time, countless people looked at the terrifying picture in front of their eyes, and the body ice-cold was also shaking. This is not human being, terrifying is extremely shocking.

The starlight emitted by the Emperor Star in the sky was not as strong as before, and some of them were dimmed. The crowd did not find the traces of the two people. It was not certain what the situation was now. Who won?

The people outside and the stands are nervous, a pair of eyes staring at the big pit, waiting for things to change.


a loud sound was issued, and the rock was flying, a terrible figure appeared in it. He ignited a ghost flame with a huge cold air. He was Zhao Wei.

At this point, Zhao Qi’s mouth blew out blood, and the body also had several wounds, but it was not very big, and a little gray blood flowed out.


The faint Emperor Star in the sky burst into a powerful momentum, emitting a bright starlight, and Sun Elf appeared in the center of the Emperor Star.

At the corner of Sun Elf’s mouth, there was also a trace of blood, and there were several wounds in the body, but it radiated a strong golden light with a terrible pressure.

The battle may not be over yet!


Zhao Wei hardly grabs, Emperor Killing Sword appears in the hands, a huge ghost flame into it, making the Emperor Killing Sword ignite a ghost flame, a powerful ghost burst out, with this powerful strength, Zhao Wei rushed to Sun Elf.


Sun Elf looks at ice-cold and grabs a gold sword in his hand. Emperor Star exudes endless star power and floods into Sun Elf’s body, giving Sun Elf a strong glow. The huge Emperor Star’s Power, Sun Elf also rushed to Zhao.


Zhao Yiyi sword with a terrifying gray sword light, with a cold strength, and a huge ghost, to Sun Elf, Sun Elf a sword, a blue sword light with destroy all strength, There are also countless cyan rays that go to Zhao.

The two swords slammed together with a terrible strength, sending out a huge shock wave that spread like a gust of wind.

Two people were forced to fly back hundreds of meters, but the next moment two people dragged out the powerful streamer, colliding together.


A loud bang came out, Zhao Yi and a sword with a terrifying sword light, smashed to Sun Elf, Sun Elf sword with a blue sword light, ferocious smashing Zhao Wei, two sword light constantly collided , Sword glow four shots, set off a huge storm, the Heaven and Earth eclipse, the storm suddenly changed, sun and moon no light.

Everyone was shocked to see the battle between the two, this is the battle between the top Heaven’s Chosen, and there is no point to stay, try to kill.

Sun Elf directly summons the Supreme Emperor Star and gets the endless Emperor Star’s Power bleSS ing. It can be changed day by day. The strength is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

As his opponent, it is also not simple, with Saint Level blood, and the Six Paths Demon Statue is integrated into the body. With the strength of Path of Samsara, with a terrifying power, it can easily destroy everything.

“Ah! ”

Zhao Wei screamed, a terrifying Path of Samsara strength was injected into the Emperor Killing Sword, and Six Paths gushed around the Emperor Killing Sword. A terrifying pole spreads out, and a force, a sword band With the strength of everything, go to Sun Elf.

“Ah! ”

Sun Elf raises the sword in his hand and screams loudly. Emperor Star shines brightly behind him, and a huge Emperor Star’s Power flows in. The sword emits countless cyan sword light, shining all directions, Sun Elf Hey, a sultry cyan sword light is coming out.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and the two swords slammed together, making a huge explosion, and a terrible explosion spread, bringing out a strong wind.


Zhao Fu’s body quickly fell to the ground, such as a meteorite squatting on the ground, a shock wave spread out, the ground hundreds of meters square ground is instantly broken.

Sun Elf also struggled back a few tens of meters.


Zhao Wei climbed up from the ground and pressed hard on the ground. A huge strength penetrated into the ground. The huge ghost of the front broke out, forming a thousand hundred meters high, a muscle, a face, and a strong Imposing Evil Ghost.

Rooaaar ……

Thousands of Evil Ghosts screamed in the sky, bursting out with a powerful force, with terrifying momentum, turned into a powerful stream of light, shaking the space, rushing to the Sun Elf in the sky.

In the face of a thousand Evil Ghosts with horrible momentum, Sun Elf raised a hand and a huge strength gathered in the palm of his hand.


Behind him, Supreme Emperor Star broke out with a powerful momentum, emitting a lot of blue starlights, which formed a hundred-meter-long cyan lightsaber floating behind Sun Elf with a huge Sword.

Sun Elf raised his hand and waved.

Bang bang bang ……

Thousands of cyan lightsabers, with terrifying swords, flew out, the speed is extremely fast, bringing out a blue stream of light, the momentum is extremely amazing.


A sound explosion rang, a cyan light sword with a terrible strength, directly through the chest of Evil Ghost, those Evil Ghost directly blasted, turned into countless ghosts dissipated.

“Áo! ”

A dragon suddenly rang, Zhao did not know when, appeared behind Sun Elf, raised the Emperor Killing Sword in his hand, exuding a strong sword light, behind him with a ghostly dragon.

Zhao Wei took a hard look, the ghost dragon took the terrifying strength, and there was a strong momentum that rushed to Sun Elf.


Sun Elf was shocked. He held the sword in front of him and put out a blue defensive hood. The ghost dragon hit the defensive hood with a strong strength. The defensive cover shattered and Sun Elf flew out and spit out. A big mouthful of blood.

Zhao Wei continued to take a strong momentum and rushed to Sun Elf. The Path of Samsara’s strength was injected, and the Emperor Killing Sword in his hand gave off a cold sword light. Zhao Wei used a wave of effort and consisted of six ghosts. The air column, with a terrible strength, rushed to Sun Elf.

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