Looking at my nephew and being done by others in front of myself, Yao Ming has a bit of a bad mood, but he still bears it, because as long as Monster Horn Empire can upgrade Kingdom, you can get great strength.

If you have strong strength, you can also counterattack the prince’s country, catch his sisters and relatives, and be in front of him, it should be very cool.

A few scorpions gasped under the prince, so a fascinating scene, Yao Ming also had some reactions, just wanting to call a few scorpions, and Yao Ming’s scorpion is actually quite a lot, although there is no such thing as Zhao Wei, but Also gathered a lot of beautiful people.

But the prince shouted, let Yao Ming play together, Yao Ming did not hesitate, joined the clothes when he took off his clothes, and called several beautiful nephews.

After a chaotic cloud rain, the relationship between Yao Ming and the prince increased a lot. For example, the brothers were lying in the chair, and there were a few scorpions under them to serve them.


Unconsciously, after more than half a year, Great Qin Empire ushered in the eighth year. After so long development of Daqin, Daqin’s strength has made a leap forward.

The first is 270,000 City. The number of Small Towns reaches 5 million, the number of villages reaches 400 and the number of villages reaches 210billion.

The total number of soldiers reaches 16billion , which has no Soldiers 1billion of 1st Order cultivation base, and Soldiers with 1st Order cultivation base reaches 13 billion, of which 2nd Order soldiers 2billion , 3rd Order soldiers 70million , 4th Order soldiers 200.

The number of sinisters reached 1billion, the monster army reached 12 billion, Daqin fierce beast 240,000, the monsterized behemoth 1,200,000, Fallen Angel 2million.

The number of Two-legged Wyverns in Daqin reached 21000 only. The dragons that can participate in the battle reached 18000 only, and the number of Corpse Soul Guards reached 1100000 and Corpse Soul Commander 25000.

Followed by Illusory Flower Monster, the number reached 500million, the number of spiders reached more than 2,600,000, and the number of giant wolf reached 600.

Because of Production Attribute vanishes, the Daqin strategy has also been adjusted, and the ratio of force and population has been reduced, because it is necessary to ensure that Daqin has sufficient production, mainly because of food, the most important thing, and must not have any accidents.

There are so many 1st Order soldiers in Daqin, mainly because of the combination of Blood God Pill and dark crystal stone, plus a black blood Pill developed by a stone, which can make an 5-stage cultivator instantly become 1st Order soldiers. .

Black Blood Pill is refining with dark animal blood. Most of the dark beasts are beasts that are invaded by the darkness. Because Daqin built dark formations in the abyss, some creatures were eroded, so there appeared so much.

The main function of Black Blood Pill is to inspire a lot of Dark Power, and get a faint dark blood, and the use of dark crystal stone has a very powerful effect.

2nd Order soldiers For so many reasons, not only take 2nd Order Blood God Pill, but also dark crystal stone and Black Blood Pill, otherwise Daqin can’t have 2billion 2nd Order soldiers so fast.

An 2nd Order soldier is comparable to 7th and 8th 1st Order, and 2billion 2nd Order soldiers can be equivalent to 14billion soldiers. This is absolutely no one can think of, with their Zhao Wei also some capital against Kingdom.

Unfortunately, the higher the cultivation base, the harder it is to improve. The 3rd Order is not much compared to the four-zone sodiers.

Now the Daqin Soldiers have also become true dark Soldiers, not only the black ones, the black weapons, but the atmosphere they radiate is unified in black, and also with dark strength, plus black hair, ice-cold, persevering face, It seems that I feel deep and scared.

At this time, the Daqin Soldiers are not like a soul race of Human Race, just like a devil’s souliers, with a pure darkness.

Zhao Wei is very satisfied with this, so he does not hesitate to spend so much time, that is, he wants to achieve such an effect.

Now that there is such strength, Daqin also has the strength to continue to expand. However, the biggest enemy facing Daqin is the Monster Horn Empire. With the help of several Kingdoms, the development of Monster Horn Empire is also very fast, giving Daqin a lot of pressure.

Of course, there are several Kingdom support in Monster Horn Empire, and the threat is much bigger than Daqin. Now the parties are somewhat biased towards Daqin, and they are against Monster Horn Empire.

These things, Zhao Wei, did not deal with it for the time being, but came to the spider palace because there was a thing that was always important.

Some days did not come here, and found that the number has increased a lot, that is, black short hair, black scorpion, enchanting spider maid, the number reaches a thousand, silver short hair, silver enamel, hot spider maid, there are more than a dozen,

It seems that Silk is very active in completing the task he gave, and Zhao Yan reveals a smile and walks to Silk.

“Your Majesty! A thousand arachnids, and I am ready to condense that one, can you give me a reward.” Silk rushed to Zhao Yu’s arms, holding Zhao Yan’s face and smiling.

Zhao Wei smiled and picked up her delicate body, and walked toward the spider palace. Other spider maids also burst into the spider palace.

However, nothing happened. Zhao Wei was on Silk’s bed and checked a nail-sized crystal stone.

These crystal stones come in three colors, one is black, the number is thousands, one is silver, the number is more than a dozen, one is red, only one, with a mysterious atmosphere, the worst black, The strongest red.

Silk has already done his clothes, hugged Zhao Wei from behind, and said with a spoiled, “Your Majesty! You haven’t rewarded me yet, wait for the spiders to wait!”

Other spider maids, also flattering, have several silver short hair spider maids, kneeling down to serve Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei interrupted them. “I will wait for a while and say that I have waited for six or seven years for this matter. I can’t wait.”

These spider crystals all have spider maids and Silk, which take a lot of time and energy to gather together. The main function is to open the hunch. The hunch is the fifth sense of Celestial Five Senses. What Zhao Wei did was to open Celestial Five Senses.

The visual sense is that Zhao Wei is the first to open, the visual gain is greatly enhanced, and there is great bleSS ing for all kinds of martial arts. The sense of soul is strong and powerful, and it is extremely immune to all kinds of spiritual attacks.

Perception has a strong sense of the surrounding, which can enhance the understanding of the field. Heavenly Sense is its own fit with Heaven and Earth, and it can be easily understood to understand Heaven and Earth.

The last thing is the hunch, you can predict some things afterwards, and the spiders are born with the sixth sense, and these six senses are the hunch, they can open the hunch, and after so long, Celestial Five Senses finally wants All turned on.

From the first visual sense to open, until now six or seven years, and finally to open, Zhao Xin is inevitably a little excited and excited.

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