This is definitely a shame. That obscene thief is really too arrogant. Everyone can’t wait to eat him now. Unfortunately, at this time, Zhao Wei has taken everyone away and went to a deeper place in the Demon.

A few days later, Zhao Wei took the many women to rest on the grass. The little mouse of Ziyue had already become a ball and squatted on Zhao Fu’s shoulder. It was lazy like no strength, but it looked like it was More and more cute.

Shi Yeya likes the purple moon very much, and often catches the purple moon, but perhaps the reason for Zhao Fu’s body saint blood, Ziyue still likes to stay next to Zhao Wei.

Mei Lingling and Luo Yanhuo rely on Zhao Yuhuai, the two of them are now most attached to Zhao Wei. When Luo Yanhuo was occupied by Zhao Wei, there was still a lot of grievances in his heart. At this time, the degree of slutty under Zhao Wei was not weak. Mei Lingling.

Many women have been moisturized by Zhao Wei for a few days, and they have become ruddy, delicate and beautiful.


A loud noise rang from one side, and a huge murderous aura rushed from a distance. I saw a large crowd of people appearing in the number of two hundred thousand, but they were all 5th Order soldiers, and the magic was very Powerful, no less than a few million 1st Order soldiers.

Zhao Wei looked at a large number of 5th Order soldiers and understood that he came to the inside of the magic domain. Because Heaven Domain is basically 5th Order soldiers, 4th Order rarely meets.

Headed by a sinister teenager, there are a few powerful people around him. Because Zhao Yu’s resting grassland is on the way to the army, they can’t find Zhao’s few people.

When the evil boy, seeing the peerless beauty of Zhao 甫 ten devastatingly beautiful women, the heart trembled, not yet seen so many beautiful people at a time, the teenager feels to jump out, the bone eyes let out the light.

“You guys go together to get those women to grab me, the man killed directly.”

The evil teenagers obsessedly looked at the women and loudly ordered a few powerful people to want to get those women at their own expense. If they could enjoy one, he could do whatever he wanted.

Next to a Great Han, the face is embarrassed, “Young Master! I see that those people are not simple. If ordinary people see our army, they will fall back aside and dare not obstruct.”

“But now they all ignore us, that means they have a strong strength, and the young master this time we are going to suppress the rebellion of White Snail City, we still listen to your mother’s orders, do not get anything.”

The evil boy yelled angrily. “Now are you listening to me? Or listen to my mother? If you don’t obey, Laozi will kill you now or not?”

The ten women in front of them, the evil teenagers feel that they fall in love with them, no matter what they want to get possessed, it will be so easy to give up.

The Great Han looked ugly, thought about it, could only agree, and directly brought tens of thousands of 5th Order army, surrounded by those people, want to force these people to yield, and there are more troops, more emboldened.

“Our young masters have seen you a few, now you go back with me, as long as you serve our young masters, you can not only live, but your men will not die.”

Great Han rode the great horse, and he was condescending and said loudly to Zhao.

Luo Yanhuo, who is leaning in Zhao’s arms, disdainfully smiles, “What are your young masters? I want us to serve him together, but you choose a woman among us, which is a hundred times more noble than yours.”

It was said that Great Han’s heart sank and felt that Luo Yanhuo was right, because they were so beautiful that it was estimated that one of the hundreds of millions of people could not be selected.

At the same time, Great Han felt that these people were very dangerous in front of him. Although Zhao Wei and others all hide the cultivation base, he can still clearly understand that Zhao Wei is terrible.

After thinking about it, Great Han decided to go back and persuade them to advise them.

Zi Lingye coldly snorted, “Do you think we are so easy to talk? Do you want to come? Want to go and leave? Xianggong Evil Demon Flower is in need of flesh and blood, you can eat them all.”

Zhao Yan smiled and nodded.

When I heard this, Great Han was in a cold heart and just wanted to give orders to kill these people. Let’s start with a strong one and see if they can solve them.

If you can kill them smoothly, go back to the young master, the young master can solve the problem, so that his order Great Han is also completed.

But the Great Han didn’t react at all. A sharp sword light flashed through, blood splashed, and Great Han’s head fell.

It is Jue Tianling’s shot, and a sword will drop a World Realm strong. The strength is terrible. It is only possible for Zhao Wei to break the strength of Nation Armament to suppress her.

The army surrounded by several people was also shocked and was about to launch attacks on Zhao Wei.

Bang bang bang ……

A rumbling sound was heard, and a huge fierce magical rush came out. Seven hundred and five hundred meters of monsters emitting terrifying strength appeared, attacking the fierce attacks of countless soliters.

Tiger Demon’ Evil Demon Flower With a wave of claws, hundreds of 5th Order soldiers flew out, and the defensive hood did not have any blocking effect. Hundreds of 5th Order soldiers had five wounds on each other, which was extremely easy to die. Claws, seconds drop hundreds ofsoldiers, big mouth and one suck, will eat countless bodies.

Headless Evil Demon Flower The big mouth on the belly, slammed, and a burst of other Evil Demon Flower and several times the suction force, not only the numeroussoldiers were sucked into the mouth, the ground cracked open numerous soils were sucked into it.

The Old Man’ Evil Demon Flower has two large mouths on his throat. He is kneeling directly on the ground, grabbed dozens of dozens of sodiers and sent them to his mouth, madly eating countlesssoldiers, and legs. attack.


Numerous 5th Order soldiers are powerful and not afraid of fighting, but Zhao Fu’s Evil Demon Flower can be used to immunize the Emperor Heaven Realm’s ordinary attack. How can these ordinary 5th Order soldiers attack Evil Demon Flower?

In the face of Evil Demon Flower, they have no ability to resist at all. There is only one word to die in the end.

Othersoldiers saw Evil Demon Flower so terrible that in less than a few tens of thousands of troops lost a lot of money, the ground is full of blood and residual limbs, countless people suffering screams, they can only escape to their young master.

The young man’s face changed. He didn’t think that Zhao Wei’s strength was so strong. Although he still had hundreds of thousands ofsoldiers in his hand, he did not seem to be the opponent of Evil Demon Flower. The teenager could only order to escape.

Until now, Zhao Wei naturally could not let him go, directly ordered Evil Demon Flower to catch up and continue to swallow these 5th Order soldiers.

Other women have also shot.

The top ten witches of the Devil’s Land, each of the cultivation base is the lowest one Heaven Realm, far higher than the Zhao Fu’s cultivation base, but also means strength terrifying, no one can stop them, very easy to slaughter those sodiers.

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