“The third thing is that I am in Heaven Awaken World’s demon domain. There is also a relic. There is also a woman named Mo Qinyue. She is also yours. After you get legacy, the position is in your mind. ”

Zhao Yi’s heart was happy, and he did not expect to have any relics. It is estimated that he can get a lot of good things. As for the woman of Mo Qinyue, Zhao Wei does not care because there is no shortage of women.

These three things are all good things, Zhao Wei definitely agreed, and gratefully said, “Thank you for your predecessors! These three things will be completed underneath, and let Nether Spirit Empire legacy carry forward. Will not let the seniors disappointed.”

The old man smiled and said, “Wait, someone will take you to a ghost pool, where you will improve your Constitution, then you will get married with you, and finally you will get my legacy.”

Zhao Wei understands it, but there is also a hint of wonder, why is the legacy at the end, and after getting married with that woman.

It is also possible that the elderly do not feel at ease and worry that they are not good for her daughter. Therefore, let her be married with her and see that Zhao is not suitable. If it is not suitable, the elderly will not give legacy to herself.

Originally, the old man who led the way, started talking, “The son! Come with me!”

Zhao Wei first let other people wait for themselves in one place, and then follow the old man to a high platform.

This high platform is more than 30 meters high and is more than ten meters wide. There is a wide ten-meter pool above. The water is gray, with a strong cold and cold, the surrounding temperature is very low, and the pool is engraved with many ghosts.

Zhao Wei took off the clothes and entered the pool according to the old man who led the road. Although the pool was cold, Zhao Wei could still bear it, because now Zhao Wei has the blood of the ghost family.

At the beginning, the cold pool water slowly moistened Zhao Fu’s body and promoted Zhao Fu’s Constitution. Zhao Yu’s yin force was also increasing. This kind of feeling was quite comfortable. I wanted to lie in the water in summer and it felt very cool.

However, after less than a moment, Zhao Wei noticed that something was wrong. Some extremely secret strengths quietly penetrated into Zhao Fu’s body.

Jin Long is also Di Xi, and also reminded Zhao Wei, “Be careful! This pool has problems.”

Zhao Yu opened his eyes and looked at the old man waiting to the side, while the old man stood there as a statue, but he actually looked at Zhao Wei with Yu Guang.

Now what Zhao Wei understands, lightly smiled, regains his eyes, continues to close his eyes and absorbs the pool’s yin force, but has already run Six Paths Samsara Power, excluding that kind of strength.

Six Paths Samsara Power does not lose the top strength of the yin, the kind of concealed strength, although powerful, can still be discharged by Zhao Wei.

In this way, Zhao Wei constantly absorbed the negative force of the pool, and constantly ruled out the concealed strength. After a while, the potency of the pool was absorbed by Zhao Wei, and the pool was about to bottom out.

The old man with the road has a smile, started talking, “The son can, you come up!”

Zhao Wei opened the booth eyes, showing a smile, this is not Zhao Xie’s pretending smile, but a real smile, because this pool is indeed a treasure, absorbing that huge power, Zhao Wei Constitution has some improvement, more important Is the cultivation base promoted to the fast Earth Realm.

Of course, those who concealed strength, Zhao Wei did not absorb it, although it is not clear what is the strength, but Zhao Wei did not dare to absorb a little.

Later, Zhao Wei followed the lead road old man and came to a room. Although he was a relative, he did not have any amiable appearance and directly let Zhao Wei go to the cave.

Pushing open the door, the cold woman, sitting on the bed, expression is not happy, Zhao Yan walked in, the heart has been thinking about the pool, and there are three things, so there is no such thing as a cold woman. Did not say anything.

After a while, the cold woman looked at Zhao Wei and asked calmly. “Why don’t you touch me, don’t you have any interest in me, or other reasons?”

Zhao Wei is afraid of being seen by a woman, lightly smiled. “There is no such thing. You are so beautiful. There is no such thing as a man who is not tempted. If you can rain with the clouds, the average man will die, I just look at you. I like my look.”

Woman deep in the eyes, flashed a bit of disgust, but quickly disappeared, stood up and smiled. “My character is like this, please don’t mind, let me serve the public.”

Zhao Xin thought in his heart, smiled and nodded.

Woman showed a charming smile, took Zhao’s hand to the bed, and then took off the clothes for Zhao, the two people quickly clouded.

Zhao Wei, who was galloping on the woman, was cold in her heart and found that a large amount of hidden strength in the woman’s body entered her body, and some ghosts also entered Zhao’s body.

There is no change in Zhao Wei’s appearance. A fascination with a woman is constantly invading her. She does not care about those who are hiding strength and ghosts, because Zhao Yi is excluded from the body, and Six Desires Demon Qi is constantly pouring into the woman’s body. Makes a woman as crazy as a cloud.

A few hours later, the woman was completely soft on the bed, her face flushed, and she gasped, lying in Zhao’s arms. A pair of beautiful eyes with a trace of complexity, I did not expect to be so happy with Zhao Yuyun, feeling the body and soul like He was conquered in general.

“What happened?”

Zhao Wei a pair of eyes Looking at the beautiful woman in her arms, she smiled and asked.

Woman hesitated, but still shook his head.

The voice of the old man leading the way was heard outside the door. “The son is already finished! The host is already waiting for you. Now you can go to get the legacy.”

Zhao Wei heard the words and smiled and said to the woman in her arms, “Nanny! Get up! Your father wants me to accept legacy, and I will be warming up with you.”

Hearing the kind address of Zhao Wei, the woman’s face is more complicated and she wants to speak, but she still can’t say what she thinks and she doesn’t speak any more.

And Zhao Wei got up and wore his clothes, and he was not in charge of the woman, opened the door, followed the old man who led the way, and went to that big hall.

The old man smiled and said, “My good girl! Now come accept my legacy! In the future, you are the Nether Spirit Empire, in the future, you will become the most eye-catching person, master the world’s strongest Power.”

A form emerges from the hall. This form is a green formation, ten meters wide, with a huge soul force. The whole space’s sinister force begins to gather here, such as the tides pouring into the formation.

Zhao Wei walked into the formation, the old man’s face could not help but reveal the expression of excitement, and then no longer concealed, rushed to Zhao Yu, and instantly poured into Zhao Yan’s body.

“What’s the matter? Your body is not controlled by Nether Soul Power, nor is it controlled by the ghost, how can your body have five Dragon of Destiny, and how your body has Samsara Power, your blood is saint Blood ?”

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