Knowing that Monster Horn Empire attacked Blue Pupil World, Zhao Wei and Zhongchen also discussed whether to attack Monster Horn Empire, but only to drag Monster Horn Empire, Daqin did not have any benefit, so attacking Blue Pupil with Monster Horn Empire World, Daqin can also attack Demon Profound World.

Monster Horn Empire is now attacking Blue Pupil World, naturally there will be no time to block Daqin, so Daqin also has three worlds.

Demon Profound World Since the three worlds of Green, Werewolf and Elves have been divided, they have entered a high degree of alert. Because they lost their three restraints, they could not resist Daqin at all. They are the next world to be destroyed.

And Demon Profound World already has a continent that was captured by Daqin. They have only four continents in total, and only three-quarters of the territory is left.

It can be said that Daqin can easily destroy them, and they are afraid that they can only defend with all their strength, and the rare ones really unite together. No, they will only be destroyed.

However, even if they are united, they can only defend their own continents, and they cannot gather all the forces together and finally fight with Daqin.

Because Daqin already occupies a continent, he can attack three continents at the same time, instead of only attacking one place, they naturally cannot be together, and Daqin is divided into three roads at the same time, attacking three continents at the same time, and capturing at the fastest speed. Demon Profound World.

The strongest is East Demon Continent, with more than 15,000 regions, seven legatee four from East Demon Continent, and Guardian from East Demon Continent. The strength is definitely the most terrifying of the four continents.

The other two continent strengths are relatively weak. Zhao Wei naturally took the strongest attack on East Demon Continent, and the white squad attacked West Demon Continent. Wang Hao took the troops to attack North Demon Continent.

Zhao Wei and his army quickly came to East Demon Continent, which was already full of bans. East Demon Continent wanted to delay some time, but all of them were forcibly removed by Daqin.

The two armies also met very quickly, and one side guarded the wall of the high hundred meters. Each one was serious and nervous, and the momentum was strong and sensational, posing the most powerful defense. It seems that no one has broken them.

On the other side of Daqin, the black armor is magnificent and more terrible than Demon Profound World. Like the dark dragon, Megatron all directions, emitting the strength that makes the world fear.

The strength of Daqin is far more than Demon Profound World, because it has swallowed a lot of continent’s Population, and the strength of attacking East Demon Continent has reached 5 billion.

East Demon Continent has up to three billion people on this side, many of whom are ordinary people, not regular forces, or it is impossible to have so many people. However, because Demon Profound World is Culture World, these ordinary people have a real body and Heaven Awaken World, and also have a cultivation base with more 1st Order.

Zhao Wei stood in the void, accompanied by Mo Yao’er, and stood opposite the magic seven, and a bald old man, one of the legatee, Demon Study Sect’s Sect Master,

One is perfect, dressed in white, with an ice-cold qualification, she is the most beautiful woman of Demon Profound World and the daughter of Demon Immortal Sect’s Sect Master. One is also beautiful, graceful, but with a vicious one, it is not easy to provoke, she is the second beauty of Demon Profound World.

There is also a handsome young man with a confident smile in the sun, one of the legatee, a heir to the dynasty.

“Do you think that there is a strength of resistance? Now it is surrendering! You can treat you well, and you can no longer pursue the past.” Zhao Wei stood in the void, with a confident smile, and radiated a powerful momentum.

Magic Seven and others, his face is very ugly, and he has not seen Zhao Wei for a long time. The strength of his body has been far more than ten times. If he had the ability to fight with Zhao Wei before, but now there is no such thing.

Fortunately, they also have the Nation Armament, and there is a slight resistance to it, not directly crushed.

The Magic Seven just looked at Zhao Wei with dignity and did not answer Zhao Wei. It is obvious that he is unlikely to surrender.

Next to him, Demon Profound World, the second beauty Mo Qianqian, is a woman with a vicious face, sneered, “We will not easily surrender anyone, you have the ability to force us to conquer us!”

Zhao Xiao smiled down, cold voice said, “If you are looking for death yourself, then don’t blame!”


A terrible momentum spread, like a violent wind, Zhao Wei did not hesitate, and broke out his strength and began to attack.

The magic seven people felt that Zhao Wei’s terrible breath, his face changed, and the strength of Nation Armament broke out directly, and a strong wind swept through.

Zhao Yi’s disdainful smile also uses the strength of Nation Armament and does not use the strength of the cultivation base, because it takes some time, but it is different if you use Nation Armament.

Because now Daqin has two worlds, and there are four continents, the strength of the Nation Armament, which is comparable to the Nation Armament in the hands of seven people.


Zhao Yuchong went up to a sword and brought out a huge sword light. A sharp sword qi storm struck, and the terrifying sword light flew out with all the strength.

Devil’s face was shocked, not only the strength of Sect Armament, but also the Destiny Armament of Demon Profound World. Now Destiny Armament is the most powerful strength in the crisis of such a genocide, but it is finally flying out by Zhao Yiyi’s sword slash.

The bald old man screamed at the palm of his hand, and countless magical spirits poured out into a palm of a kilometer, with a vast destruction of strighth to Zhao Zhao.

Zhao Wei took a sword, a bloody sword arc flashed, the magical condensed palm, instantly smashed, turned into countless magical air, a huge sword force will also fly the bald old man, a wound on the chest .

White-clothed woman, handsome young man, and Mo Qianqian three people, with a huge momentum, once rushed to Zhao, but also by Zhao Yiyi sword slash flying out.

The sky rang a rumbling sound, a terrible wave of proliferation, Heaven and Earth discolored, and the wind was raging, but it was obvious that they were not Zhao Fu’s opponents at all, even if all the Nation Armament strength broke out, it was not Zhao Wei’s opponent.

Because of the strength of both sides, there is too much difference, both the strength of Nation Armament and its own strength.

The battlefield of the sky opened, and the Daqin Soldiers underneath also attacked. The first was a wave of rune arrows, which flew out with a powerful stream of light, as if the sky had to be exploded, and the moments of those solderiers were cut into streamers. A few pieces, blood splashing, screaming again and again.

First, using a wave of rune arrows to suppress, countless dragons and flying monster beast, making a roar, with a terrible momentum, directly attacked the wall.

The flames and cold currents burned or slated one of the Soldiers, and the countless monsters swallowed one of the Soldiers directly, or the Soldiers directly smashed down the wall and some monsters shredded the bodies of the Soldiers.

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