The second thing is to build a place to cultivate Yin Soul Beast. This requires a place with a lot of yin. The place where the Great Qin Yin soldiers transformed, although the yin is not small, but because of the need to cultivate the Yin soldiers, Yin Soul Beast consumes a lot. Yin, you need to find a place again.

In fact, it is best to build a place to cultivate Yin Soul Beast in the yin, because there is endless yin, but there is no development in Daqin, and it is not safe.

Yin Soul Beast is also important to Daqin, which can make the Daqin Soldiers soon have 2nd Order squadrons, and because of Yin Soul Beast, these squadrons are better than the average 2nd Order soldiers.

And Zhao Wei won the Heart of Highest Level Yin Soul Beast, it is possible to cultivate a more advanced Yin Soul Beast, or a higher-order Yin soldier.

I first dealt with the planting of the Dark Night Nether Flower. Zhao Wei intends to plant it in the flower field, because there are various kinds of attributes that are beneficial to the flower, and I have lived in the Flower Fairy, where it has become a fairyland.

However, Dark Night Nether Flower is a Yin Attribute. It takes yin to grow. This is easy. Zhao Wei intends to transform a shade in the flower field. It is just a flower. There should be no problem.

Come to the palace in the Flower Region, where more than 300 Flower Fairy have been cultivated, one by one, slim and charming, usually staying in the flower field, something will be ordered to leave, to display life magic, accelerate the growth of crop They are all managed by Flower Fairy.

“See Your Majesty!”

Inside the palace’s Flower Fairy, watching Zhao Wei come, his face showed a charming smile, and he looked forward to shouting.

Zhao Wei smiled and nodded, then found the Flower Fairy who was maintaining the formation.

“People! How come you?”

Flower Fairy looks at Zhao Wei, showing a stunned smile.

Zhao Wei smiled and took her into her arms. She smiled and told her about Dark Night Nether Flower. Flower Fairy learned that Zhao Wei had another kind of strange flower with a happy smile on her face because these strange flower pairs She is very important.

“People! I have a way to plant Yin flowers, which should be very helpful for Dark Night Nether Flower.” Flower Fairy said with Zhao Xiao in Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei looked at the beautiful and beautiful Flower Fairy in his arms. He had a smirk on his face and picked up the fragrance of Flower Fairy. “Um! Waiting to say.”

Flower Fairy knows what Zhao Wei is going to do, his face is blushing, and he gently sighs.

The sound of clouds and rains soon sounded in the room.

After a while, Flower Fairy said in the arms of Zhao Wei, “I am still lucky!”

Zhao Wei’s expression is awkward, doubted started talking, “Why?”

Flower Fairy was ashamed and explained, “Because we are planting Flowers Fairy when it rains, those Flowers Fairy are bred and contaminated with your breath, not only will not give birth to male Flower Fairy, but also miss you and Yunyu, and I I promised them too.”

Zhao Wei understood that he thought that there was no male Flower Fairy. It was for this reason, so when I came to the palace, those Flower Fairy looked forward to watching themselves.

“Your Majesty! We come in to serve you.”

A group of Flowers Fairy waited at the door for a long time. When they heard Flower Fairy, they smiled and gently pushed open the door.

After that, there was an unspeakable sound in the room. Zhao Wei carefully tasted each of the Flower Fairy, each with a different taste and a faint floral fragrance.

After the rain, Zhao Wei also returned to the business.

In fact, before coming to the palace, Zhao Wei ordered a person to dig a large pit with a width of 10,000 meters and a depth of several hundred meters in a place in the flower field.

Now the pit is filled with the bodies of various people. Among them are soldiers, there are also people, there are also men, women and children. The expression is painful, fearful, pleading, resentful, and angry.

These people are the soleliers and the people killed by Daqin when they launched the war. Their bodies were collected by Daqin. Now, no matter what the body, Daqin is very useful.

The pit was filled with the bodies of several thousand, and it was terrible and shocking to see this scene. The average person faced such a bloody and cruel scene, and may also vomit and vomit.

Zhao Wei’s state of mind is dull, there is no trace of fluctuations, because seeing more, the people buried these bodies, Zhao Wei needs these bodies to transform a shade, and those bodies can be used as the nutrition of Dark Night Nether Flower.

Soldiers After filling the body, Zhao Wei fell on it, half-squatting down, one hand pressed on the ground, the six gray dots on the right eye swiftly turned, and a huge yin poured out from Zhao’s body. Six gray balloons were formed around Zhao Wei.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

Under the control of Zhao Wei, six huge gray balloons flew out with a huge force, occupying one position, then falling into the ground, and a formation emerged.

Aaaaaaaah ……

This huge formation just emerged, and the souls of those buried in the ground became a devil, screaming and screaming out of the ground.

A spooky ghost climbed out from the ground, and a pair of blood-colored eyes filled with resentment and cruelty concentrated in Zhao Fu’s body. Although Zhao Wei did not kill them, but Zhao Wei’s orders, so the overall grievances are concentrated in Zhao Fu’s body.

It seems that the creatures transformed into ghosts will have the ability to understand karma. The stronger the ghost, the stronger the ability.

In the face of these ghosts transformed from the remnant soul, Zhao Wei did not care a little, because many of the strengths of the zero-segment are not, that is, there is no strength, just look scary, one is more powerful, they dare not approach.

However, at this time they borrowed a lot of people, or they rushed to Zhao, and the ghosts came from all directions. It was extremely scary.


Zhao Wei was only loudly shouted, and the breath of Saint broke out. It was like a raging wind. The ghosts that came in, disappeared in the wind, and there was no resistance to strength.

The ground also turned black, and the black continued to spread out, emitting a cold and incomparable breath, which made people dare not step closer, and Zhao Fu’s Yin was also transformed.

Dig a shallow pit and take out the seeds of the Dark Night Nether Flower. Zhao Wei took out a small medicine bottle, which contained the wanage liquid.

Zhao Wei poured a bottle of Wannian Yin into it. The gray liquid fell on the seed and instantly merged into the seed. The kind of madness began to grow. The most gentleman grew a black root and plunged into the ground, then the leaves were dried. Grow it out.

Finally, a three-kilometer high, black branches, such as ghost-like leaves, and a flower bud with blue light are produced.

Zhao Wei was disappointed. She poured a bottle of Yin liquid and thought that she could see the flowering look of the Dark Night Nether Flower. It can be seen that the flower is tender and tender, and it is estimated to be a long time, just like the previous World Flower.

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