
A huge rumbling sound rang, a huge black-gray breath, rushed out of the ground, turned into a huge gas column and rushed into the sky, the whole space shook, the cold atmosphere raged, Heaven and Earth changed, dim No light.

Originally placed on the platform, the sword of various colors, also spurred a variety of light, making a sound of crisp cry.


The sword flew up automatically and turned into a sword light. It came to the front of Ghost Ji and rotated a few laps around the ghost, as if it was also looking at Ghost.

The last sword stopped in front of Ghost Ji, with the sword tip pointing down, the hilt facing upwards, and a slight radiance.

Ghost Ji couldn’t help but reach out and hold the sword at this moment.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and the air column that rushed into the sky spread out. As the tide flooded into the body of Ghost Ji, a huge shock wave was spread out and the ground cracked for a thousand meters.

Zhao Wei was also taken aback. The steady black and gray gas, madly poured into the ghost body, set off a squally wind, Zhao Wei’s body was blown back, only to defend Saint Domain.

Ghost Ji’s momentum is getting stronger and stronger. From the originally 8th Order, he quickly jumped to Saint Realm, then Earth Realm, Celestial Realm, World Realm…

As the momentum of Ghost Ji is getting stronger and stronger, the squally winds are getting stronger and stronger, the ground can’t bear it, and a little bit of cracks collapse.

In the end, Zhao Yu swallowed a slobber, and looked at Ghost Ji with a look of shock. Because of the momentum that she now exudes, she has reached Emperor Heaven Realm, and the gray-black breath has all poured into Ghost.

Zhao Wei is also wary, because this level of the strong, but very dangerous, and this space can not use the Nation Armament, if Ghost Ji wants to do something to him, then Zhao Wei has no resistance.

Ghost Ji is still the previous action, holding the cat in one hand, holding the sword in one hand, and closing his eyes.

The cat in her arms also seems to absorb some black and gray, the hair on her body also turns black, and a slender pair of black horns grows on her head. The blood of the body is greatly improved, and the strength is also raised to 4th-5th. Order, because of Ghost Ji, it also got some opportunities.

Ghost slowly opened his eyes and turned to look at Zhao Wei, who was nervously watching her, lightly smiled, “Yang Gong! What What happened?”

Zhao Wei said with a slight sigh of relief, “This is what’s the matter? Does the sword have anything to do with you?”

Ghost Ji nodded with a smile. “This sword is the sword I used to say. The grade has reached the level of Emperor Heaven. I also sealed some of the previous strengths. Now I will get it back.”

Zhao Wei doesn’t know who seals the sword here. It also feels a bit coincidental. If you don’t meet Seeking Yin Beast and Shang Long, there will be no ghosts, and you can’t get the strength of the sword.

However, reaching the Emperor Heaven Armament as an 3rd level reward is amazing, because of the Emperor Heaven Armament and beyond the Earth God Armament, and the Earth God Armament is the artifact of the gods.

Of course, the biggest gain is to upgrade the strength of Ghost Ji to Emperor Heaven Realm. Think about the strength of Emperor Heaven Realm. How terrible it is, with ten worlds of strength, the superior World Realm is in front of him, no backhand. .

Now Daqin also has the Emperor Heaven strong, and now Zhao Wei is not afraid of the Wind God Empire’s Emperor Heaven Realm strong, after Wind God Empire to do what Daqin, Daqin also has the strength of resistance.

Thinking of this, Zhao Wei really wants to laugh.

“People! You need this sword?” Ghost Ji reached out and handed out the sword in his hand. Although the sword once belonged to her, Zhao Wei got him, and she just sealed her power.

Zhao Yan said with a smile, “The sword is yours! And you have to upgrade so many realm, how it feels now.”

Ghost Ji replied happily, “Thank you for your loyalty, now there are still some control in strength, and there is something that my memory is recovering. I should take control of these strengths very quickly.”

Later, other people also came forward and looked at Ghost Ji with a look of surprise. The strength of this strength was too scary. Jumping directly from 8th Order to Emperor Heaven Realm was beyond their imagination.

Zhao Wei took out Heaven Sealing Sword and said to the green radish, which is the former little loli. “You stay in it first, and wait for you to leave this ruin. I am letting you out.”

I finally left the bondage of the formation, and I can go to other places. The green radish is happy replied. “I know! But it is not bad to take Sword Spirit with the sword, because I was originally a kind of tool spirit. If there is no load, strength. It will also weaken quickly, and the form will dissipate. You use me as the Sword Spirit of this sword!”

Zhao Wei chuckled, this again sent a precious sword to himself, Heaven Sealing Sword plus seal spirit, this strength can not be underestimated.

After talking with Green Luo, Zhao Wei first took her into Sword Seal, and several people opened the door and went to the next level.

The door just opened, a fascinating floral scent, one of one blossoming blue flowers like lotus flowers, these flowers grow on a black vine, only palm sized, and black vine cloth Full of the earth.

The sky is black, the blue flowers, the faint blue light, looks very beautiful.

Shang Long introduced, “Master! This is Desired PaSS Ion Flower, a flower that can confuse people, and it will also give birth to lust. If men and women enter it, they will die in the rain, and the same illusion will be produced when men and women enter separately. And thus succumb to death, those vines are eating those corpses and opening a more beautiful Desired PaSS ion Flower.”

“This layer is full of Desired PaSS Ion Flower, the danger is not ordinary, I am afraid that I can’t follow the owner.”

Other women heard Shang Long’s explanation and looked blushing because men and women entered it and they would die and collapse.

Shang Long is for no trouble, because now those women are Zhao Fu’s, Shang Long simply can’t think too much, so I can only propose to stay here, so as not to do anything afterwards, maybe I will lose my life if I accidentally .

While other women are blushing, they have soft water, because they also want to be with Zhao Yuyun, so they want to enter it, and some want to experience that crazy feeling.

When Zhao Wei heard Shang Long’s words, it was all the women who stayed in the place and did not bring Ghost Ji, because it was just for her to stay here and master her strength.

A few women disappointed, Bai Xiaoxi worried, “You should be careful with that.”

Zhao Wei smiled and nodded. In fact, Zhao Wei was not afraid of this. Because the Celestial Mode has been opened, various abilities have been strengthened, and Zhao Wei can have saint blood bleSS ing. For these Illusion Techniques, there are also things that create hallucinations. Great immune effect.

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