The spring water was all absorbed by Zhao Wei, revealing a demon faucet at the bottom of the spring. The demon fascia is only 5 or 6. It looks like a domineering, looks like a real faucet, and has life, with one. Strong stock pressure.

Zhao Wei knows that this is the head of the dragon vein, so the Torturing Sword is lifted, and a huge strength is injected into it. The blade body emits a strong blood, and a huge front spreads out.


a loud sound is issued, Zhao Wei is full of a sword slash out of a huge blood color sword light, that bloody sword light with the destruction of everything, squatting on the faucet, the faucet broke.

Heaven and Earth began to change color, surging, thundering, a terrible breath spread to the whole world, as everything is going to be destroyed, Monster Horn Empire’s most important Monster Vein was destroyed, immediately causing terrible vision.

Feeling this breath, Yao Ming sank in his heart and his face changed dramatically, and immediately flew to the position of Monster Spirit Spring.

Zhao Wei certainly understands that people will arrive soon, so several people with Mosak fled quickly, or waiting for the Monster Horn Empire to come, they are almost impossible to retreat.

At the same time, the kind of pain in the body feels to tear the body, and it also forces Zhao to solve it as soon as possible. Otherwise, Zhao Wei feels that the body will explode. He must quickly return to Daqin and think of a solution.

The vision caused by Monster Vein almost caused the Monster Horn Empire to fall into chaos. Zhao Wei was a little confused and easily escaped from the Monster Horn Empire.

After a while, Yao Ming looked at the ice-cold standing next to Monster Spirit Spring, watching the broken dragon head, the chill of the body, feeling the bones can be stinging, now Yao Ming is angry to the extreme, want to kill all.

Yao Ming’s younger brother said with a look of fear, “Brother! It’s that person who sneaked into the Monster Horn Empire and used my blood to enter here. I’m sorry and I’m in trouble.”

This time, Zhao Wei can break through the various defensive measures of Monster Horn Empire. The biggest reason is Yao Ming’s younger brother, because the last layer of blood estuary is the most important and the most expensive. Without Yao Ming younger brother’s blood, Zhao Wei cannot pass. .

Yao Ming did not think that someone would not need his blood, but through his brother’s blood, the original strongest defense, but it became the most useless.

The younger brother looked at Yao Ming and ignored him. The guilty eyes were tearful. “Brother! Is there anything I can do for you? Don’t you be angry with me?”

Yao Ming is always thinking about whether to do it. Monster Vein is very important to Monster Horn Empire. Monster Horn Empire must not be without Monster Vein. Otherwise, it will definitely be in the hands of Great Qin’s, and there is no strength to resist Daqin.

When he heard his brother’s words, Yao Ming made a decision and showed a gentle smile to his brother, asked in a soft voice. “Do you really want to help me?”

The younger brother looked at Yao Ming and didn’t give birth to him. He also showed an unprecedented smile, so he nodded happily.


A dull voice sounded, and the younger brother looked at him with a blank look. Yao Ming, who threw himself down, asked without understanding. “Brother?”

Yao Ming has changed a bit now, and said with a look, “I didn’t want to use this method, but my good brother, you have caused huge losses to Monster Horn Empire twice. You are my biggest weakness. The last time I wanted to kill you, but you are my brother, I have been unable to go.”

“But now Monster Vein is destroyed. If this continues, the Monster Horn Empire will sooner or later die. For Monster Horn Empire, you can only die now.”

Yao Ming opened his mouth, revealing the white, shimmering teeth, leaning over his brother’s neck, sharp teeth biting like meat, blood splattered, his brother looked painful, struggling, pleading “Do not kill me, it hurts!”

Yao Ming didn’t seem to hear it. He twisted his head and used his mouth to bite a large piece of meat on his brother’s neck. A lot of blood spewed out and sprayed Yao Ming’s face.

Yao Ming Daguzi chewed the meat in his mouth. The bloody meat, a bite, the blood and water splashed out of the meat. It was very juicy and juicy, and the meat was chewy and delicious.

A lot of blood poured out from the neck, and the younger brother’s breath quickly weakened, but he was still struggling, his face was painful, and his eyes were crying and crying. “Brother! Don’t kill me.”

Yao Ming has a soft heart, but he is a younger brother in front of him, but the next moment thinks of the destroyed Monster Vein, Yao Ming’s heart is crossed, his hand is pressed on his brother’s forehead, his soul is sealed in the head, then he bows his head. Peel off a piece of meat.

Aaaaaaaah ……

The younger brother continually screamed and screamed and yelled at Yao Ming, but Yao Ming had already made a decision, eating his flesh in a mouthful, and chewing on his face, especially embarrassing.

Finally, the younger brother was eaten clean by Yao Ming, only the next head, looking at one side and a broken finger, Yao Ming was not willing to pick it up in the mouth, even the chewing of the belt bone, making a creaking sound.

“Ah! ”

Yao Ming yelled at the sky, a bloody atmosphere spread, two short angles were born from Yao Ming’s head, and immediately Yao Ming’s strength was greatly improved, and the blood was stronger than before.

At this time, Yao Ming showed Monster Race’s secret “Cannibalism”. This kind of mystery can make his blood more pure and get stronger strength, otherwise he will not eat his own brother.

Holding a face of a painful death of the younger brother’s head, Yao Ming felt a painful sigh, and had a deeper hatred of Zhao Fu’s, then went to the broken dragon to put the younger brother’s head in it.


I saw Yao Ming reaching out. The younger brother’s head gave off strong blood. The broken dragon stone quickly flew to the younger brother’s head, and then merged together. A blood-colored column of light rushed into the sky with a terrible momentum.

“Áo! ”

The earth of Monster Horn World rushed into the sky, forming a huge blood dragon. This blood faucet is also the eyebrow, with a head. It is the head of the younger brother, a huge taboo of the strength. Quartet.

Feel this taboo, Yao Ming can’t help but laugh, because this Monster Vein is more powerful than the previous Monster Vein 5 or 6 times, because now it’s not a simple Monster Dragon Vein, but a bloody Monster Dragon Vein With a terrible taboo of strength.

In the future The condensed Monster Spirit Spring will be bloody, and the mineral water of Monster Spirit Spring will get this taboo strength. The strength of Monster Horn Empire will not only decline, but will also go one step further.

On the other side, Zhao Yu rushed into Four Soul Monsters World and fell into the core formation of the demon world. The massive Ocean like Monster Qi spread, all the monsters instinctively felt a fear, and it was not clear what happened.

A strength that changed Heaven and Earth instantly enveloped several worlds around the world, changing the face of countless people.

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