In fact, Zhao Wei did not want to do this. In addition to fighting Bai Shengjun, it was to snatch the dark source crystal. Other battles Zhao Wei did not want to fight.

Wu Wu flew into the sky, escaped Zhao Yi’s blow, and exerted his full strength. A huge cyan mist ignited from him. He raised his fist and turned it into a stream of light. The trend, hit Zhao Wei.


a loud sound was issued, Zhao Wei went to the side to hide, Wu Wuyi fist strike on the ground, a blue inner strength broke out, the square of the square meters should be cracked and collapsed.


A crisp cry sound, Zhao Wei standing in the sky, a wave of Emperor Killing Sword, Sword Soul, with a blurred body and holding a blood sword, appeared in the sky, a huge sword slammed down.

Zhao Yujian refers to Wu Wu, the tens of thousands of Sword Soul around his body, a pair of blood-colored eyes locked Wu Wu, with a strong killing intent, turned into a black shadow rushed to Wu Wu.

In the face of countless Sword Soul killing, Wu Wu double fist gas two groups of blue flames, a terrible momentum spread, I saw Wu Wuyi boxing fast, a huge blue boxing, with terrible destructive power Flying out.


The blue boxing and Sword Soul each have a strong strength, and they are constantly colliding in the sky. Both of them can’t win, and they burst into the sky and turn into a strong wind.

Zhao Wei sees that he can’t hurt Wu Wu, the Emperor Killing Sword in his hand, igniting a fierce black-skinned mist, a virtual step, with an amazing strength. Zhao Wei’s body shot to Wu Wufei.

It was only in an instant that Zhao Wei came to Wu Wu’s body and raised the Emperor Killing Sword in his hand. He crashed with a huge killing intent, and the space seemed to be opened.

At this moment, Wu Wu exudes a strong blue light, and a strong explosion that causes the void to be distorted. At the moment when Zhao Wei’s sword came, Wu Wu’s group swung out and seemed to play the space. broken.


A peaceful-shaking bang broke out, two strong strengths collided together, and a strong shock wave, with the thunder of the moment, spread instantly, the square of 10,000 meters collapsed instantly, and the megalithic fragments in it were all hit. Fragments are flying around.

At that moment, Zhao Yi’s sword was constantly thrown out with a huge strength, and he took out a black-skinned sword light. Wu Wu also punched out with a fist, bringing out a blue-colored punch, and the speed quickly brought out a piece of debris. Shadow.


Sword light and the punches constantly collided, the sword light and the internal strength, a gust of wind continually blows open, hit all directions, such as the same super storm, countless dust is blown into the sky, boulder rolling, countless trees swaying With.


Zhao Wei fully lifted the sword against Wu Wuyi, Wu Wuquan made a punch, two strong strength, in a collision together, a terrible shock wave broke out, causing both of them to fly out.

Both of them flew hundreds of meters, stopped the body, a stream of blood flowing out of the mouth, Zhao Wei coldly looked at Wu Wu, and Wu Wu also looked at Zhao Wei, the smile on his face has disappeared. Because he already knew that Zhao Wei used that strength to fight him.


Emperor Killing Sword in the hands of Zhao Yujian points to the sky, a bloody sword light shoots into the sky, the sky is instantly dyed into blood, a black blood formation with a huge strength, emerges from the sky, Power of Heaven and Earth constantly gather, Numerous black blood light spread out of the formation.

A dreadful sword intent slams down in an instant, as the floods drown everything, everything in the world is under the sword intent, as if it were to be destroyed.

In the face of Wu Wu, Zhao Wei began to use the strongest attack. This trick was used to make the 2nd level become a chill, and all the souls fell into fear.

“Eight Desolate Imperial Armor !”

Wu Wujian Zhao Wei used such a terrible attack and no longer kept his hands and used the strongest means. With a loud bang, a blue rune emerges from the chest, emitting a blue light and shining in the world.

At that moment, the endless Power of Heaven and Earth, coming in from eight directions, gathered in Wu Wu, forming a blue armor, a blue-colored atmosphere like a gust of wind, sweeping Heaven and Earth everything.

Wu Wu was wearing a blue armor, and his hands also had a blue glove. The body was covered with blue light, which made the situation change. The heaven-shaking and earth-shattering strength of the body made the world tremble with fear. He is standing there like Martial God.

Zhao Wei controlled the sky’s Sword formation, the black blood formation in the sky, slowly began to turn, and an annihilation breath spread out.

Bang bang bang ……

A loud-shaking loud noise bursts into the sky, only to see the dark-blooded formation, slamming down the bloody sword light, with a terrible strength, as if dividing Heaven and Earth into pieces, the space is like a fragment The mirror is general.

Countless blood color sword light shot to Wu Wu, and Wu Wu with a fierce cyan streamer, came out to Zhao, reaching out extremely flexible, avoiding a road shot to his sword light.

Zhao Wei coldly snorted raised the sword and turned, the Scorpion sword formation in the sky, bursting out a more intense light, Wandao destroying sword light locked Wu Wu.


The sorrowful sword light with the split of Heaven and Earth’s strength, all fell from the top, the terrifying strength caused the space to collapse, Heaven and Earth oscillated, and any existence could not withstand it.

Wu Wu shouted loudly, and numerous blue arcs exploded around his body, spreading out to his surroundings. His fists radiated strong blue light. Like a small sun, Wu Wu made a full punch, and Heaven and Earth were eclipsed in an instant. The air exploded, a huge blue streamer, with an overwhelming strength, fiercely slamming into the sword light.


A loud-shaking bang came out, and the bloody sword light and the cyan stream that hit the road slammed into a devastating explosion, and a wave of air spread in the sky to a thousand miles before stopping.

Everything on the ground, the ground, the stones, the flowers, the trees, the various creatures, swallowed by the ruined light in an instant, and then turned into nothingness. Heaven and Earth are constantly shaking, as if they are on the verge of collapse.


At this moment, suddenly a blue streamer with a destroying strength, flying from the ray of light, hit Zhao Zhao very quickly, and everything was destroyed under the blue strength in a flash.

After everything subsided, a large pit with a width of several hundred meters and a depth of several hundred meters appeared on the ground. The center of the big pit was with blood and a weak breath lying there.

Wu Wu, a blue armor, stood in the void and looked at Zhao Wei, who was seriously injured. He breathed a sigh of relief and started talking. “The battle is over, you have lost, but I admit that you are really strong.” .”

Zhao Yi has a blood, a pair of eyes weakly watching Wu Wu, the heart recognizes the power and horror of Wu Wu, but he will not admit defeat so easily.

“Ah! ”

Zhao Wei shouted loudly, and a dreadful ghost flame ignited from Zhao Fu’s body. A sensation of world volatility emanates. The space around Zhao Wei seems to be open, and a devastating shock wave spreads. Heaven and Earth are both Constantly shaking.

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