The glamorous woman also looked at the eyes of the dead, looked at Zhao Wei a few people, coldly snorted, and then followed the white man to leave.

“Master! What should I do now?” Shang Long understood what happened next, so I wanted Zhao to ask.

Zhao Yan frowned and thought about it and said, “Wait to pack things up, or leave here as soon as possible.”

Subsequently, several people left the city and planned to continue to move toward the yin domain, but they were still intercepted by white men.

And this time, the white man also called four helpers, a total of three men and one woman, two of the three men of the Great Han look similar, one looks wretched, another woman looks ugly, but her strength is also the highest, reaching One Heaven Realm.

The white man looked at Zhao Wei and said with a sneer. “It’s your own death. If you give me three women, you won’t happen. Now the three women are still mine. Wait, I will be there. You can play with three women in front of you, and then sell them to do swearing, in order to solve my anger.”

Zhao Yan said with no expression, he asked, “Do you think you won?”

The white man laughed wildly and said, “I know you are not ordinary, but you are just a Saint Realm cultivation base, I am Celestial Realm cultivation base, plus three World Realm, one One Heaven Realm, you think May I lose?”

“is it?”

Zhao Yan’s mouth sneered with a sneer, stepping out of the Nation Armament’s strength, a blue mist from the Zhao Fu’s body, a terrifying strength, seems to solidify Heaven and Earth.

The man in white changed his face. He didn’t think that Zhao Hao had such a strong Nation Armament, but he didn’t think he would lose.

But at the next moment, his face changed greatly. I saw that Zhao Wei’s right eye had six gray dots rotating fast, and a Six Paths of Samsara’s strength spread from Zhao Fu’s body.

Not only the white man, but also a few others were wrong. I didn’t expect Zhao Wei to have the supreme power of the Yin world.

“Second Prince! I don’t pick up this job, or solve it yourself!”

Among the four men who were called by the white man, the wretched old man was frightened and shouted loudly, because the person with such a supreme power had a terrible identity that could not be provoked by an Empire.

What’s more, now that Zhao Wei broke out, the power of Nation Armament, there are five world’s strengths, and their side has become very unfavorable.

He is a white man who is temporarily invited. He does not need to take his own life for a little benefit, so he decisively refuses to participate.

“Second Prince! This is what you are wrong with. If you hide such a big news, do you know what people who have this kind of strength think? I am sorry! We don’t dare to pick up this work.” The two Great Han also Started talking.

The last ugly woman, seeing others give up, she can only give up and no longer participate.

This made the white man look pale, did not think of the four people he invited, after seeing Zhao Fu’s strength, they even chose not to participate.

And the white man can’t think of it, Zhao Yi has such a terrible Six Paths supreme power.

“Do you wait to die like this?”

The man in white thought in his heart and hurriedly shouted. “Now you don’t dare to get involved, but don’t think he will let you go. You know now that he has the strength of Six Paths of Samsara, and the news will spread. .”

When the four people heard this, their faces changed even more, and they looked at Zhao Wei.

Zhao Xin’s heart is a bit strange, and he did not expect it to be the result. The people in the Yin world are too afraid of the Six Paths of Samsara’s strength.

In fact, this is thanks to the body of the Six Paths Demon Statue, because every time they get angry, or when something happens, Six Paths Samsara Power will ravage the entire yin, they are always living in the shadows, against Six Paths Samsara Power Scared.

Zhao Wei also recognized the influence of Six Paths of Samsara, thinking about whether to kill the murder and hide his own news, but thought about it, started talking, “Can you guarantee that my message will not be leaked?”

Several other people nodded quickly. They didn’t want to be involved. They were eager to get out. They didn’t even dare to reveal it, because there will be many big people who will find them, and they may die.

Zhao Wei did not believe in their verbal commitments, let them sign a contract, restrain them with the power of the contract, and the four quickly agreed.

The man in white was ugly, and with a few women on the road, he hurried to escape.

Clang clang clang ……

A chain of irons flew out with a terrible strength. Now Zhao Fu’s body has a Nation Armament bleSS ing. The roots are extremely strong, and the white men and the women are easily tied up.

Then, Zhao Wei and the other four signed a contract, and the four people turned into a stream of light to leave, they did not dare to stay here, because that Second Prince, they also can not afford to sin, Ghost Lord Kingdom will find them So they must leave here early.

Zhao Wei looked at them and left a little relieved, because if they fight, the results are not necessarily, Zhao Wei does not have much advantage.

There is also his own strength, the ugly woman who can’t keep the One Heaven Realm cultivation base, his identity may still leak, it is better to use a more peaceful, no fighting way to resolve this crisis.

After dealing with these times, Zhao Wei sneered at the white man tied by the chain, and several of his Wang Hao.

The white man was also afraid to say, “Hello! I apologize for the previous behavior, willing to pay all the price, as long as you don’t kill me, I will keep your identity confidential, and the women you like me, now I am For you, let them serve you well.”


Several women heard the white man gave them to Zhao Wei, let them serve Zhao Wei, the cry of grievances.

Especially the glamorous woman, looking at Zhao Wei with a look of fear, thought of satirizing him before, you will wait for Zhao Wei to torture her, and it is better to die earlier than this.

However, there are also more interesting women, such as the quiet woman, an unexpectedly quiet look, slutty screaming flatteringly, “The son! In fact, I first saw you, I have already liked you, now let people serve you well. ?”

The man in white is secretly swearing at the goods. He is usually good to her. He even betrayed himself now, but his face is still smiling. “Lord! You like it, take it all!”

Zhao Wei also remembered what the white man had just said before, and he wanted to play with his own woman in front of him. Zhao Wei thought of the evil smile here and put them five women.

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